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Everything posted by brouken

  1. From shortest to highest?
  2. Yay! NY sent me the shipping notice yesterday! The rest of the SMS team are waiting patiently for Canaria and her big guns! :-)
  3. Haha! I remember a lot of kids doing that when I was in elementary school.
  4. Prep in progress at NY here too. I've never had the earlier versions, but from what I've seen of the pics so far, this version seems to have more punch to its colors. Those pics from Toy Mysteries look really nice!
  5. Thanks for the update David! I'm guessing that Arcadia will also base the decision to grant a budget for the Reactive Armor on the sales reception of the GBP reissue. :-) Macross armor fans, cast your vote!
  6. 34,800k yen!? That's....a little bit more than what I was expecting. And people are complaining over at the VF-2SS thread...
  7. Cool! Thanks David! I also like it that they reworked the head so that you can't see the seam on the faceplate. The old VF-0S looks like somebody sliced the head clean center with a katana and is just waiting to split open.
  8. Nice! I like it that they managed to squeeze in just a little more vertical head movement. The old Yamato VF-0S can't look down like that. Any news about the reactive armor David? I'm seeing a lot of extra slots, so I'm assuming it's in the pipeline?
  9. Wow, that's a true labor of love right there. I had ambitions of making a lego valk before, but this guy actually upped and did it. Too bad Lego doesn't seem to have an interest in licensing anime-based designs for their products.
  10. You know, if ever they release Riron's custom VF-27 Lucifer, that would be a perfect match for Yurisha...:-)
  11. I was really tempted to get the Arcadia, but I'm not really a big fan of Galaxy Express 999 (though it blew me away when I first watched it as a kid). Agreed with the nomenclature change for Bandai's line of ships. They should call it "Soul of Senkan" and start making more iconic ships like the White Base, Argama, Nahel Argama, Battle 7, Battle Frontier and Battle Galaxy, and even their own version of the SDF-1, both TV and DYRL versions (since Arcadia does not seem to have any plans to re-issue the Yamato version as of yet). Congrats on your haul Tking! Anyone know the difference between the Figma Guyver I release and the original release from Max Factory? I have the latter and based on what I've seen of the Figma version, it looks a lot like the original. I'm a big fan of the Guyver I suit and still have the DVD of "Dark Hero" to remind me how awesome it can be translated into real life (David Hayter notwithstanding).
  12. Thanks Spanner and David! I did a quick search online and found that the Macross Quarter is 139 meters longer than the Yamato. The Quarter is 472 meters long and the Yamato is 333 meters long. So scale wise, the DX Quarter should be at least a third longer than the SOC Yamato. Thanks Abbadon!
  13. On this week's menu: CAPITAL SHIPS. Count me as one of those who consider the DX Macross Quarter as underrated. The level of detail on this toy is incredible. Pics don't do it justice. Being made more recently, the Yamato boasts even crisper details than the Quarter. Again, phone pics don't do this toy justice. I don't know if these two ships are to scale with each other, but the Messiah Valkyries and the Hayabusas (Cosmo Falcons)look to be very comparable in scale. We MWers however, know fully well who between the two fighters would own the other in a straight on dogfight...
  14. +1 on the wings of the VF-19S. Those things are sharper than a bread knife.
  15. Hey guys, sorry if this was asked before, am a little lazy to browse this entire thread (and the previous ones before it), but has anyone every tried installing the missiles that came with the 1/60 DX VF-25 ver.1 Ghost + Weapons pack onto their renewal VF-25's? I'm looking at how those missiles attached to the ver.1 1/60s and the attachment points look to be the same in the renewal version. Thanks for any feedback!
  16. Yeah! This is great news indeed! Thanks IXTL! Now I don't regret getting a standalone Ghost for my Yamato 0S last year! :-D
  17. Now I'm really interested to see how the arms fold back into fighter mode. I don't see the pivoting connectors on the shoulders in this pic which allowed it to fold together in the Yamato 0S valk, or in the v.2 VF-1 for that matter.
  18. Do it Mr. K! Bring on the reactive armor set!
  19. Gorgon squadron motto: "We're rock solid."
  20. Much better Saburo! Reposting here for the benefit of the other MWer's.
  21. Yup! Matches perfectly alright! Superb photography as always Saburo! Maybe you could step down on the aperture a little bit more to bring the YF-29 into more focus? It's such a lovely bird to be blurred, Yuki notwithstanding.
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