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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. SWEET!!!! MAN...that was a lot of customizing...and it looks factory built! Great work!!!
  2. yep...I remember that too...and it makes sense...their fear is that the enemey mecha wont be popular...same with non-transformring.....hopefully sales of the QRau prove them wrong.
  3. yes...1 of each....though I am not doing flips for them..
  4. I wonder if this is a potential use for all those depleated uranium rods that they can't find a place for... New, Yamato, 1-16 scale VF1 Glow in the dark variant...
  5. Ive got some closeups of the small wings from when I recast them....if you need them drop me a PM with your email address...as for Arafat..check my Sig line...its all about him.
  6. but oif course!
  7. well..on the brite side maybe it will start a whole new realm of cool mecha and anime...Ill give it a shot.
  8. well....there goes my chances for a 1/6 scale ultimate detail chrome Fanliner with real air powered solar inducted authentic actualized engine lighting system.....but mabe the 1/10? Here is a scale reference pic on the 1/10 Fanliner To fully comprehend the size, imagine the foam block it is sitting on was 62 times larger...thats one funkey monkey!
  9. to big...to expensive....and if they ndid everyone would complain that they were to much and not nice enough...nut-uh!
  10. Great work LTSO! Valkyrie Booster (fits Hasegawa kits...) (1/72) Fan Racer (1/48) Battle Pod Glaug (1/60) .
  11. Where is the rest of it?!?! LMAO!
  12. I thought about that..and the telescoping is easy...its just a scale problem....proper thickness works out to be a little thicker then 40 lb fishing test...so, even if I get the tiny tubes I have to find some way to make them functional..I cant make a real damper at that size....(it may be possible...but what a pain) ..and considering the size, it would need to collapse down and back....seems I think may try to make something that tlescopes, but instead of building in the mechanisim to have it move in the track as well, just put two stops in...one for open, one for closed. Also..think I solved the main gear door problem! WOOWHOO! Details to come.
  13. I dont know the actual weight, but they are heavy....bought the same weight as a bottle of wine....plenty heavy enough for books. I can shoot some more pictures of the interior when Iget home. It's just a mass of "guk" with what appears to be blood and smutz everywhere....
  14. I love the motion and flex in the Pod..very well done!
  15. Well...despite past failures I decided I would break down and buy the bookends. I got some money for Christmas, and decided I wanted to give them a shot. I must say, I am pleased. I know they were expensive, but upon arrival, unlike with the Masterpiece...I was greated with a heavy, well made, piece of art that looks really nice on my desk. Considering it is their first forray into porcelain, I am very impressed. Ratings - Paint job - very nice...B+...could have been an A, but they botched some details...still looks good from a distance Sculpt. - B ...love the pod...the VF1S has some issues, but I do like the motion to it..however realistic, i think the sculptor caught the emotion of the moment...thumbs up Overall...I would give it a B...not a stunning A+, but definitly well above the F- I gave the Masterpiece. I hope this piece does well, and they do more art....it would be nice if they made more, and made them cheaper...but definitly a nice change from the norm.
  16. Anyways...thats where I am so far....thanks for the advice in advance.
  17. Finally..the wings....I am making light lenses for the tips and landing lights, and made the spoiler and aileron/flap assembly move. I did not split the rear control surfaces because alln the line art I found had them moving together.
  18. bad shot of the doors down
  19. interior gear bay
  20. Next...the gear doors...I think I have finally got a working version. I built a landing gear bay, and I am working on landing gear for it. This will most likely be plug style gear, as I wanted more detail then I was going to get with something that collapsed (with my skills that is) The front door has a hole for the light lens I will be mounting. The side door right now is also a plug and remove piece as opposed to hinges. The door is so tiny that anything I used for a hinge just overwhelmed it. I have not give up on hinging it though, and would appreciate any good ideas!
  21. inside the door detail Theres a lot of putty left on it that I need to fine sand...then prime...etc
  22. another shot
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