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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Nice work Vitja!!!
  2. I try to keep purchases within reason. I don't have a lot of things I spend money on (dont go out to bars, dont smoke, no clubs) so its not a big deal. Look at your finances...if its a small thing thats important to you she should understand. My wife doesn't understand exactly why I love my toys, but shes knows how much joy I get from it, so as long as I keep it within reason she is cool with it.
  3. That scene and line was right out of the book, FYI. Don't fault the filmmakers for sticking to the source. I agree!
  4. I loved it....no reason to pick anything apart....stayed fairly true to the book, good acting, amazing cinematography...wonderful effects. I don't know that I could have expected any more.
  5. Nice collection you have refound! Enjoy.
  6. ahhh,,,,,sigh....
  7. Sweet...I hope so!!! At that price Ill buy a couple!
  8. great cockpit detail!
  9. definitly it is the coolest!
  10. I have used this stuff in modeling...its like a rubbing compound...but finer grade...would remove then yellow I suspect...but with a layer of plastic.
  11. Gotta imagine if the 1/60 sells as well as I expect 1/48 will happen...just be patient.
  12. careful with it though....more then one backpack has been busted by "a little force"
  13. Update 1/72 = 12 pcs 1/60 = 17 pcs. 1/48 = 11 pcs.
  14. two interesting notes. 1, the missile "pod" (front of the FP) ...Ive never seen one open that way...is that the way the line are shows, or inspiration? Either way, I like it 2 - the vernier on the upper part of the Fast pack hatch should have been removed and mounted internally...no? Still not trying to nitpick..this muct have taken a lot of time. Great work.
  15. excellent work Kurt, please share more pictures!
  16. ACK!! Bad touches!
  17. I wonder how long all the unused footage will make it? This will be 4hrs plus on DVD I suspect.
  18. Great work!
  19. I thought there was one in Dec....15th?
  20. gorgeous. Love the fowler flaps!
  21. When does the next WF happen? I think thats what he was waiting on the get the money to pay us...(guess... )
  22. the book is worth the money...no magazine like you have ever seen in the US
  23. wow...guess I am in the minority...loved the original BSG as a kid. I have seen it recently, and it is campy and fairly lame. I thought they tried to do what Star Trek did with the newer series (Voyager) and make it more realisitic, and deeper in terms of characters and plot/motivation. Baltar, for instance, is no longer simply evil for sake of being evil. I don't know why they made Starbuck and Boomer girls...but I like girls, so Im okay with it. Bring on more ...I want to see if they can make it better.
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