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Everything posted by brouken

  1. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Going to pick up my Passionate Walkure from the Post Office today. Looking forward to seeing the Armored Siegried in action!
  2. Oh well. At least I got one order in with HLJ. It would have been a nice bonus to get it for JPY17,920, but I'm satisfied with what I've got. Good luck to the rest! Have a blessed day everyone! Signing out.
  3. Yeah, sorry about that guys. I refreshed the page earlier and the pre-order button was up. Now its pre-orders closed at Amiami. Still available at CDjapan though: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-300127
  4. Yeah, same here Noel. Amiami page is saying not found. Is HLJ going to carry this? I don't see any Metal Builds in their product list.
  5. Its a steal for someone alright. Hi MWorlders! I'm also in line for the Metal Build Eva-01. This will be my first Metal Build. Good luck to all of us who are in line for this!
  6. brouken

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ack. My Passionate Walkure Blu-ray from CDjapan is still in transit, and here I am reading the spoilers. Was lurking the thread to see if Arad’s Armor and/or super packs have been announced. Arad feels so naked alongside Hayate, Messer and Mirage...
  7. I just read the caption under the pics on the right and it says that the Mark 50 is sold separately. I can't read the rest of the text on the right though as it is bit beyond my Nihongo. Anybody care to translate?
  8. Hi Noel! Thanks for the tip! I cancelled my order in HLJ and placed an order with BBTS instead. Even with shipping, I think I'm getting it for cheaper. Shipping from either Japan or the US comes out roughly the same going to Saudi Arabia. This is my first time buying from BBTS though, so I hope my experience with them will be good.
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