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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. WOW!!! Devin...youve outdone yourself...again!!!
  2. ROB TO THE RESCUE!!!!! I can't believe I even have a chance at this....thank goodness for thoughtful memebers in Japan!!!!! SWEET! Monkey Nugget for Member of the Year!!!!!
  3. SWEET!
  4. I hope they do something between Macross and Plus....but if they want to do new Mecha (which I would assume that they would) I would think it would have to be later in the timeline. Considering the VF1 took some design elements from the F-14 and the 19 and 21 took some design elements from the 23 and X19 (or the Sukhoi) I wonder what they would base new mecha on...
  5. Come on now Noel...while it is rarer, they did a pretty amazing job with Lord of the Rings. Who knows, maybe they could pull it off...just keep the guys who did the Ninja Turtles movie out of it and we have a shot!
  6. This is great news! I hope they do sell them seperatly.
  7. Kakakarot! Great site!! Thanks!
  8. Nice looking kit Phil!
  9. Nice snag....last MacII kit I need! <_< I have some pictures somewhere....let me look...
  10. The Monke Nugget 1/100 was a very nice kit
  11. Please show us who you go at it, and what the results look like Grayson. Good luck!
  12. Man...Im sorry...I have not heard a thing....
  13. Wow....thats quite a list Shawn! How many rooms are lost to storage!!!
  14. I think they end up looking a lot "bulkier" in sculpt vs the Hasegawa models or Yamato's 1/60 toy. It's a nice overall though.
  15. LOL...would love to...but I think it would be a one way trip...my wife wouldn't take to kindly too it! "Honey, I know you think it's odd for a 32 year old father of 2 to spend this much time and money on collecting toys...but certainly you would not have a problem with me spending the money, and the time away to go to a big hobby show in Japan...." Yep...that would go over like a Led Zeppelin... Jesse... sounds like you and I have alot in common (30 years old with two kids). However, I have already started working on my "get out of jail free" card for Wonderfest this year. I've never been, but there is a crew here in Chicago that may make the trip down to Louisville in May. Maybe I'm the only one that would have gotten your Keith Moon reference on Led Zeppelin! Good for you....let me know how you enjoy it....maybe I can use you as a reference to convince my wife!
  16. Devin! thats AWESOME!!!! Really really cool!
  17. I think the hinge is inside the finger (not visible from the side) The pieces are cast to fit together with one like this L_I I I I I and one like this _L I I I I but they would not be able to flex to much without hitting each other..still cool.
  18. Cool! I went to college to be a pilot, and flew for 4 years commercially (flight instruction and small charter) I miss it! Ruddervator.....almost as silly as Elevon...but I guess it makes sense...
  19. Ooops....ewilen pointed out He's spot on (must be the cold meds)...Elevon (as pointed out by Knight and others is Aileron and Elevator...Im not sure what they call what a VTail bonanza has...but it would not be an Elevon....(Elevudder sounds stupid...! ) But...I guess the same basic ontrol function would be what was described earlier by widening the angle on the vertical stabs...
  20. they look a lot like the Gundam Sazabi or Wave Rider fingers I have seen...but I don't have the model to compare size...
  21. LOL...true...Im trying to build mine...but Im just so slow....I need to figure out how WM and others build them so quickly!
  22. Perhaps stolen from a Gundam? I don't know which, but some of the 1/60's and 1/100's have pretty articulated fingers...I think their are option kits as well you could get with just the hands...(but sorry, I don't know which ones.... ) Gundam fans??
  23. LOL Knight...where did you teach? Your thread brings back the good ole' days of trying to learn this stuff. My teacher used to insist on now electronic calculators...E6B or by hand.... I miss it!
  24. Yep....true....but the control surfaces on a combination vertical horizontal stab would be an elevon no? Otherwise what would you call a cantered vertical and horizontal stabilizer control? What would your control surface do? The only one I have flown is the V-Tail Bonzanza. (Yes, flown, about 800 hours logged) It has Elevons, and about a 40 degree angle. A Canard is a vertical stabilizer. Plain and simple. A canard does bring with it great low stall (or no stall) speed characteristics. No stall you say? Yep...if you angle a canard to stall earlier then the wing, then the nose will drop not allowing a standard convential stall..the plane will "mush" or fly at a high angle of attack and dexcent, but not actually break into a stall or spin. This can be not desireable in a fighter plane as you want them to be more unstable and allow more violent changes. Delta wings allow for a radical change in the center of lift, and the drag and lift coeficients. They have nothing to do with vertical stabilizers. Swinging the wings out will allow for much better low speed flight characteristics, but the basic control and trim elements of the airplane have to be completely reconfifgured. One of the big problems with the F111 and the F14 initially, was mastering these changes in the computers so it was not appearent to the pilot. I know RC craft have been made of the F14....but I have not seen or flown one with variable wings. If they exist, I would love to know how the flight characteristics of a wing symmetry change effect the flight. Based on what I know I expect the change to be challanging to an RC pilot. (which is why I suggested fixed geometry) the reason the f14 doesnt look like vf1 is because the vf1 is far from ideal, we are asking "could it fly" not "is this the best design" "with enough thrust you might have a proper CG and that might work" huh... thrust has NOTHING to do with CG. the shape of a plane has little to do with the CG, you can easily move around components, use channeled thrust etc.. to move the CG. "Flying wing designs abounded in the 50's and 60's but none caught on" soo the B2 doesn't exist?Seems like a retorical question...yes the B2 exists. Many many more designs were tried in the 50's and 60's. Whats your point? I am sensing you to be extremly hostile towards me, which I don't get. You asked a question. If you don't want an answer don't ask the question. Im not trying to show anyone up, or make anyone look stupid. I happen to feel I know a lot about aircraft, and I am happy to discuss aeronautics all day long. If this is going to be about you picking things apart to look smarter...then so be it...your smarter...I could care less. If you care where I am coming from, well I have 5000+ hours flying, (mostly flight instruction) a four year degree in aeronautical engineering, (TSTI and LTech) and I have built 10+ RC aircraft. Thats my background. I have not been actively working in the flight industry for nearly 10 years. I have never seen or flown an RC plane with vectored thrust or any kind of built in stabilization system. I don't doubt they exist, I just don't know about them. I don't think vectoring thrust components would help a lot in making a VF1 fly, but certainly advanced control/stabilization systems would. They say the F117 is a model in what should not fly. It is completely dynamically unstable in all axis's of flight, yet flys based on advanced control systems that keep it aloft. (which gets back to enough thrust...strap a rocket on anything...blah blah blah) If you could build an RC craft with controls for all axis of flight that were augmented by a gyro stabilization type system...well...then I can't see why that would not do it. Even without a vertical stab at all, and not changing the angle of the vertical stab...if you build elevons into the wings and moves the CG far enough forward so that the center of lift could effectivly control pitch (I think thats right) then it would seem possible. If thats the answer to your question...then yes...with very advanced stability controls built into the model I would think it would fly...if the F117 can fly why coudn't it? (PROLOGUE) This is not meant as an attack, to make anyone look or feel stupid, or to make me seem or feel superior. I have tried to address your question as best I can with the knowledge that I remember. Best wishes in your endevour...I hope you share the pictures)
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