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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. The details down the side of the viper body are cool. I couldn't capture all the detail that will be visible with a wash, but I wanted to try the best I could to show them off for you. In general, seeing it in person, the detail really gives the Viper the "rag tag" look that you would expect the ship to have...very cool stuff!
  2. The kit comes with the two recognizable cannons for the wings....wow...I loved this show! Mike told me he had to scratch build these back up, as the originals were destroyed. I compared them to pictures of the original...they look great!
  3. The cockpit in the body is bare, but the kit comes with a cockpitdetail piece with controls and console on it. I plan on scratch building a couple extra details, but at this scale that should be easy. Its really nice!
  4. The pilot - I honestly could not do the pilot figure justice with my camera. It is large, and very detailed. Everything from the emblem on the helpemt to epilets are clearly visible. Im sure this will look great painted up.
  5. Well, I got a chance to sit down with MSLZ22 and see his Colonial Viper first hand. I was very excited to see the kit, as I grew up watching Battlestar Galactica. I know this is a Macross site first and foremost, but it seemed there was enough interest in the new series to warrent a review for members to share. (mods, be gentle. ) The kit...well...let me just say its gorgeous. Mike started to spend some time to tell me how much work had gone into it...apeaerently the original master for the molds was used in the filming, but was pretty beat up....the state of the original, and the age of the molds left the quality of the recast Mike got in major question. Instead of crying over spilt milk mike got to work. He redid the nose, where it had become warped, added back a ton of detail that had been lost, or damaged with age, reshaped the thrusters and basically redid parts of the entire kit (including rebuiling lasers, etc) The final redone kit is steller. Included in the kit are: The body 3 wings pilot pilot head cockpit detail canopy two lasers 2 detail pieces for the body decals Larger then I expected, the body is solid, and heavy. It has a hole in the bottom of the fuselage so it can be mounted on a display rod.
  6. Here are some shots from WF to compare with...it looks like they added some details that are not in the kit...still...I love the kit (thanks Min! ) and don't think the details would be to hard to add...so I anxiousley await.
  7. here is how it goes together...again...note no detail on the arm
  8. and the outside of the par...where again more puttying and cleanup would need to be done where the resin has not adhered to the bar
  9. Here is a closeup of the inside of the bar..you can see the metal rod sticking out...to be done well you would want to putty over it...
  10. Here is a closeup of some of the pieces
  11. Here are he pieces in the kit Youll not all the detail pieces are for the actual clamps...not really anything for the arm itself or the base.
  12. I had not thought about the rare earth magnets before, but they would definitly hold a valkyrie (and crush your fingers with the bigger ones ) I would love to see that option work....cleaner then having to drill a hole through a nice model... (in case you were looking for ideas Valkyrie. Also, I have this kit as well, so I will post some pictures if thats helps anyone. I dont think mine is that bad, but I would love to see how far Valkyrie can take it.
  13. The 1/200's are good....as are the 1/100 older Bandais from HLJ (if you want to do Macross) The other thing you might try is if you can get a simpler VF1 (say an A) from Ebay...while complex, a lot easier then a strike.
  14. sounds AWESOME!
  15. Multipart answer: If your looking for quick, easy, and have a very steady hand (and can do with some minor "mistakes" ) use the dremel...it's quick and effective. Problems, can include mistakes...which will often be in the form of the wheel catching on the edge of something and jumping, disturbing your smooth line....also, it is the widest cut, destroying the most of the plastic Razor or modeling saw - my favorite...does great work...but straight lines....if your doing something with any amount of curves you may have problems...it will, however, do a finer cut then the dremel, and is easier to not make mistakes with...of course it will take longer Jewlers Saw - won't do straight lines (like the modelers saw) but does curves wonderfully. Very accurate, but very hard to do perfectly straight lines with such a fine blade. Chain Saw - no effort...no accuracy...most rewarding! Hope this makes sense..and helps.
  16. Cuz you're too slow.... Really though? The kits are limited in supply. Small supply = higher price. ::sigh:: I know I'm slow. talk to Valkyrie...he has his recast available again...and it's wonderful!!!!
  17. Dont do it Wicked...you'll be sorry...its still a nice little display piece despite it's problems (IMO)
  18. kinda makes you thankful WalMart didn't do the 1/48 Valk...would make the MPC desirable from the sounds of it!
  19. Well....here is the latest...no news update... Unfortatly, despite the fact I was supposed to have gotten an email by now, and we were supposed to have gotten a refund by now nothing....nada...zip. I guess I just dont have the patience to deal with this guy...it's been a year...and our last email was 6 months ago.....had it not been for the time and persistence of another member in Japan who could communicate not only the Japanese language but the language of honor amongst modelers...well...I wonder if we would have seen anything by now. (Thanks Monkey Nugget! ) So...back to the same old story...Ill be sending another email to Tanmen. Ill keep it short and simple (since he doesn't have an english translator. Rob has voluntered to phone him again for a status. At this point WF is a month away....maybe he will have more money to pay us back then...or maybe some kits finished. Rob found this link which I found interesting...I have bablefished it for what that is worth (below) The intersting thing to me is: I dont see the Dragon at all on the list..even as a demo! He mentions the SD VF11, SD Strike, and VF4...but with the initial comment "If the demand is many" Perhaps someone could translate better for me...I read into that they are not ready, but could be if he gets enough preorders...whats up with that? Yet...through all this I read about the possibility of things like: 1/72 VF-3000 (advanced Valkyrie) 1/72 V-BR-2 1/72 VF-9 (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX M3) And I find myself looking through my design works and looking at the designs longingly...he is a master sculpter...I just wish he was a better businessman. Well...here is hoping he gets back to us this time. As always...to the members stuck in limbo...my apologies...if I had known...well...we wouldn't be in this mess. LINK Wonder Festival 2004 Winter Day and time 2004 February 22nd (day) 10:00 - 17:00 Place Tokyo international display room (Tokyo big sight) west exhibition ridge 1 2 hole + atriums Sponsorship Wander - festival Executive Committee/(Inc.) oceanic hall Dealer name UNCM Table number Undecided Sale contents Original garage kit, food Šß ƒIƒ}ƒP \100 city, member model magazine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Event exhibition schedule after the next time (while producing) character item * Always all point it can exhibit being it does not limit, please acknowledge the exhibition schedule item beforehand with the condition and the like regarding "the copyright" acquisition of each event. In addition, the picture and the like of the item and also it is schedule of upload at the point in time when event participation has become secure in regard to the sale quantity and selling price etc.. Tank type item 1/144 E-79 (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg) 1/144 E-79bis (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg bis. ) 1/144 short bulls (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg) 1/144 T69E3 (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg) 1/144 ƒIƒŠƒI[ƒ‹ (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg) 1/144 ƒIƒŠƒI[ƒ‹ long gun types (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg bis. ) 1/144 ƒIƒŠƒI[ƒ‹ it is short gun type (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg bis. ) 1/144 „I „R-152 (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg) 1/144 „Rc -122 „ƒ (ƒpƒ“ƒcƒ@[ƒtƒƒ“ƒg) Gundam type item 1/1200 Ra ƒJƒCƒ‰ƒ€ (ƒVƒƒƒA of movement soldier Gundam counterattack) 1/1200 ƒy[ƒ‹ƒMcƒ“ƒg (movement soldier Gundam 0083) 1/1200 ƒTƒ‰ƒ~ƒX reforming (movement soldier Z Gundam) 1/120000 spaces colony side 3 (movement soldier Gundam) It can exhibit with the progress of job, or is not possible or... 1/1200 ƒOƒƒWƒ“ (movement soldier Gundam) 1/1200 ƒ€ƒTƒC(movement soldier Gundam) NON scale space fortress SOLOMON (movement soldier Gundam) If demand is many 1/1200 Albion(movement soldier Gundam 0083) 1/1200 Gray phantoms (movement soldier Gundam 0080) 1/1200 ƒTƒ‰ƒ~ƒX reforming(movement soldier Gundam 0083) 1/1200 ƒTƒ‰ƒ~ƒX (movement soldier Gundam) 1/120000 spaces colony "side 6" (movement soldier Gundam) ƒ}ƒNƒƒX item SD VF-1S strike Valkyrie (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX theater edition) SD VF-1A/J/S super Valkyrie (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX) SD VF-11B (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD VF-1A/J/S moth walk(super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX) SD VF-1S strike Valkyrie moth walk(super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX theater edition) SD YF-19 first pack (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD YF-21 first pack (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD VF-4 (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX flashback 2012) SD VF-1D (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX) SD VF-1D moth walk (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX) 1/72 VF-4 (ƒŠƒƒCƒN edition)(super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX flashback 2012) It can exhibit with the progress of job, or is not possible or... SD YF-19 moth walk(ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD YF-21 moth walk (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD VF-11B first pack (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD VF-11B moth walk (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD ƒ[ƒ“ƒgƒ‰[ƒfƒB air war pod (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX) 1/72 VF-3000 (advanced Valkyrie) 1/72 V-BR-2 1/72 VF-9 (super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX M3) If demand is many SD VF-1A/J/S Valkyrie fighter (Ver.1)(super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX) SD VT-1 super ostrich(super spatial-temporal fortress ƒ}ƒNƒƒX theater edition) SD YF-19 fighter (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) SD YF-21 fighter (ƒ}ƒNƒƒX plus) The picture and the like production midwayis published to "AREA-Tanmen".
  20. ooopps...mispost..sorry
  21. Thats neat..it does really kinda look like him...whats the picture from?
  22. Thats really cool...whats the picture from? It does kinda look like him...
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