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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Ahh....darned pricing...the most dreaded part of recasting...(for me anyways) I think I can make about 8 kits of good quality of each. Im working on the Metal Siren as well, but I think that will take a bit longer, so Im starting with the VF2J battroid and fighter. The fighter was really expensive, and has some tougher pieces so will be a bit more then the battroid, which has been very easy. I also really like them as a set though, so thought I would give some discounts if people wanted one of each. I also try to factor in the quality of the casts. I think these are good, some really good, but Im no Tanmen....the Bclub originals have some seam lines which will need to be sanded on the originals, but otherwise the casts have been bubble free and have a nice smooth surface.... So...right now I am thinking $45 for the VF2J Fighter, $30 for the VF2 Battroid, or $59 for both kits. I think this is a fair price range for them. (hope) Anyways, Ill post more in a for sale thread with some better pictures in a week or two when they are done. If your interested drop me a PM and Ill add your name to the list of people who are interested. I think I will start off saying one pair per person, unless they dont all sell...in which case I will have no problem selling multiples to individuals. Thanks all for the positive feedback....I can't wait to post more pictures closeup of some of the detailed pieces from the VF2J and Metal Siren...what gorgeous kits they are...the head for the VF2J is amazing!
  2. Unless you don't enjoy Macross at all anymore, I would agree...youll end up spending the money you get for them...and then years from now miss them. I never had any of the toys as a kid, but knew a little of them, when I had kids I wanted to share Macross with my son, and ended up spending tons building my collection...if you plan on having kids ever that may be reason enough to keep them...it's a wonderful inheritance! Good luck....and if you can't afford to keep them, then keep as many as you can...store them with a friend or family....youll be glad you did someday.
  3. I bought some sets of fast packs, and looked at them when they arrived months ago (sorry Kevin! ) ANyways...they looked nice, but I have been super busy and just didn't take the time to open them. Well, about a week ago I was even having buyers remorse...I had gotten no enjoyment out of them...so yesterday I took some time and took out a set and deployed them on my new Hikaru 1S in the strike configuration....let me just say..WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOW The pictures don't do them justice....I walked arounf the whole house with it yesterday...just gorgeous. I tried out all the configurations, and set it up every way I could...Yamato outdid themselves with these....I highly recommend them...they are worth it!!!! Youll kick ourself later if you dont have at least 1 set to enjoy.
  4. Wow...nice model Devin...seems I was to harsh in my assesment of the Bandai models...maybe I should be happy I have them all!
  5. If anyone actually gets the helmet please share pictures!
  6. Excellent!
  7. Nice save....lets see a photo!!!
  8. Hmm...Im getting a DEBUG mode error from the forum when I go there...
  9. I'll second that!!!
  10. Wow...youve come a long way!!! GORGEOUS!!!
  11. Recon....I hear that...and try to abide by the same rule...which is why these projects take me so long...I sneak in 30 minutes here and there before the kids get up, once they go to bed, and on weekends. Everyone else...thank you for all the kind words...I am really happy with how these are coming out. Thanks to tips from members like MSLZ22, Valkyrie, Fulcy...and I am sure others I tried some new techniques on these molds and the little pieces really work far beyound what I thought I could pull off. I do plan on offering some kits up for sale. I wanted some extras for myself, but I did think I could make some for other modelers who wanted them. I was thinking I would offer the kits seperatly, and bundle the fighter and battroid together for a cheaper price...probably won't be many, but Ill try. If your interested in one drop me a PM and Ill start making a list and working on pricing. Also, If he still wants it, I will be sending one to WMCheng. I wanted to do something to thank him for all his model demos, they really saved my bacon and helped me TONS, so as a thank you from MacrossWorld to WM (if I can be so bold as say it's from all of us) Ill be sending one to him as well. (There is a selfish part of this "gift" I get to see how someone gets through all the tricks and traps and does it "perfectly" to base my build on! ) Thanks again all..and happy Turkey Day!
  12. Cool new look! I'm glad they didn't just make a less streamlined version of the Destroids we all know and love.
  13. Sweet! Happy Turkey Day!!!! Don't forget to tell us about it when you get it!
  14. Thanks for the picturse Neova!
  15. and some pictures from MacrossWorld of the kit.... Aint she sweet!?!? Fighter and...Battroid
  16. Damn....I guess I thought it would be harder! (sherlock me, I mixed up the parts to 2 kits.....trick question...or so I thought... ) DOH! He shoots...he scores! Yep.....Its the BClub VF2J kits...Battroid and Icarus Fighter. I fell in love with the Icarus fighter a while back, and thanks to Monkey Nuggett, Shawn, and Seiichi I finally tracked down the kits....course I coudln't stand to have just one, so I started making molds so I could make extras. For those of you who have not seen it, here are some VF2J pictures....man...MacrossII has it's problems, but I love this mecha!
  17. Devin...your a genius!!!
  18. Well...I took nearly a year off from recasting to do some models and try some other things, but I got a chance to do some kits I could not pass up...here is where I am on my latest project...its about 10 pieces from being done....how does it look....and can anyone name it??? Ill give you a hint...it's one of my favorites and fairly rare....
  19. And nobody here wants one (I'm pretty sure nobody here would) Considering that model was built by Kishimoto, a MW member...... I didn't realize he built that....very cool!
  20. Gorgeous work there Spiff! Glad to finally see another update...can't wait to see more!!!
  21. WOW! Man...it looks great...Can't wait for Kevin to get mine....man...I may need to buy the non-FP one too....love the box!
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