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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Take it easy Kanata....and no need to turn your back on all your life...we will be here and waiting for you to return with excedllent trades and well wishes. Take care of yourself first, and best wishes to you in whatever you do.
  2. Cool! Can't wait to see it!!!
  3. Ill add another vote to the "I never had them as a kid" pool. Its gotten a bit (or more! ) out of hand...but they make me smile still...which is the point!
  4. Myersjessee


    Was there every really a Max 1S?
  5. very cool!
  6. Myersjessee


    So..we all know Monster and QRau are on the list...as is GBP in 1/60. In 1/48 VF1S Hikaru, 1J Hikaru with FP.s and some rereleases....I was sitting here thinking whats next...heres my bet: 1/48 Max and Milla TV 1J with Fast packs...I figure they already have the 1J TV done...so they do different colors and make more off the 1/48 1J mold 1/48 1A CF - why not....they have the mold..if they are selling..they will do it. 1/60 Tactical Pods - if the Rau sells well I bet the Pod is next on the in sculpt list 1/48 1D...again in the well..why not catagory....It will be a couple years...but I bet they do it. ...this is in addition to all the Mac0 stuff....and is just my guess,,,,,no real evidence here..Im just bored and it seemed like an interesting topic...what do you all think?
  7. You like my avatar don't you LOL
  8. Once again..gorgeous!
  9. Yamato Super 1J
  10. THANKS!
  11. Nicely done..you should try coloring one...
  12. I got's to do me one of those! Sweet!
  14. You should be able to find them if you search..might try searching the old forums as well.
  15. Hopefully QRau will be next.
  16. GORGEOUS!!!
  17. Cool!
  18. you should search for some of WMChengs older how tos...they go over this process in great detail...very helpful stuff.
  19. I use the badger 200 with the feed bottle in the bottom (as opposed to the resevoir in the top) It works great...I used it with canned air for a while...then saved up and bought a compressor...you can do without one for a while...but youll want to get one or youll spend as much as a compressor on those damned expensive canneed air cans.
  20. thats wonderful...thanks!!!
  21. CLub M's 1/72 and Musasayai (SP) VF4 are great resin kits....you might PM Valkyrie..he did a recast of the CLUB M thats really nice. Also, there is a Repttu Vinyl kit that is decent...MonkeyNugget gets themm from time to time...you might ask him if you want him to keep an eye out for you.
  22. Myersjessee


    Welcome to MacrossWorld!
  23. sweet! Cant wait.
  24. ditto..I want to see it...sounds cool!
  25. pieces are often solid also...unlike injection models....but there are interesting models out there down by artisans that you just cant get models of otherwise.
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