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Everything posted by brouken

  1. Fought off the urge to pre-order the DX VF-1S. But I'm definitely in for Asuka's ride. :-) Hope everyone who wants one can get a pre-order in!
  2. I love both my SHF and Storm SF figures. Too bad they're not compatible with one another scale wise, even though they're both supposed to be 1/12.
  3. Okay, I just noticed something in the pics. It seems they mismatched Ryu and Ken's pants. The ripped pants went to Ken, and the clean edged pants went to Ryu. It should be the other way around. I hope Storm corrects that in the final products. Otherwise, they do really look spot on. Can't wait to have these in my collection!
  4. This is...beyond awesome. I didn’t know this existed until now. Does it fit the Figuarts Batman? If it does, I’m planning on getting one.
  5. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hehe, Nerf colors. I'm already resigned to the color scheme of Arad's armor pack. He's going to be my most colorful Valk on display. Christmas and Halloween colors all rolled into one.
  6. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Arad's VF-31A plus a 31A armor pack. Do it Bandai!
  7. Wow, this thing is...expensive. I'm on the fence on this one, though I'd really like to have Fokker's former instructor turned nemesis to display along with the VF-0S. Maybe I'll get it if Arcadia releases the Ghost pack?
  8. Hehe, I pre-ordered all three sets earlier this month Noel. He told me that it would be out by the end of May.
  9. Thanks for the review GabrielV! I had cancelled my order for the SOC 2022 Yamato as soon as I saw: I'm still debating whether I'll get it, given that the differences from the SOC 2199 Yamato are very slight, apart from the turrets being remote controlled and the expanded sound and music samples. Maybe I'll bite when the price gets lower in the secondary market.
  10. Wow, I was wondering where everyone was at when the pre-orders came up. So there was no official announcement for the pre-order dates? When I saw the Tamashii page for the End Game Figuarts, I browsed the links for each figure, and checked their release dates. I saw that they would be releasing starting April to June, so I looked at NY and the other hobby sites to see if any of the figures were already up. The first time I looked they weren't up yet. Then I saw ps99042's post about Thanos being already sold out, at Cdjapan and Amiami, so I rushed to check NY again, and was lucky enough to see Thanos open for pre-order. I waited and checked to see if NY would open orders for the other figures, and sure enough, they began putting them up for pre-order in increments of about 10 to 15 minutes in between. I was not able to check the other sites to see what time they were put up for pre-order. I would also be quite upset if I missed out on these because there was no pre-order announcement. I missed quite a lot of the earlier Marvel Figuarts and had to pay aftermarket prices for some to get my collection up to date. Since then, I had this thread on auto-email notification to see when the latest releases would come out (thank you Macrossworld!) I hope you guys get a chance to pre-order the figures from another online hobby shop.
  11. Bandai is also apparently re-issuing a lot of the old Iron Man suits, as well as Tony Stark from Iron Man 3. I guess they're going to milk the hype for Avengers Endgame as much as they can. Hehe!
  12. And lastly, the Iron Man Mark 85: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27815-shfiguarts-iron-man-mark-85-avengers-endgame.html Man those last two were nail-biters. The NY wheel of death spun quite a bit before I got my pre-orders in. See you all after the End Game!
  13. Iron Man Mark 50 Nano Weapons Set 2 is up: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27814-shfiguarts-iron-man-mark-50-nano-weapon-set-avengers-endgame.html Traffic at NY went up since this was posted, so hurry before its gone!
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