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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Huh? do you mean it would be cool, but a bear? Jesse you may need some coffee. definitly need more coffee!
  2. Wow...and thats a pretty pricey recast for an original thats still pretty cheap...it would have been nicer if they had done the Musisaya or Club M instead...
  3. Considering the thickness and size of the parts, Im not sure how much of what Jarrod scratch built could be recast....I was all into it...but then hearing his description...well..Im not sure its plausible. Jarrod...would you consider writing up some instructions and doing some paper templates for the parts you scratch built? It might be easier, and I for one would buy a set.
  4. LOL!
  5. Making the armor removable would be coo...but a berar...no? (I thought the armor and the interior parts were cast together...they are on the 1/100)
  6. Dont mind me EXO...Im just a defensive dad!
  7. my hips have been fine as well...
  8. Let me just say (in defense of the hypothetical person who did this for his hypothetical son in this hypothetical situation) that there is someting to be said for having the parts. My dad made a pinhole in each of my star wars figures weapons and attached the weapon via fishing line to the charcters hand..(via another pinhole) It pissed me off at first, when I wanted Luke to disarm the stormtrooper and steal there blastter...and while he could, he could not go more then a foot from the trooper...years later...when all my friends didn't have one weapon left for their figures, and I still had all of mine, I appreciated it....surely glueing a JM so it can't transform is going to an extreme...but lets not be to harsh....In taking after my dad I have glued parts of my sons's Zoids...I try to leave them so he can customize them..but at the same time use enough glue, and metal pins so the main beast stays intact and functioning...let me tell you..it takes about 3Xs the amount of time to "Kid proof" them as it does to build them...but my son is 7..and hasn't lost a Zoid to damage yet! Now...as for the glue....get some model seam knives....the ultra thin saws like WMCheng shows from Hasegawa to redo 1/72 scale seam lines....then.....I would suggest a pin vise and the seam saws to slowly...carefully free it up...work from the bottom...so if you mess up its less visible.
  9. reminds me of the old Bugs Bunny cartoon...."Hey bud, we're pals...right bud, right?!?! "
  10. LMAO!!!!!
  11. I dont know...it seems severe enough that I suspect something did happen....a bit of the old Zentran blood taking over....it's the only way I can rationalize the major shifts in their friendships, and lives.....they handled it in the anime tastefully though...which was cool...I like it when things are left up to interpretation.
  12. Anyone heard anything on an english release (like Mac+) I would sure love to be able to let my son watch this without reading or interpretting what they are saying,,,,
  13. Excellent work!
  14. Myersjessee


    Whats the background from? It looks like CT.
  15. Sweet.....how did you color it?
  16. ,...the starship one looks very...hmmm...flat? Maybe a semigloss instead....or more panel shading...I dont know...it's clean...but "flat"...
  17. Looks really nice WM...thanks for sharing your tips and techniques! The little extra black on the missiles makes all the difference in the world!
  18. I just saw the first one I have seen on Yahoo Japan....first time for me seeing the box art...neat: Auction
  20. Well..first off...I dont like to recast things that are still being sold...that seems like stealing to me....2nd...the catseye is to much for me....Tanmens molds for thins are amazingly complicated...some other more talanted recasters might pull it off, but this would not be an easy project. Sorry about not getting one...$300 seems like scalping to me...
  21. Looks great WM!!!! Nice decals (as always) Devin!!!
  22. check the models section under UNCM...there are some pictures there...
  23. Vitja...the 5000 looks amazing!
  24. I built a lot of WW2 planes and Jets as a kid.....been building a lot of Zoids (with my son) Gundams (again with my son) and have some Yukikaze and Star Wars stuff waiting for me...
  25. Me too! (Now forget that non-Macross project and get crackin! )
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