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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. just turned 33 ...still love my toys! (and now I have a kid (read excuse) to buy them for)
  2. very nice work.
  3. Mad Skillz EXO!!! Mad Skillz!
  4. oh man, please start again!!!
  5. compaired to space, nothing is very big. Thats an excellent quote!!! I was looking at the model Tanmen did, and it looks like there are doors and spaces in the back...I think the earlier E2 comparison is perfect...at least a few crew members would make sense to insure backup systems and proper direction takes place....after all, if it was all automated why even send pilots, why not just send a drone?
  7. thats too bad that the have nots had to wreck it for us...sigh
  8. I know Monkey Nugget was trying to get parts, but Yamato did not seem very receptive. Someone should bring this up next tiume Graham is meeting with Yamato, maybe we could as him to appeal on our behalf. I thought about recasting the parts, but the same fragility problems you have with the regular plastic would be worse with resin....unless we could redesign it (perhaps thicken the rings on the backpack hinge) or do it with a stronger material. (or do it, and dont touch it once you replace the part) It would be nice to see Yamato try and offer these...
  9. good point...
  10. smaller...and more fragile...oh yeah...and in pieces... (I cant wait for this one! )
  11. for those who have not gotten a Dengeki hobby..they are large...and a bit pricey to ship...but it is a great magazine...lots of cool pictures...worth getting if your getting the FPs. Rob..thanks again! So cool of you to step forward right away and offer this.
  12. Man...pretty soon we will all be getting together talking about the good ol' days when Graham had cryptic news for us all the time...
  13. the first step is admitting you have a problem...remember brothers and sisters, deNile is not just a river in Egypt! "Hi, my name is Jesse. It has been 7 days since I spent money on a Valkyrie or Macross releated project. I'm looking for a Valk-buddy to help me through those tough times when Graham announces Yamato news, or Kevin puts items up for sale... "
  14. ....I'd love to see the QRau soon...I was hoping for a Christmas present...
  15. I felt the same thing...though I thought maybe it was the darkness of the scene...
  16. considering the size of the model there would be a lot of space in the rear...this could be filled with computers or other things...but comparing it to current day AWACs and similar role craft it would seem to make sense that there would be 1-3 crew members to monitor all the scans and direct them. Remember...the pilot is flying, so unless it is all automated someone needs to decided how to focus the scans, and what type of scans are being done. Additionally, someone might be there as a communications officer. For comparison the current E-3 AWACS has a crew: "Flight crew of four plus mission crew of 13-19 specialists (mission crew size varies according to mission) "
  17. So....perhaps this is part of the plot of #4 and #5...people are running around injecting women with AFOS blood to make their chests bigger....wait, nope thats a different movie I saw...
  18. Mine too...what a great scene!
  19. Nice work guys!!!
  20. LOL
  21. SWEET!
  22. LOVED IT!
  23. Montarvillois, SWEET PICTURE!!!
  24. Black Aces, Monkey Nugget, or Valkyrie (and others) could probably answser this correctly...I really dont have any guides...but in terms of what they are selling for on Ebay and Yahoo Japan: Metal Siren - seems to go for between $90 and $130. I have only seen 3 or 4 on Ebay in a year, and about the same number on Yahoo Japan VF2J Battroid - $80 - $120 I have not seen one on Ebay, but I have seen like 5 on Yahoo Japan VF2 Fighter - $140 - $200 - I have only seen 2 kits in all my searches of Yahoo Japan...never seen one on Ebay. As for what they are worth...I dont know...but thats what the ones I have seen sold for.
  25. A job!??! What a drag! Glad to hear it's still ongoing...got some poor naked JM's I need to sticker up!
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