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Everything posted by brouken

  1. Hmm, possible. However, but we have to consider that Frontier is a Bioplant/city. Cyborg and implants are NOT allowed, hence we can assume there is a lack of facilities for such onboard. Of course we can assume that Michel's body might be found by Galaxy who is just lurking somewhere. And yes Windrider, we Pinoys love Macross! And yes, Polidread is THE Polidread of DeviantArt fame, cosplayer extraordinaire, Gundam and Macross alike.
  2. I agree that she looks a lot like Lalamia. Michel was saying: "Nande konna koto ni...Tatakau no mo, shinu no mo... Hetai(?) dake de jyuubun darou? Nande, nande dayo!" Why has it come to this...fighting, dying...(I don't understand the word "Hetai") is enough isn't it? Why! Why!! That's how far I understood it with my nihongo. There was no reference as to who she is in that scene's dialogue. I also agree that bringing back Michel in the next or following episodes would ruin the emotional impact this episode just made. At the very least, he'll probably come back in spirit form right beside Klan during a fight, or during the last episode. The Japanese like their sweets with bitter. Its this sharp contrast that gives life to the other. And here I thought that Macross F was too lighthearted. Way to bring back the show Kawamori-san!
  3. For the first time ever, I WATCHED A RAW! "gasp!" My Japanese paid off however, and I understood most of the episode. The shizz hath hitteth the fan indeed. Godspeed Michel....
  4. While I'm also looking forward to this game, I'm a bit skeptical as to the flight mechanics. While I liked the VFX series, the only Macross game that comes close to the flight dynamics inherent to Macross in my opinion is the SDFM Game from Sega-AMD. Now if this game were being developed by the Namco guys who brought us Ace Combat, that would be a different story! Ever since Namco merged with Bandai, I've been dreaming of a Macross game that uses the flight model of Ace Combat. I REALLY hope that they've got an "Ultimate Valkyrie Simulator" in the works for the PS3!
  5. Just finished watching last night! Had to convert gg's mkv to MP4 so that the missus and I could watch it on our PS3 on 32" Bravia LCD setup (though I don't have problems watching the mkv on my 2.8 Ghz P4, 1 GB Ram and Radeon X1950 GT PC). My gratitude once again goes to Sergorn for teaching me how to properly covert soft subbed files using Xvid2PSP! BTW, I also have all of the episodes so far on my PSP, so I can watch and review them anywhere, anytime! Resolution is top notch and infinitely better than Sony PSP Media Manager's output. This is a very character-driven episode. No mecha porn whatsoever (unless the Destroid Cheyenne's ceremonial gun salute qualify). Not to say that I didn't enjoy it, though. Quite the contrary. Just like the other's opinions, I feel that the plot has been significantly pushed forward this time round. To sum it up simply, this episode is a "shizz about to hit the fan" moment. I like how they paid homage to the DYRL scene where Hikaru was running up the stairs to meet with Minmay, only this time, they used Ranka and under different conditions. That moment where she catches Sheryl and Alto hugging is also in homage to the DYRL scene where Misa, upon discovering the lyrics to the DYRL song, rushes to share her discovery with Hikaru, only to find him in Minmay's embrace. And is that Vajra watching the concert an evovled Ai-kun? So he's not a red lobster after all? A Coup-d-etat? Man! How could I have not seen that one coming! I always thought that Leon felt perfectly satisfied running the show from the shadows. But now he's about to take it to the next step. I'm wondering now how he's going to convince the populace of his fitness to rule, not to mention how he's going to explain how the president died (assuming he DOES get assassinated). Martial Law anyone? (Winks at the Filipinos in this forum). And they brought back Maaya! Hehe, must've heard the clamor for Triangler here in MW! The episode IS called "Triangler" after all. I'm willing to bet another $100 that they use "Diamond Crevasse" for the next episode's ending.
  6. You talk about Grace as if she's the single responsible person for all of this. Grace is no longer a singular consciousness, but part of a greater collection of consciousnesses. So I doubt if Grace the individual is the sole perpetrator of these events. But I do agree with you that whoever Grace is working for/with does want to harvest fold crystals quickly, and possibly for a different purpose than Mr. Birla. Maybe Galaxy Corp. is just interested in monopolizing the market for fold crystals, with Mr. Birla as one of their well paying clients. And indeed, what faster method of harvesting than by causing an endless slaughter of Vajra, using the Frontier to do their dirty work. Sneaky corporations. Always out to make a profit.
  7. I agree that the Vajra are biologically engineered WMDs. I believe that their true form are microscopic organisms responsible for the V-type infection which increases aggression in their hosts (Hydra, Sheryl), except for one: Ranka. I believe that the huge bio-mechanical "Vajra" that the Frontier people are fighting now are merely hosts, whose original forms were those of Ai-kun. After being infected by the V-type infection, which is the "true" form of the Vajra, these creatures then evolve into their present form. Perhaps the V-type infection/Vajra, changes the biological structure of their hosts, forcing them to evolve into mindless killing machines that are controlled by the Vajra microorganisms on the cellular level. Which explains why they have no brain (host brain is eliminated to ensure full control by the Vajra organism). Maybe the 117th engineers chose Ai-kun's race for their subjects because they have simple brains and biology (i.e. easily controlled and manipulated by the Vajra organisms). Whereas humans, because of their complex thought processes/sentience are not so easily manipulated, hence the varying manifestations of the disease (Sheryl=agressive, Ranka=meek). Or, maybe the 117th were simply experimenting on how the Vajra organisms affect different hosts, and accidentally caused Ai-kun's race to evolve into what they are now, with disastrous results for them. A penny for your thoughts.
  8. Right. So after reading the past "walls of text", I have an interesting theory to float into the discussion (with corresponding wall of text of my own) : Sheryl is infected by the V-type infection correct? What do we know of this disease that has been more or less revealed so far? 1) That it is somehow related to the Vajra: Man-grace says to Leon in "Legend of Zero" - "Izure ni wakaru, Varja no hontou no ozoroshiisa wa..." (You'll soon understand how truly terrifying the Vajra are) after saying that they've transplanted a Eden raised Hydra into Frontier. We now know in ep. 18 that that Hydra was infected with the V-type infection. 2) That one of the V-type infection's known symptoms is, get ready...AGGRESSION. Sooo, if Sheryl is suffering from V-type sickness, and all that Grace was doing was to inhibit the virus not cure it, what conclusions can we draw from this? Is Sheryl's so called "aggressiveness" truly part of her personality? Or is it merely a byproduct of the V-type virus in her system, modulated as it is with the "receptor blocker" pills that Grace was secretly feeding her? Remember, Klan said that "It cannot cure the illness, but it mitigates the symptoms." Of course one can argue that it is entirely possible that Sheryl already had a "strong personality" by virtue of her having lived in the slums. Poverty hardens you after all. But judging from the scenes of her during this time in her life, as revealed in ep 18, she seemed more frightened and lost to me rather than being strong and streetwise. Now that Sheryl is NO LONGER taking the receptor blocker/inhibitor pills, can we reasonably expect her aggressiveness to increase dramatically? More interestingly, what happens to her once she is CURED of the disease? What is V-type sickness? Leon and co. have been quite thorough in screening everyone who has come into close contact with the Vajra for this disease. Point of interest would be his comments on Ranka, whom he had also screened. Ranka, as we know, first came into contact with the Varja during the 117th research expedition. So it is entirely possible that she is already carrying the V-type infection prior to her coming to Frontier. But instead of exhibiting the aggression now associated with the disease, Ranka is generally meek and insecure. What is preventing the V-type infection, assuming that she is infected by it, from manifesting itself in this manner? V-type. V. Vajra. I forgot which episode that was (possibly in "Memories of Global") that there was a very brief scene of some microscopic creatures being affected by Ranka's singing. Is this the V-type disease? Or are these the true nature of the Vajra? Maybe both? Which begs the question, are these things that the Frontier been fighting all this time not the true form of the Vajra themselves, but rather shells to house their true microscopic forms? Sheryl. Ranka. Vajra. Triangular...
  9. Good episode! (Took me long enough to get it, and quickly enough to go through it.) Sheryl - How the mighty have fallen Grace - My how you've grown since we first saw you! Ranka - Still hasn't grown enough, even though she's being billeted as the new Lynn Minmei. (Looks at the Koenig noseart and screencap of Minmei's chest in DYRL) Yep. Long way to go. Alto - Ore ga otoko nandayo! O-TO-KO! Ozma - How come you're still in bed? Pineapple cake THAT bad? Or maybe too little Basara? Bobby - In a catfight with the Quarter ladies over discounted linen = priceless Overall, again, good episode despite some of the recycled mecha and battle scenes.
  10. Download Xvid2PSP and follow Sergorn's instructions above for soft subbed episodes!
  11. We've got a lot of votes for the locker scene so far. To those who voted: there's one thing bugging me though...did Sheryl...you know...ever...reached her peak in there? If she did, then that makes the locker scene WAAAAY hotter! Girls getting the big "O" is always is huge turn on for me!
  12. "Good Luck Finding Out!" What happened to them that is.
  13. Second this. But then for me, Macross in general IS erotica. Nothing says sexy than the VF-1 battroid's big cock...pit.
  14. Yo Sergorn!!! You da man! I did exactly as you instructed, and it all worked! IT WORKED! I now have two episodes of gg's subs in mp4 version, WITH ALMOST NO QUALITY LOSS! COMPLETELY PLAYABLE ON PS3! I'll be encoding more episodes from here on out! After splitting hairs searching around video forums, downloading almost every video encoder, subtitle encoder and muxer out there, yours was the solution that worked! No more MKV problems for me! W00T! Let me say it again for you: YOU DA MAN!!!
  15. Hey thanks! I'll try this right now!
  16. I've done a bit of research and I've come up with Xvid4PSP too! But here's the thing: it cannot read the ASS subs from MKV. At least, not in my experience. Can you share how you managed to encode your Frontier episodes using this? Are you using the mkv-coded episodes? Which ones? Thanks a lot!
  17. Thanks! I've got a question for the Lunar guys here (if they're here, that is): why is it that the PS3 cannot recognize your Xvid encodes? Is it because you encode them at 24 bit rates? That's the only difference I see between your encodes and Shinsen's. Again, any feedback would be helpful. Thanks!
  18. I know I'm not supposed to ask for links, but I'd like to ask how many gg-reencodes to Xvid are out there? I've found only episodes 14 to 16 so far (downloading them as I type this). I've downloaded all of gg's mkv files. I made the mistake of watching them on GOB player, so the subs weren't displayed properly (I also saw that comment about Ranka in Episode 17). But I took one of the gg members' advice on this thread and watched it using Classic Media Player with the CCCP and the subtitles were a huge improvement. My other question is, is there a way to convert gg's mkv's into avi format without losing the intended formatting for the subs? I've tried using MKV2VOB, but while the video conversion is okay, the subs are not (the formatting of the subs are wrong). I want the avi format because my wife and I watch MF on our PS3. (Shinsen Sub's avi's look phenomenal on the PS3 by the way! Thank God Sony didn't block out upscaling of video files!). Appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks!
  19. Hey, thanks for that! Didn't Sheryl mention she was "all-natural" in episode 3 when they were trapped in the shelter? But then again, maybe she's been led to believe that. Does she ever make mention of her parents? I seem to recall Grace or some other character saying something about it. Or is that my overactive imagination at work?
  20. I was wondering that myself too. Until I realized that Sarah and Mao have "Nome" as their last name. Which makes Sheryl Nome their... I'm rewatching the past episodes to see if I've missed a mention of a "Dr. Mao Nome" somewhere.
  21. Thanks! I'll try that one out! No scratches inside the intake for you then?
  22. Yeah, my bad using the craft knife. But there really isn't anything that would fit in between the cover and intake and have the structural integrity to be used as leverage. The gaps are too thin. I'd take a pic but my valk is in the office right now (using my home computer). A hobby knife seemed the logical choice at the time. One question though... Just how exactly THIN are your fingernails that you can use them to open the intakes? Man, I wouldn't want to have a catfight with you...! Anyway, for the VF-0S, the manual says to press down on the bottom of the intake cover to pop them out. That doesn't seem to work with the v.2 1S though. Any other trick the other v.2 1/60 owners here use to open their intakes?
  23. Finished watching 17 today! (I REALLY need to get a faster ISP!) Man, this episode absolutely REEKS of fanservice! I spoiled it for myself though. I've been browsing this thread way before the torrent was finished. So I already knew how the episode would end. But then, killing off Ozma at this stage wouldn't have made too much sense storywise in my opinion. He's still too underdeveloped as a character, so there isn't really enough of an emotional investment in him to have made proper Pineapple salad. But this was a good episode to show us more of where he's coming from (and where he is possibly headed). I haven't seen all of Macross 7 yet. I've gone through Dynamite, but was completely lost. Good thing I've played the original VFX to appreciate "Try Again"! I'm DEFINITELY collecting Skull-1's from now on!
  24. Help guys! Is there any simple way to get those darn intake covers off without using a thin object to pop them off? I've been using a craft blade to pry the covers out. But when I looked at the top of the intake area, some of the gray paint has been scratched off due to the blade hitting that area when I insert it to take the covers off. I'm really pissed at damaging my own valkyrie like this. The manual doesn't really say how to do this properly. Either it assumes you've got fingernails as thin as razor blades, or there is some other trick that it fails to mention. Anyway, I'd appreciate some feedback on this. TIA!
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