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Everything posted by brouken

  1. Four!?! Holy cow, that's a lot of valks man! Although...I'm checking my email now and it seems I inadvertently made two orders of the Ozma at HLJ. :-P They don't show up on my account details though. Oh well, at least I got two in. Will cancel the other one once I get payment notification. :-)
  2. Yey! Got one too from HLJ! Thanks wmkjr! :-D I love you macrossworld!
  3. Congratulations Skull005! You got two from NY! I never even got to see the site until just now. Of course its not available. :-) This is how it was when I pre-ordered the YF-29 Ozma. I missed amiami and hlj, but got one eventually from NY after an email update. Slightly marked up price though. Still, its better than paying double or triple the MSRP. :-)
  4. Does that mean I'm a full fledged MW member now? :-D
  5. Wow, so this is the famed pre-order madness! Very interesting! :-) All I got to see was the Add to cart button at Amiami. Then, gone. :-)
  6. I understand the dilemma. I'm not trying to dampen anyone's enthusiasm. But all things considered, Bandai SHOULD have enough stocks of this high-demand valk. After all, they've had the past two years to test the waters for market response with the previous re-issues and the YF-29 Ozma. I'm guessing that the major reason for the delay is because they've been trying to secure enough materials for a sizable production run. That and perhaps the straining of the diplomatic relationship between Japan and China because of competing maritime claims. Hopefully, the latter won't escalate out of control, otherwise, delays in production might occur. Regardless, I still hope and pray that we all get a pre-order slot today. :-)
  7. Just to keep everyone's spirits up: Even if we miss the ami-ami preorder, I'm sure NY and HLJ will have this in stock as well. Its not like we're fighting for a limited number of stocks. This is a re-issue after all. All of us who are in line at ami-ami now are simply in it for the 17% discount, and I guess the thrill of getting the first pre-order. :-) I still hope and pray that there's enough pre-order slots for everyone who's lined up here.
  8. Wow, I actually had to do that before when I pre-ordered the YF-29 Ozma over at NY. Just make sure your internet connection is up and running! :-)
  9. Thanks for the info Neoexcalibur! I'm keeping tabs on NY just in case they put the preorder up as well. I really feel for the guys who are stateside. I'm in Jakarta right now so we're only two hours behind Japan. I pray that everyone will get at least one valk for their efforts today. :-)
  10. So Amiami is usually the first on pre-orders? I know someone mentioned a while back that HLJ doesn't follow the preorder timeline. But how about the other shops like NY? Do they also follow the preorder time? Or do they come in late as well? Sorry, this is my first time to get in on the apparent preorder madness. I'm really just hoping to get one since this will be my first renewal valk. :-)
  11. Anyone think its worth taking a risk with that Hong Kong seller in ebay who's selling armored parts? The pic is that for the renewal version but the description doesn't say "renewal" anywhere.
  12. Man, I REALLY hope they re-issue the armor parts. It really doesn't make any sense to re-release Ozma without the armor parts. If they're capitalizing on the movies, Ozma doesn't even fly his messiah without armor! And...just like that, the super parts are gone from Mandarake. :-(
  13. Thanks Treehill! Let's just pray that Bandai prepared enough stock to meet demand this time round. :-) For those interested, the VF25F is again back on stock in ami-ami: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-1598&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dvf-25%24pagemax%3D20%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  14. @Treehill Thanks for the pic! Could you please also provide the link to the Tamashii webpage where this is found? I'm searching the Tamashii Nations website and I can't seem to find that announcement. Thanks!
  15. Tornado Parts for VF-25F back up on NY too: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/6703-macross-f-tornado-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-saotome-alto-custom-renewal-ver-limited-edition.html I really hope they re-issue the armor parts for Ozma.
  16. Wow, and at a pretty good price too! Hopefully, the 25s will sell at the same price point and will have at lot of stock!
  17. Anyone consider that Bandai just might re-issue the armored parts? I mean, I think they re-issued the vf-25f to coincide with the release of the tornado parts, which in turn was released to capitalize on the MF movies. Ozma wore the armor in the movies so it would make sense that they re-issue both the vf-25s and the armor parts right? But then again...after re-reading all of the posts on this thread, its seems that there is a consensus that Bandai doesn't seem to make sense in their releases. :-) I'd like to get just one renewal 25s with the armored parts. I'm going to make sure I'm lined up to get one this time round. :-D
  18. Yes, VF-25S renewal reissue please. Preferably bundled with the armor packs. :-)
  19. Uh, just out of curiosity TCracker, which direction did you pull the wing to snap it back into alignment?
  20. Thanks for the tip TCracker! Though I must admit, I'm too scared to try out your solution! If I break the wing, then my chances of having the valk replaced by HLJ goes with it. I guess I'm better off just waiting for a replacement. Sigh, its a sad thing, seeing that big shiny box right in front of me, and knowing that I can't play with the toy inside.
  21. Okay, I got my DX Armored Valkyrie from HLJ last friday. Because of a busy weekend, I was only able to open it monday morning. As in wee hours of the morning. That was a mistake, as it took away a lot of my sleeping time. Since this is my first DX valk, I spent a lot of time inspecting it. Like what the others reported, the valk is coated with some oily residue, and has some fingerprints on it. But that really was the least of my concerns. I was checking the sweeping action of the wings when I noticed a problem with the right wing. Unlike the left wing, which rachets and locks perfectly into place when fully opened and folded, the right wing does NOT rachet and does NOT lock into place in either modes. Trying to do so results in resistance that causes the wing to spring back a little. Furthermore, folding the right wing back from being opened causes a loud clicking noise, which the left wing does NOT do. I have tried checking if the wing is improperly set, or if something is dislodged inside the wing assembly. However, it is impossible for me to open the wing assembly, as it does not have any screws. I have already emailed HLJ about it. Their customer service has requested photos of the damage. I think it would be better to send them a short video, since a photo really won't show whats wrong with the wing. Anyway, I just wanted to ask if any of the MWers have had this problem with their DXes. If there is a way for me to fix it without having to send it back to HLJ, then I'd be happy to know about it. Right now my DX is sitting here in my office, still in its box. This is the first valk that I have that came with a defect right out of the box. I guess that makes me a true MWer now does it? Ironic that its a Bandai and not a Yamato.
  22. Woohoo! Just received my shipping notice from HLJ today! Come to daddy Armored Messiah!
  23. I just had an orgasm looking at ff95gj and gamu-toy's pics! So I take it that HLJ will NOT be shipping anything until after the 16th? I wish I were in Hong Kong or Japan right about now...
  24. PSN ID = shinbrouken I'm currently finishing Prince of Persia right now (it was overshadowed by my other games for a while), but I'm jiggy with racing some MW members on Wipeout HD Fury! Add me up please! Oh, and if anyone here is still into Warhawk, let me know! I wonder if that PS3 Macross Frontier game is still in the works...
  25. That's looking MIGHTY fine. I wish I could see what it looks like from the side and back though. I like how the leg armor covers the extended ankles. I do hope that they've done something about the attachment method for the hip armors. The fact that the early super packs keep popping off in that area is making me worried. That and the lack of articulation in the knee joints once the leg armor is on.
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