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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Great....thanks Montervollis...now I need to go into the engraving field so I can get this kind of stuff during the slow days....see ya ESPN...
  2. I find it hard to believe, that the same people who argued viehimently that the CatsEye would be completely automated and require no crew are also arguing why a gun strap makes sense...you people are making me CRAZY! Happy New Year all!
  3. Your local hobby store will most likely have several types of rubbing and polishing compounds...they range from a thick goo, to a thin goo, and have the slightest amount of grit in them, so as you rub them (with a cloth) on the canopy they will smooth out the ridges left from the sanding.
  4. exactly what I was thinking!
  5. problem is can you order the parts? I have not been able to get anything from HLJ...
  6. rubbing compound is what I go to also...which seems to do the trick.
  7. yep....Im in the same boat as most of you...Love the mecha....watch the DVD's and when they are done say ...huh? Story seems to be lacking...but I do love the plane designs
  8. WOW!!! Gorgeous!
  9. Hey TBEyes...Happy Holidays...check your PM.
  10. MY WIFE ROCKS!!! She buys me toys...normally gets the right thing...and she isn't scared to ask what I want. Plus, when I show her I don't get hit or mocked. Recently I showed her pictures of the PG Gundam GPF01B (I think thats it...the new PG Gundam) It's $205 at HLJ (or there abouts) before S+H. I showed her and said "Isn't this cool?" She agreed!!!! Not..."What the ()$#&Y(* is wrong with you, I'm not buying you ANOTHER model to sit in your GD closet! " Anyways..while she didn't buy it for me for Christmas she did get me my first reissue 1/55, my first Super Yamato 1/60, and my first 1/48 Hikaru 1A, not to mention a few Hasegawa models and a 1/72 Ghost resin kit. and she buys me cool special toys too, that I can't talk about! <_<
  11. Gorgeous...simply gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your work. I hope you would consider sharing some more of your models with us. Thank you!
  12. Myersjessee


    Man...she looks sweet! Ill be getting them for sure! (This way when they are going on Ebay for $1000's in 10 years I wont be crying in my pillow!
  13. Ill second that...you wont be sorry.
  14. Rob is spot on
  15. man...bunch a anti-escaflownites here....I think it's pretty cool....
  16. Jeremiah to the rescue! Long time no see buddy...happy holidays to you! (and now I am off to look for Gundam episodes for Lucas! )
  17. If thats what it take...so be it!
  18. From the "For what it's worth" department: I got my 8th 1/48 Yamato right around Christmas from Kevin Lam of the Valkyrie Exchange. (As always, thanks Kevin...you rule! ) I took it out....put the armor on it....and admired it for hours. It's a Hikaru 1S Strike...nothing new...and yet it still stuns me with it's beauty. Truly a wonderful toy.
  19. I do know Anasazi37 will do decals by commisson...and his work is excellent! I don't know about Takatoys...though I would expect he would consider comission work as well. Hope you will share your model with us...I built a 1/32 F14 as a kit...what a wonderfully massive kit!
  20. Whats the word? Whats the final solution? Come on now...you have had a whole day!
  21. Not to belabor this...but while the price is high, I dont think it is ridiculous. (I may feel differently when I see them... ) My wife collects department56 collectibles. These are in resin, porcelin, or ceramic. Static pieces, probably about the size of one of the two bookends will go for $50....limited editions...$75 to $100...double the size (2 pieces) and the price is not unreasonable. The catch? Well, D56 makes some very high quality, very collectible stuff. If the Toynami bookends are as good (or better....as you would expect more detail in person) then the pictures they are not ridiculously priced (IMO) They are, no doubt, expensive, but not stunning in the price range. If they are not as good in quality as they look...well then...thats a different story.
  22. Graham said in an earlier thread he thought best case for the QRau was end of Jan - Feb time frame.
  23. still love my Yamato 1/60 Super. 1/48 is nicer, but huge price difference (worth it, but likely more then twice as much) The original Bandai has tons of sentimental value for me, if your older and were a fan as a kid this would be a great choice. Not a big fan of the Toynami version...to plasticy.
  24. ,,,i hate it when I do that!
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