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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Shhhh.. no one is supposed to know about my secret ninja goverment activities! Thanks for the welcome backs...been really busy lately...and hardly on the computer at all...funny..I used to be on MW every day...and I probably haven't posted in a month or more lately...just not online at all.... but...I think my life is getting back to normal...hopefully at least... So...who wants to help out? Beuller, Beuller? I know there are other people out there who know how to use FrontPage...anyone?
  2. Well...some know, and some dont' that I started redoing the models page. Its not hard work...just slow going. About a month ago I lost my computer (crashed hard) and I have been slowly getting my new one online and getting all the software I need installed (again) A few people have asked to help with the models page and it occurred to me that help might not be a bad idea. Basically, I need a person or two who are familer with web tools (front page is easiest ) who can simply follow the look and feel and build the pages as well as collect the photos'. Ill collect proof, and then upload the work. This way Shawn doesn't have to give out more admin accounts, but we get the work done faster. If you know front page and want to help post here or PM me. I have collected a TON of photos...we can arrange for the right sections for you to work on and Ill burn you a CD of what you would need to work on. Thanks all...and sorry this has taken so long...life gets in the way of fun for me...I need to win the lotto I think!
  3. as always John...u rule!
  4. Okay...I need this kit! Can I get on the want it list please?
  5. Gorgeous Mike...simply gorgeous!
  6. WM...wow...let me reiterate Joe's comments and say thank you! I tell you, I do these projects for the fun...and lately the Launch arm hasn't been fun. The molds are poorly laid out (my fault) and a pain to run (also my fault) Yet, all my frustration just washed away when I see how good this can look! Thanks for sharing all the time, and tips. Amazing!
  7. Ack...thats one that was good for me to read! Thanks for the warning and sorry for your problems.
  8. Decals are a good idea. (I always love decals) Unfortunatly, I don't have the equipment to print white decals, nor a 10th of Anasazi's skill. He might be willing to do some decals, but we'd need a confirmed order. How many people would want them? (assuming they will be like $8 ...I don't know real costs...Im just guessing) I would guess if we could get about 30 preorders Devin would be willing to do some up.
  9. man....unreal...as always!
  10. Looks really great so far!
  11. one other note....i use a paintable mold release...its more expensive...bur shouldn't need excessive cleanup like normal mold releases.
  12. WM CHeng...looks great! I can't wait to see more! Sorry about the finger plates and the outside arm bend...great fix on the arm...the originals are extremly thin...I did the best I could...but your arm fix is supberb. I would recommend that for all. Not sure about the finger plates...the chipped section can be sanded flush (thats sprue) As for the sides...can you sand or cap? Its so thin it may just vanish when built? Mano...sorry for all the problems....Gundamhead and I both agree with a standard that we are doing this for fun, not work. So, please don't hesitate to ask for a refund and send the kit back. I would hate you to be unhappy. That said...I thought I was careful with pitting...the discolored bits "dust" are from the first pours (you have likely #1, #2, or #3...its tiny flakes of primer that stuck to the mold and flacked off and immersed in casts...it shouldnt cause a problem when painted and shouldn't require more then normal priming. (didn't on mine) The small pits should be rare and easy to "Mr Surfacer" (or should be) The seam on the main arm should be easier to clean up then the suggested split and realighn. Took me 15 minutes and some sandpaper to make it disapear. Im not as detail oriented as WM..but it is a small piece and should be easy to hide. Again...if you feel this is not what you expected please, just send it back. I would hate to think anyone who has bought my stuff feels ripped off. I do this for fun, not work...and I do the best I can. My success is only measured in the enjoyment of those around. Best wishes.
  13. You could rotocast the engines and save a nice chunk of resin (they are solid! and dense) but honestly, I don't like rotocast parts for my models. If you have a great caster they are good, but I have a couple kits that are so thin in spots I worry about even trying to paint them for fear of having to rebuild sections. Plus...the savings, overall...woudlnt be much...your talking about somewhere in the neighborhood of $30 of resin per kit....so if you somehow saved 50% it's still only $15 off....and you wouldnt save 1/2 with the engines...maybe $10 total. Add in the costs of a rotocast machine and you break even....nope...doesn't really work on this kit IMO.
  14. Definitly!
  15. Looks GREAT! Where are all the others?!?! Come on now boys and girls!
  16. Excellent work!
  17. Wow!!! Looks great!
  18. I got the clear hair Minmei...but at first glance I thought it was solid...it's a dark translucent plastic so if you don't check with good light youll miss it. (but its defintly translucent, and the other I have definitly isn't) Since most people got the Max and I have not heard of anyone getting both the Max and Min chase in the same box I'm guessing that only one chase can occur per box...and sounds as if Max is a bit more common. So...as soon as my Max arrives in the mail Ill have the set and can stop stressing! (THANKS ROB!!! )
  19. So your just going to let them boss you around and do what they want?!?!? Fight the power! Back to work on the VF1!
  20. Max Q-Rau - Max Q-Rau Minmay - Clear Chase Minmay Flower Girl - Flower Girl Shammy - Shammy Isamu - Isamu Roy cockpit - Roy cockpit
  21. Nah...not worth anything money wise to me...I wanted Max...so I gotta buy a set or find someone with a Max or two who will part with one....
  22. DOH! No Max chase for me...got the clear haired Minmei...which I could care less about. Anyone with the Chase Max want to do a trade for the chase minmei? I'd even throw in a figure or 2 for an earlier CMS. PM me.
  23. Hey all, to be clear I did not buy any of the booster masters. I just offered to help cast them. It make sense as after doing the ones I did once I think I have some pretty good ideas on how to do it even better then the first run.
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