Well...despite past failures I decided I would break down and buy the bookends. I got some money for Christmas, and decided I wanted to give them a shot. I must say, I am pleased. I know they were expensive, but upon arrival, unlike with the Masterpiece...I was greated with a heavy, well made, piece of art that looks really nice on my desk. Considering it is their first forray into porcelain, I am very impressed.
Ratings -
Paint job - very nice...B+...could have been an A, but they botched some details...still looks good from a distance
Sculpt. - B ...love the pod...the VF1S has some issues, but I do like the motion to it..however realistic, i think the sculptor caught the emotion of the moment...thumbs up
Overall...I would give it a B...not a stunning A+, but definitly well above the F- I gave the Masterpiece. I hope this piece does well, and they do more art....it would be nice if they made more, and made them cheaper...but definitly a nice change from the norm.