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Everything posted by brouken

  1. I see that they have a pic of Alto's VF-25F in the twitter post. Is that a hint that they will re-release the DX Frontier line? Talking about the Metal Build Gundam series, I've been tempted so many times to get one, but I'm holding out for Bandai to release the rest of the UC Gundams, particularly from the Zeta, Double Zeta and Sentinel series. The Robot/Metal Damashii versions are nice and all, but none of them transform. I do understand though that Bandai has yet to release a transforming Gundam even in the Metal Build/Metal Fix Figuration line (Unicorn not counted). My wish is for Bandai to release a premium Metal Build Double Zeta Gundam that has all the gimmicks of the Master Grade (i.e. transformable, removable Full Armor pack, etc). I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
  2. Hmm, has the market for kidneys gone down recently? I would have thought that a kidney would have gotten you a Premium Version at least.
  3. +1 for the VF-11C with Reactive Armor. Anything with Armor Packs is an instabuy for me. Also, please re-release the Elintseeker, Super Ostrich, and the rest of the Skull Squadron, Arcadia!
  4. brouken

    Hi-Metal R

    Man, I'm so tempted to start collecting this line. The Zentran mechs look so much fun. Not to mention the Elintseeker and Super Ostrich (hopefully Arcadia decides to re-release the 1/60 versions). So far I've allowed myself to PO the VF-2SS, only because I fully expect the Bandai version to trash the Evolution version even though its in a smaller scale. Looks pretty good from that twitter pic.
  5. And this is why you're the master Saburo! You've made me reach a new level of appreciation for your photography. :-)
  6. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wait, they're releasing this ahead of Chuck's and Arad's?!
  7. I'm still waiting on my Lil drakens from EMS. Its been eight days since its been shipped out and still no news of its arrival at our Post office. I wonder if the recent typhoons affected shipping? Anyone else having delayed shipment from EMS Japan? UPDATE: Sorry, my bad. Apparently, I shipped my package via SAL. Guess its going to be a while longer before I get to play with these. :-(
  8. I got my Hot Ryu from eBay for almost double its selling price at SDCC. But that's okay, considering how much a ticket to the US and then to SDCC would have cost me. :-) Hot Ryu is a great figure, with IMHO better sculpting than the regular Ryu, especially the face/head. Something just seems off with the face of the regular Ryu, though I'm still a hardcore fan of the regular costume/design. I also have Ken, and am waiting for Gouki/Akuma to be released later this month from Ami-ami. I agree that the Storm/Nauts SFV figures are great (quite a step up in quality from the Play Arts Kai SFIV Versions), though I'm worried about the soft rubber used on the figures. I hope they don't disintegrate over time... Congratulations again on your purchases!
  9. Great to see another Ryu fan! Did you get the Hot Ryu version too?
  10. Ordered with NY as well! Requested for cancellation of my order of the regular finish and they immediately did so. :-) Of course this means that I won't get the SDF-1 until mid next year. :-(
  11. Wow, that's a bit much. Almost double the price of the regular finish one. Are any of the other shops going to carry this? (NY for example)
  12. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    When I first saw the 31s' color scheme, I admit that I was a bit put off by the 'Christmas' colors (why not the yellow black Focker/Ozma colors?). But then, the scheme slowly grew on me. Yes, the red does make it pop, and the teal on white gives it a very air show vibe. Too bad we never got to see more of it and Arad during the later episodes. I do hope the upcoming series will be a continuation of Delta with more valk action, particularly of the S type.
  13. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Been blessed so far in getting PO's for the first three Seigfrieds. Am hoping that I'll be able to secure Chuck's and Arad's as well. The Kairos looks tempting, but is not really on my to-get list. There's only one DX Delta valk that I don't want to miss and it's this:
  14. Confound it! My package containing my DX SV-262 from CD Japan was sent by our local Post Office back to Japan!!! WTH! This is the first time our local Post Office did that. >-( Anybody experience something like this before? Now I have to pay CD Japan again for the shipping cost to have it re-sent back to me. This would have been my first Delta Valk too. :-(
  15. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This. But. Got. It. FINALLY! WOOT! Thank you Macrossworld! :-)
  16. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think Noel wanted this one because of the "red" paint scheme. He's either going to be really pissed, or he's lurking like me. :-D
  17. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Lurking, no go with Mirage so far. Missed Amiami, CDJapan and HLJ. Waiting on NY...
  18. Wow! I heard about the Macross mod for the original Homeworld many years back, but didn't realize that there was one for the Remastered Edition! Subscribed and downloading the mod now! Can't wait to play and see it in action! :-)
  19. Spent about 30 minutes reading through this thread and I must say that it's been a while since I've been as entertained. :-D My few seconds' (of your precious attention) worth: Macross Frontier was to me a good balance between treading into new ground and giving appreciative nods to the original SDF and DRYL fans. It isn't perfect, but it hit the right notes for me as an "old timer" Macross fan. IMO Delta's mistake was that it lost that balance. There were a lot of call outs that only long time fans would appreciate, but these ended up being so poorly timed that they went flat rather than set off an explosive twist that got me excited for the next episode (Example: ending of MacF episode 12 " Fastest Delivery"). That and the severe drought of valkyrie action for a good part of the series (unforgivable!). I agree though that in the end, my sentiments will probably count as next to nothing compared to the commercial interests of the franchise owners. The market will and most probably already has determined what we will see in the next series. There will probably be more idol groups (because they're hot right now), there will be valkyries (because the toys literally get sold out even before they're even manufactured), and the writing will probably be bad (because they have to cut costs somewhere, right?) :-) To end with a positive note though, I do hope that they'll once again find a good balance and come up with a series that Macross fans (old AND new) will enjoy.
  20. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Congratulations Graham! I feel happy for you! Noel! You still missing a VF-31F? Now's your chance! :-)
  21. Hey guys, after seeing your pics of the SOC Voltron/Golion, I'm partially convinced to have a go at it. I've missed the pre-orders so the prices have skyrocketed quite a bit. The cheapest one I can find now is USD 299.99 without shipping. Is there a cheaper option available? Thanks!
  22. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ack, this sucks. I have already paid NY for my VF-31J Hayate along with the Super Parts pre-order, so I'll have to pass on HLJ's restock. :-(
  23. Thanks Bomber! I got one too! I've never had Hikaru's strike valk so this will be my first one! :-)
  24. Sorry to hear about that Sandman. Have you ever considered creating a paypal account? I find it much easier to buy stuff online using paypal since I don't have to have my card on hand. It saved me a few steps for checking out my VF-31 Messer pre-order from HLJ, which probably also saved me from being cartjacked. :-)
  25. Yay! Thank you Lolicon! Was finally able to order one of these! :-D
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