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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. However weak it may be, it looks nice in battroid too....just put it in the corner of your display case.
  2. Gorgeous....simply gorgeous.
  3. there is a fool born every minute...
  4. or you could simply cover the entire model with putty. The irregular surface masks all seams, and panel lines...leaving everything uniform...
  5. So...how do you do the panel line scribing? Templates, ruler, other? I just can't seem to get them as smooth as yours look. BTW...how is that 1/32 scale baby doing?
  6. Welcome welcome welcome! I love the use of Battleship pegs!!! SWEET!
  7. I always thought it was off-centerline...but thats entirely based on the Club M kit...I dont recall seeing it in lineart, and I have not played VFX
  8. cant see the link...what was it?
  9. SWEET!
  10. My dad flys an airbus....what they pulled off....well..just amazing!
  11. Dang!!! Someone has been busy!!! Awesome work Kanata....made my morning!
  12. I would love to figure out if there is a compatible kit for this. If you look at the WM Cheng VF1 with flaps (and there is at least one other) the VF1 (and F-14) have what are called Fowler Flaps (SP? ) Fowler flaps extend out from inside the wind, so they are actually extend past the normal width of the wing adding to the airfoil. (read, they are bigged then the section we can see denoted on the wing with panel lines) They only thinkg I could figure out was to cut them out, (as 007 VF1 said) and then add to them from scratch...but I was thinking there must be a 1/72 F-14 mod kit out there...I just cant find it...
  13. It's almost like someone heard Blaines request...now you just need the body! Auction Link
  14. Wow...cool! Are they simply recasting your kit (I assume you scratch built it ? ) or are they adding more detail etc? Regardless, thank you for sharing the information...it looks great! I'll definitly need one!
  15. definitly try clear nail polish.
  16. very nice work!
  17. I was looking over the SMT Modeling shop website (for those of you not familer SMT did a lot of Star Wars resin models, and now is doing other SciFi models ) and I found this in their "News Section" Check the last line...wonder what the scale is....some of their stuff has been really good...so i am wondering about this... Upcoming Releases What kit would you like to see? We want your input! What spaceship would you like to see as a kit? In the months ahead we are planning the following releases: Another independent design by Alfred Wong 1:48 LIS 'Bubble Fighter' Destroid Monster kit ? (sneakpeek coming soon)
  18. It was an AWESOME show...the wife and I both were into it....rumoprs abound that Joss is trying to bring it to the big screen...here is hoping!
  19. Myersjessee


    I would disagree with this statement only based on the 1/100 and 1/200 scale models of the Regults. (perhaps they are not acurate, and thus my confusion) but the Lg and Sm missile pod seem identical to the standard regult minus...well the missiles. Standard regult in the 1/200 model is identical with two antenna that go in the hole where the missiles would go. This is what I thought Yamato would latch onto...similar to the 1/60 line and QRau...they could make 1 model (standard Regult) then minimal mods (more then color, but comparable to doing the armor say on the VF1 series) to release the small and large missile varients. Then, considering the success of the Low Vis perhaps 1 other custom version (or 2) could be released. Different paint job, weathering or what have you. The Scout, finally, would be akin to going to the Elint in 1/60. Would be a whole mod...with only really the legs being reusable for the new one...but having those down and all the kinks worked out means you only have to design and do the body....this one, of all of them, I could see them easily skipping based on sales. Glaug, well thats a whole other problem...but the Glaug is arguably the most popular here in the US. Due to ties with Battletech you still see 1/72 scale model Glaugs selling for $100 or more while the rest of the market has dropped some. I sure hope the QRau does well and they keep doing the other "enemy" mecha.
  20. Well... just from looking at it... I'd say the "inputs" did not seem the right fit for a cassette tape. Maybe 8 track. Oh...I thought that was for an LP...
  21. Blaine, have you tried realdoll.com with your request!?!?! Man...why all the AT AT hate here...comeon...someone has $19,000 and nothing better to spend it on!!! (It would look soooo cool in my project room! )
  22. For those of you who have not seen this kit and are considering it...I am the proud owner of Valkyries VF4 and MaxL...both are GORGEOUS! He is top notch..have no fears.
  23. Man...I need this...I can cover the last $400...someone in the holiday spirit?!? Ebay Auction
  24. yet they "swallow" my "wad"! (wad = cash sikos! )
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