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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. thanks valk
  2. 1/60 Glaug Regult Regult, Small Missile Regult, Large Missile Regult, Scout Zentradi Fighter Pod QRau - TV Valk Booster CatsEye Fan Racer Fan Liner Dragon Tomahawk Defender Spartan Phalanx Hmm...thats all I can think of...I don't want much...
  3. I know Graham asked about that...more then once I think...but unfortunatly it didn't seem like an idea they seemed very interested in....
  4. Love that Legioss!!!
  5. ...and we have now kick started Ken's imagination...go to it buddy! (we are all anxiousley awaiting more launch arms! Sign me up for 2 now please!! )
  7. I wonder if the mecha would not be able to fly in the atmosphere once being retrofitted...the hardpoints on the tail and wing completly messing with airflow...
  8. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Rob, that sucks!!!! Still, your son's ingenuity must make you proud....at four he could climb the shelf, retrieve the toy, and make it too the balcony unobserved, where he knew what it should do, and attempted to free it. Truly, you have a bright boy on your hands. Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think we should start a letter of complaint to Yamato. You pay $100 for a toy and it won't even survive a simply 10 story fall!?!? What is this world coming too!!!
  9. I'm getting a twitch...
  10. Mike posted it in for sale, but here is a copy for historical purposes.
  11. Ill ask Mike...he has both!!!! (much jealousy!!! )
  12. I think the kit featured by Kouichi Saeki must be scratch built..it is way different then the WF kit...but wow...gorgeous.
  13. very nice Devin!
  14. Myersjessee


    you might PM Monkey Nugget...he may be able to get more of the Bclub kits to upgrade the Bandai VF2SS. The one on the front page was scratch built, and is amazing. There is another member who used Monkey Nuggets kit to customize to make theirs variable without armor...search on VF2SS and youll find it. He left some nice pictures to show the way...its in the models section.
  15. good show.
  16. Yoshinol, expect the best, and accept no less.
  17. I say give them a year or two...they will get all wrapped up in Macross Zero stuff, Mac + stuff...and lots of non-VF1's...then bamn...they will suprise us with 1/48 two seaters! (and Ill be happy )
  18. I dont know...I love the VF4\...but considering the CF didn't sell well...and they worry enemy mecha won't sell...the VF4 might be more of a fanboy sale, then the mass market...hope I am wrong...
  19. Myersjessee


    love o see it, but I doubt it...
  20. Wow...well..I guess no big suprise....but the cost point is going to be rough...if they do what they did in the 1/60 line the only thing really left is the CF....unless they resculpt and do the double cockpit..then that opens up the D, Elint, and Ostrich...wonder if they will go that far....Im happy...but not ecstatic...to expensive, and too quick...Im more interested in the QRau and the 1/60 GBP right now...
  21. and If anyone has any questions please feel free top post or PM me. Thanks.
  22. Here are some pictures of a completed on Mike did "in a weekend" Wow....let me say in all honesty the pictures dont do the kit justice...not even close. This will be a gorgeous premier part of my model colllection someday. Thanks Mike. Anyone, if you are a fan of Galactica, like me, I can honestly say you won't find anything close for the price Mike is charging. The kit itself has to be nearly $35 of resin alone...the molds had to be huge...he certainly isn't making any money on the sale...and considering the Monogram models don't have a cockpit, are smaller, less detailed, and selling on Ebay for $70 or more...this is a steal. Mike, thank you!!!
  23. And here it is with the headless pilot on the 1/48...man...imagine how big the VF1 at this scale would be!
  24. Here it is in front of a Yamato 1/48
  25. One thing I am very excited about is it is a large kit. After working on 1/72 and 1/100 scale kits this should be a nice change. The Viper itself, is small, so the scale on the kit must be hugh (I am guessing 1/24....Mike told me, but I can't remember....so here are some scale shots) With a hasegawa
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