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Everything posted by rsvictor1976

  1. Wow, I can't believe I'm actually going to own of these. I hope it doesn't get delayed to oblivion.
  2. I just watched this video. Does the back of the plane in fighter mode always look so crooked from the two arms splitting? I've never owned either versions of this toy. This reminds of my old MPM Optimum Prime that always seem like it was bursting at the seams since it couldn't hold itself in vehicle mode.
  3. His is coming out next week March 13th.
  4. Their plan is to make us listen to different iterations of the song and brainwash us into liking it before the series comes out. I'd be amazed if they can get every Macross idol, including Mari Iijima, to do a version.
  5. I don’t think the stand is really that impressive. They could have done a lot more with it. Additionally, it takes up a larger footprint than it needed to be and I’m finding it difficult to find space for it with the rest of my HI-Metal Rs. I think I’m going to switch back to the standard size stand that came with the VF-19. The Sound Booster itself is nice, but probably wait on it to go on sale.
  6. I got my Sound Booster from Nin-Nin just now. Looks pretty good but I wish they added more color to the base. It came with the brown Tamashii Nations shipper box and the new clam-shell plastic lid is interesting.
  7. The VF-1S Roy is taking it's sweet time to get to the stores here in the states.
  8. I've never owned or seen the Arcadia version, were you able to transform it with the boosters attached?
  9. Another review I think it looks good but I'm disappointed there isn't any metal on it despite being a "Hi-Metal" product. It would of been cool if they figured out a way to attach it properly in Gerwalk mode even though it wasn't shown in the series.
  10. I was watching Kazuya Sasahara's live stream for this toy and I couldn't believe how long it took him to fiddle around with trying to convert it to Gerwalk mode.
  11. @BroTaku79Any chance you can make an adapter for the ThreeZero ROBO-DOU toys that actually holds them in place instead of cradling them?
  12. As much as I like this 4K remaster release, I feel like it should of had more bonus feature content like an interview or trailers at least.
  13. So no freeze on parcels but probably get notices for additional charges. I know they froze the tariffs to Mexico and Canada for like a month, but I haven't heard anything about China tariffs. I remember seeing the news about the smuggling ring bust in Long Beach.
  14. So with the tariffs and the parcel freeze, can we still expect the VF~1S Roy this month? Also, how do you think this will affect Max and Miria Veritechs? I have a feeling we’re all gonna get notices soon that the preorder price just increased.
  15. So is that pretty rigid like cardstock paper or is more like one of those thin metal posters? I really wanted one of those posters.
  16. I can't tell, but does this come with a poster? I haven't dealt with physical media in a while. Is this 4k release region free or do I need to buy a multi-region UHD player?
  17. Did you preorder from ThreeZero directly?
  18. Yeah, auto correct messed it up. I had his name correct in the post itself though.
  19. Yeah, I don’t have a physical UHD Blu-ray player either but I ended up getting DYRL anyways. I’m trying to decide whether to buy a dedicated UHD player with Dolby Vision/HDR10 or a UHD PC drive to rip the disc into a digital file.
  20. I've been wanting that SDF-1 DYRL poster for a while. That one seems a nice size since it's not too big. I wonder if I can get that in the aftermarket?
  21. Just wanted to share some of my new prints that I got from Rodrigo Barraza. Edit: I need to take better photos with no reflections.
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