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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Little brighter...from the side
  2. Top down
  3. I spent a lot of time trying to get the engines to look right....hard to see...but I did a titanium base...and then tried to airbrush weather it with some burnt iron colors...and then etched it all a little bit to bring out the lines....it looks pretty good....but WMChengs Yukikaze Mave has me inspired for my next one..love the cockpit detail!
  4. A little bit about me....This is the second model I have done recently...the first was done about 3 months ago...and was my first in about 16 years.....so...based on that...I think Im doing pretty well...but I have a long way to go and a lot of other ideas to try on my next one. From the front
  5. Here she is from the side....wish I had filled in the area behind the wings...didn't understand how bad it would look...ahh well...live and learn.
  6. Well...it took me forever...but its finally done. Im going to write a quick review of the kit, and Ill post the link here.....in general its a nice kit, and I think it came out fairly well. There are a couple spots Im not pleased with, and a couple of things I would do differently now that I can see one built...but in general Im pleased. I used a lot of the tips WMCheng has shown us all...and I wanted to take a moment to say a very public thank you to WM...thanks!!! Also...thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share techniques...this model has a llittle bit of everyone's ideas in it. Now...heres a simple above shot of the model...note...I did not have great light...but I finally got my camera fixed so I wanted to get some pictures in...maybe I can get some in the sun later on.
  7. suspension of non-reality..its supposed to be entertaining....I dont want to smell Kerosene either!
  8. Hoku...welcome to MW...your right...it is a wonderful time to be a collector...we didn't have the option of being picky years ago!!! Also...glad you mentioned the taifins...I cant believe they couldnt engineer a better way to make them size right them making them so stubby...that one suprised me too...not a big deal..as I wont be displaying them without armor either...but odd. They did the right thing packing the VE with the FP's on...I might not have even noticed if the VT didn't come in fighter mode sans armor.
  9. I am in awe of your masking...everytim I masked my Angel Birds I ended up touching it up afterwards....Im going to have to work on that...gorgeous!
  10. Very Nice!
  11. 1/55 Bandai Reissue bought a couple years ago by my wife...I stumbled onto it...and my wife decided to buy it for me as an anniversery gift....it was just one that I wanted...yep...just one....almost 3 years later I hope she doesnt remember me saying that!
  12. Gorgeous!
  13. Overall...Im pleased with my VE and VT...but I must say the quality on the 1/60's does seem lower then the earlier ones...little details like the lites on the wings, and the fit of some of the plastic seem to be less well done....not horrible...but less then say my original 1/60 line....
  14. Finally got around to opening mine...and I cant seem to lock the backpack far enough forward...the connector piece has a stop that its not snapping past...Ive applied just about enough pressure to break it...and now dont know what to do....anyone else have this problem? Suggestions in fixing it?
  15. Congrats!!!
  16. thanks...I may try that too then....
  17. thanks...I guess Ill give it a shot
  18. Thunder Hummer...or Angel Birds.
  19. NICE WORK!!!
  20. I glued it on with Microsocales Krystal clear...(which I think is canopy glue) and did all the other steps you had listed up to cutting it away...anyone have any success cutting away Krystal Klear...I would hate to damage it at this point...but if it will work Ill try it. Im afraid to dip it...(the nose) too much chance for bad masking....and not sure how well the tape will come off soaked....sounds like airbrushing is bad...so I guess Ill try painting it unless I can try and cut it off....
  21. Nice work...Ive never seen one either...can you take some more angles for us?
  22. So...final step of my hasegawa Angel Birds...(finally)....I clear coated the entire thing with a dull coat (just an edge os semigloss) The entire thing is built, and decaled....my last step was to remove the liquid mask from the canopy and lights...then basically...final checks and done....the liquid mask did not come off easily...and then...to my chagrin....the entire canopy appeared to come free...but it was not the canopy...rather the nic thick shiny coat of Future that was on it. !!! DOH! After carfully removing it I have been able to get it all removed (so the plastic is now all even and exposed....) but now my canopy looks dull again...like it did before the beautiful coat of future. The canopy is still glued on...Im wondering how to best reapply the future. I dipped the canopy originally...but I cant do that...since it's glued on...should I: A) remove the canopy (scares me) redip and reglue B ) Mask the rest of the jet and airbrush the future on (never airbrushed it) C) Paint the future on with a thick brush..mask the rest of the jet and count on it to self level D) Mask and gloss coat the canopy E) Other...anyone...your help is greatly appreciated!!!
  23. I have them both...and like them both...the 11 looks nice in fighter mode with the FP's and the 21 looks nice in battroid with them....and they do compliment the 19 greatly...I would pick one up from Kevin while you can...would hate to see them start getting expensive again! (I paid $120 for my original 21....waited till exactly the wrong moment!)
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