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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  2. so...sounds like he will try for April...but thats a stretch....Im not sure why he references fanracer and fanliner molds being shot (we are not owed any of them)...but it does sound like they will be getting out of the Macross business, or at least not doing it through WF...which would seem to be an impact. Considering they were not at WF this year I am not suprised he is not suggesting he pay us back. Hopefully he can finish up the Dragon mold and pay us back in April in models...
  3. and...the important translated parts (thanks Rob! ) Dear Jesse, Finally "The Wonder Festival in 2004" was over. As there was beyond good reputation about "1/144 the self-defence force series" of KONAMI, KONAMI tries to get an original model malker of "Thunder Bird Series" back to "1/144 The Self- Defence Force Series". I have some problems about that. Because I was asked to be an original model maker of KONAMI production. And I have already made a fully schedule for that until this fall. The plan shouldn't be changed. I know that You can sue for that in USA. I'm ready to come back for BANDAI original model maker so that I can leave KONAMI whenever I want. This is why I am still on my way to make "1/144 a tank" for the event and "Dragon2 model". The other day there was a trial for Macros copyright. TATSUNOKO production won. So we are not going to exhibit Macros items for the event any more. Choice1) Choice2) Choice3) As "1/72 Fan liner(Body and propeller)" and "1/72 Cats Eye Model (body and wings)" had been broken, if the mass production we have now were damaged, we couldn't make it possible to produce or to the matters worse out of production. The more we copy, the worse they break. We have no idea when it's done. If we do it four or five times more, we will never be able to copy it again. This is the very last time to copy cats eye model. We'd like to choose number 3, but it is very difficult the deadline by April. We'll try our best but it takes at least 3 weeks. We'll be able to send them beginning of April. I get tired of getting e-mail with viruses. So I am not going to put pictures of character items on my homepage. But I will have a special password to look into my homepage. I will tell the password to only customers. I would like to choose number 3. Robby/Monkey-Nugget
  4. Okay...here is his note to me...and a translation of the important stuff...it is not a translation of all the political mumbo-jumbo...as that was just taking to long...perhaps someone else can figure that out for us. Dear Jesse, こん**は、 UNCONTEMPORARY MODELING 長崎です。 なかなかお返事できずに申し訳ありません。 先日ようやく「ワンダーフェスティバル2004冬」が終りましたが、コ ナミ(株)の方は「1/144 陸上自衛隊シリーズ」の評判が予想以上 に良かったことで、同社の「サンダーバードシリーズ」の原型製作 者を「自衛隊シリーズ」に戻そうとしている(もともとはこの原型師 が製作した原型で企画されたのですが、一度「保留=企画倒れ」 になった過去があり、今回「売れる見込み」が出てきたところで「汚 名返上」のために、もう一度原型製作に戻そうとしているらしい…。) ことで少々問題が生じています(私の方は今年の秋までのスケジュー ルを空けてコナミ製品の原型製作にあてることにして、すでにすべ ての原型製作の発注は受けているので、今さら「原型師を戻すか ら…。」と言われても困るわけです。アメリカなら間違いなく裁判沙 汰だと思いますが、日本だとこういう場合は模型業界で仕事を続け たければ原型師の方が割を食う形で決着せざるを得ないんですよ。 嫌なた世界だと思います。)ただ、今になってコナミ(株)の技術では 先日添付ファイルで送信した戦車のディテールを再現することがで きそうもないということがわかり、私としてはいつでもコナミ(株)を切 り捨てられるように(株)バンダイの原型製作に復帰する準備を密か に進めています。そんなこんなで「ワンフェス用の1/144戦車」の原 型も、「ドラゴンⅡ」の残りの部分の原型も現在製作中という状況で す。 また、先日「超時空要塞マクロス」の「著作権」の所在を争う裁判で 「マクロスの著作権はタツノコ・プロダクションにある。」という結果が出 されたこともあり、今後「ワンフェス」などの「模型イベント」へ「マクロス 系」の作品を出品しようとすると、キットを販売するために必要になる 「当日版権(一日版権)」の申請やその結果の許諾に大きな影響がで る可能性が出る(最悪の場合は当日版権が一切認められない。)こと が懸念されるため、当分「UNCM」としては「模型イベント」へ「マクロス 系」アイテムを出品することは考えていません。ただ、コナミ(株)、 (株)バンダイの件の状況にもよりますが、「SD VF-1ストライク・バル キリー」、「SD VF-1スーパー・バルキリー」は5月上旬にようやく型取 り、量産ができそうです。 さて、本題の件ですが、 > 選択1)私共がお支払いしたお金を返金して頂く。 >      私共はあなた様のすばらしいモデルをとても >      尊敬していますので、これは最も選んで頂きたくない >      選択ですが、取引を終了するには致し方ない >      事だと思っております。 > 選択2)もしあなた様がDragon ll Modelを4月初旬に >      仕上げることが出来るならば、Dragon ll Modelを >      4つと¥52,500返金して頂く。 >      これは2004年4月までに仕上げることが可能 >      な場合のみの選択となります。それ以降は >     一切私共は待てないということをご了承 >     下さい。 > 選択3)払戻金の代わりに、他のキットに興味を示して >     おられるお客様が数名いらっしゃいます。 >     もし払戻金の代わりにいくつかModel (1/72 Cats > Eye Modelを2つとDragon ll Modelを2つ) を >     付け加えてくださるなら、喜んで同意致します。 >     もしくは引き続き最後の注文と致しまして、 >     1/72 Scale Dragon llのキットを6つと 1/72 Scale > Cats Eye Model を2つお願い致します。 >     いづれも2004年4月までに仕上げてくださると >     いう条件付きです。 すでに「1/72 ファン・ライナー(機体、プロペラ)」、「1/72 キャッツ・アイ (機体、左右主翼)」、「1/72 ドラゴンⅡ(機体)」の原型が壊れてしまっ ているために、現在保有している量産型が破損してしまうと(複製の度 に少しずつシリコン型の劣化は進むもので、今でもかなり傷みがある のですが…。)、量産そのものが「不可能」ということで「絶版」というこ とになります。原型を元通りに修復できれば再度型取りをし直して量産 は可能ですが、上記のメーカーとの問題もあり、いま原型を修復しよう としてもいつ頃終るかは判らない状況です。「ドラゴンⅡ」は本格的な量 産を行っていない分、型には問題は無いと思いますが、「キャッツ・アイ」 と「ファン・ライナー」はあと4~5回、もしくは5~6回の複製作業で完全に 「複製不可能」なほどに傷んでしまうと思います。原型の修復にも時間が かかりそうですし、今後のイベントへの出品も可能性が少ないので、量 産用の型が壊れた時点でそれらのアイテムは「生産終了」としてしまうつ もりです。 「キャッツ・アイ」のキットをご希望の方がいらっしゃるなら、「1/72 キャッ ツ・アイ」に取っては最後の複製になると思いますが、3)のご提案を選択 したいところですが、「型」を今以上に壊さないように量産を進めるとなる と「ドラゴンⅡ」の追加注文が増える分「4月まで」というのが少々きびしい かもしれません。「ドラゴンⅡ」×8、「キャッツ・アイ」×4ですから、新品の 量産型の状態で複製できたとしても、複製作業、事後硬化期間、複製後 のゲート処理、パーツの不良確認、パーツ仕分け、欠品確認、梱包、発 送準備という一連の作業だけで2週間強の時間がかかる作業ですので、 「型」をいたわりながらとなると、3週間前後の時間はかかると思うので発 送できるのが4月上旬になると思います。 また、その他の製作予定のアイテムに関しては「イベント出品」とは関係 なく、完成までにどれくらいの時間がかかるか判りませんが製作は続ける つもりです。アメリカではどのような状況か判りませんが、日本では「キャ ラクターものは版権が無ければ造ってはいけない!」という間違った認識 が「ワンフェス」などの「模型イベント」を通じて一般的な考え方になってし まったため、私のホームページに関しても「著作権侵害だ!」というメール・ ウィルス付きのメールや、「版権元に通報されたくなければキットをよこ せ!」というような完全に「脅迫」にあたる内容のメールが数多く届き、「キャ ラクターもの」のキットの製作に少々嫌気がさしているというのはあるので すが、コナミ(株)やバンダイ(株)など「キャラクター版権」に基づいた製品 開発を行っている企業から「原型製作」の依頼を受けられるということで、 私の「キャラクター版権」に関する考え方は間違っていないと考えています。 ただ、ホームページに画像を掲載すれば、「キャラクター版権」に詳しくな い方から、またそのようなメールが届くことは必至なので今後も当分の間 「キャラクター系作品」の画像はアップロードしないつもりです。 現状では具体的な時期は判りませんが、「キャラクター関係の作品」はす べて「パスワード」で保護された「会員限定ページ」に移す考えでいます。 「パスワード」は「マクロス系」、「ガンダム系」を問わず、「キャラクター系」 のキットを「個人売買」でご購入いただいた皆様にだけお知らせします。 ということで、お返事が遅れて申し訳ありませんでしたが、「3)のご提案」と いうことで今後の作業を進めさせてもらいたいと思います。 よろしくお願いいたします。m(_ _)m P.S. 「スーパー・チュースデイ」の結果、「ケリー氏」がブッシュ大統領の対 立候補に選ばれたようで、もし次期アメリカ大統領として選出されれば、「ベ トナム戦争」の本当の「戦場」を知っている方だけに、むやみに若者を戦場 に送ることはしないのではないか?混乱の続く「イラク問題」もこれ以上の 犠牲を出さずに上手く解決に導いてくれるのではないか?と期待していま す。もしかしたら「イラク」で戦死されたアメリカ兵の中にも「マクロス・ファン」 の方がいて、私の「模型」に興味を持ってくださっていたら…と考えると、毎 日のように伝えられる「爆弾テロ」などによる「アメリカ兵の犠牲者」のニュー スにはいたたまれません。独立した一つの国として大変情けないことですが、 今の「日本」にできることは「アメリカ」に従うだけなので、「アメリカ」の新しい 大統領に「戦わない!」という選択をしてもらえれば…と願っています。また、 私は「長崎」という「原爆」を投下された街と同じ名前に生まれた以上、どん な理由があったとしても「戦争」を肯定することはできません。「イラク攻撃」 に踏み切った「ブッシュ大統領」を今後も私のホームページの中で批判し続 けるつもりですが、遠く「イラク」の地で「戦死」された方、「負傷」された方、今 もなお戦い続けている「アメリカ兵」の方々に心から感謝します。本当にどう もありがとう!「太平洋戦争」が終結して50年以上、「日本」には未だに本当 の「民主主義」が根付いていません。「イラク」に「民主主義」が根付くのにこ の先どのくらいの時間がかかるのか見当もつきませんが、現在「イラク」に派 遣されている方々が一日も早く無事に帰国を果たされることを祈ります。 UNCONTEMPORARY MODELING 長崎 美治 7 March,2004 ------------------------------ UNCONTEMPORARY MODELING(UNCM) 〒232-0051 神奈川県横浜市南区井土ヶ谷上町23-30 TEL/FAX 045-741-2734 e-mail uncm@nifty.com tanmen@246.ne.jp tanmen@q02.itscom.net URL http://homepage2.nifty.com/uncm/index.htm http://www.246.ne.jp/~tanmen/index.htm http://home.p08.itscom.net/tanmen/index.html
  5. great work Mike!!!
  6. We are not having great luck are we?!?!?! Well...hopefully he will come through.... Shawn, you have nothing to be sorry for..I appreciate your advice through this whole process...and thanks for providing us with this forum to kibitz! As for the translation Rob sent me a note letting me know it is still in process...the note is very long, and confusing. I told him not to rush, and thanked him again for all the extra support he is providing. Rob also arranged a phone call for us to clarify some items. Im going to try and catch up with Rob when the translation is done and we will post a complete update...hopefully by weeks end. At this point, I am cautiousley hopeful that the anti-US and lawsuit stuff is just posturing...and that he will come through with the models for us... (option 3) At this point anything is better then nothing. I may just be a sucker...but it would seem if he just wanted to screw us he didn't need to send a note...not to mention a long, drawn out note. All this being said, I want to be careful. I appreciate Spiffs anger, and everyone elses for that matter but I want to be very careful how we convey that anger lest we give him the ammunition he needs to back out and save face. Fingers...sore, and bruised...but still crossed.
  7. Valkyrie is one of the best recasters I have seen...his work surpasses hobby-fan....Im sure Carl's other suggestion would be good...but if Valkyrie want's to do it Im sure he will do subperb work.
  8. Thanks Spiff (and everyone) for all the support. I don't think we should do anything publically...yet....I understand all your frustration (and I emulate it) but my fear is once we draw a line in the sand there is no going back....on the flip side...its been over 16 months since he said he would have everything in 3 months...anyways....well..honestly I don't know what to do.... just please dont any individual send him an angry email without getting everyone involved. I dont want to give him the basis to back out honerably.
  9. Thanks Rob....Everyone...I just want to say publically ( again) thanks to Rob. He has a real job, real life, and no investment in this project...and yet he is investing lots of his time helping translate items, making phone calls, and soliciting advice. (not to mention the time of his wife, friends, etc! ) CHEERS ROB! THANKS!!!!!
  10. nice work!
  11. Grayson makes a key point...I still define myself as a model builder, not collector. My wife might disagree ( ) but there is a difference. Someday, I hope to have a huge case of all the cool models I have built. My problems are: I am a slow builder I am very busy My aspirations outwiegh my time (see above) I continue to buy kits, because I dont want to look back and say "Darn, I should have bought that! " Still...I would say I am a builder, as I intend on building all my kits. I have happily bought kits on Ebay that are no longer "MIB" or are in fact not even in a box anymore. I want the kit...not the prestige. I don't hide my collection away...I am always happy to share pictures, and discuss.
  12. GundamHead....I feel you...I feel what your saying....but I think your missing something...you stated "will this help or hurt the hobby" The hobby is model building...and it will help it ...without a doubt. We will end up with 20-40 model builders who will be happy to have a chance to build a kit they would otherwise most likely never find. It will hurt the collectibles market...but I think that hurt is neglible. We are not advertising these on Ebay, nor are we going to be doing a run of any sizeable amount. Most collectors won't ever know about them. The ones that do will be like Carl, Melissa, I and others...will still buy the originals if we can. If Carl gets a recast Konig, I am certain he will still be on the prowl for an original. I myself have a collection of originals which while it does not rival Carls, I dont even want to think about what I spent on it. That collection has grown due to recasts. Why you say? Well, it's like renting a video. I bought the BlackAces Club M 1/48...and loved it so much I decided I needed the original. I bought all the other Club M Tanmen work because I loved the 1/48 so much. I bought a VF2 recast, and loved it so much I needed to buy the original. In a market where most of us can't go to Wonderfest to find these, and can't speak the language to buy them easily...in a market where an original tiny model can go for hundred or thousands of dollars...well...it just doesn't seem like much of an impact. When you cut down to it, it's piracy...plain and simple...but so is copying movies and CD's to computers, TIVO, and other media. The movie industry thought VCR's would kill them...that no one would go to the movies...some would argue now it saved them. I would argue as long as the scale is small, and the recaster is not out to screw either the original artisan, or the potential buyers then the impact on the hobby is positive, and the impact on collectors is marginal.
  13. mmm..Tifa....
  14. beautiful work as always Jung!
  15. Sweet! Is it limited (like the clear FP's? )
  16. looking so very fine!
  17. a couple members have been kind enough to lend me their 1/72 scale Invid...both the Gurab and the kit with two (Legii?) one flying and one standing. I wont be making a lot, but if someone needs one Ill probably be able to sell a couple.
  18. For all three? yes please Melissa...you rock! Careful though...I prunned some things from my collection this weekend...spring cleaning and it was getting ridiculous!
  19. please add me to the list...I emailed Melissa a while ago as well...(in case there are two lists)
  20. Wow...thats quite a list of kits he is recasting! I hope he will share a chance with us to buy them when they are ready.
  21. Join the darkside, eh,...I am your father eh....
  22. Okay....so no one is in suspense the news appears to be good and bad. In the last note I sent I tried to be fairly firm, but complimentary. I never threatened Tanmen, but I did say things like (this is prior to translation so it may not be exact ) "...I must insist you complete your deal with the members of MacrossWorld. You received our money on good faith over a year ago and must honor the commitment you made with us. " As part of the note I offered three options to Tanmen. 1) pay us back - he had offered this, and it would seem the easiest. My concern was it's still a lot of money, and my fear was we would never see it. This is not to disparage Tanmen...just that it did not seem he had the money (hee had stated he could afford to pay us after Wonderfest... ) 2) Send us a refund for everything but the Dragon models...and complete the Dragon models by April. This was the middle ground we discussed...where some of the money could be returned and the people waiting on Dragons could get them. 3) Send us the Dragons, and make up the difference in money owed with a couple particular models. This option also required an April conclusion. I have been keeping track of what people want...and confirmed with a few people that they would absolutely pay me asap if I coudl get them a Catseye (etc) I dont want to take any new money (not fair...and too confusing ) but I did offer Tanmen a chance to pay us with models....I would sell off the models to the perspective buyers and use the money to pay back the people who are owed. UP until now I have not spoken about this on the boards because I didnt want to confuse the issue and didn't want to be flooded with orders. Three of the orderers are on the original order and just want to swap out items they wont get with models, or get an extra model..there are two others not on the order. For those of you who will say "I want to be paid what I am owed" you will. I wouldn't offer this if I wasnt comfortable we would be paid...you have my word on it...if necessary I can resell items on Ebay. Anyways...I thought this was a smart offer to make for two reasons...1, it helps out more members, and people on the order. Two, it seemed more likely for us to get product over cash...and easier in terms of customs (I was not looking forward to explaining why I am getting large sums of money from Japan to the IRS ) So...that was the note...I can post it if people want. The note we got back was long...it spent a lot of time talking about the Iraq situation, and US policy. It appears Tanmen is very political and not very happy with the US. In the note he suggests he will complete option 3 for us...but then goes on to talk about how the molds are having problems (or some molds) . On the good news side...he said he would do this. On the bad news side he made some concerning statements in his note like " You are in America, this is Japan. If we were in America you could sue me, but this is Japan so you can't." Rob says (and I agree ) I am not sure what he could mean by this...but it sounds bad. Anyways..I will get the whole translation up soon...it is a very long note and not easy to understand so please all give Rob some time (and again..thanks to ROB!!! )
  23. Update!!! Tanmen replied....it's long, and in Japanese. Rob is helping me translate.
  24. Yep...now Ill need that too....DOH!
  25. Great work Melissa!!! Thanks!!!
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