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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Oh oh...how about they do like the first Star Trek franchise did and just have the same characters come back older, slower and fatter?!?!
  2. Okay...so here is my idea. Galactica, the original series took a horrible race threatening event and made it into a fun campy sitcom. Galactica reinvisioned was dark, a lot more realistic, and a lot more representative of a race on the edge of extinction. I'd love to see Macross rebooted in a similar fashion. Scenario...world is at war destroying itself...then attacked by giant aliens with incredible Technology. We have essentially one chance to keep them from destroying us...we dont understand them. I think it could make for an excellent differnt darker view. Oh, and also stealing from Galactica, I want to see ships in space fight much more like ships can fight in space. 180's on a dime...overuse of vectoring thrusters big time please.
  3. I have an original and it matches your description. Photo etch...etc...(not sure how good my decals are...have not tried them) The cockpit on the body is opened up, but it simply as no detail. The canopy is a solid piece of resin with two destinct plugs that will fit into the two wholes where the pilots should go. I've always intended to simply attempt to vac-form a new canopy for it and then detail the existing holes. Does that sound similar to yours Petar...or was your canopy already vac-formed and your cockpit detailed?
  4. you'd think you could share some... (wait for it) "Pointers"! Nyuck nyuck nyuck!
  5. Good point! Thanks.
  6. Crapola! Thanks all...I appreciate the knowledge. I guess, as you say, it's obvious, but I got lured in by the "it's authentic" and nice packaging. Oh well...I dont think I'm up for spending $600 for the series without having seen it, so as much as I dislike bootlegs I guess I need to support the bootleg market at least until I've seen the series. If it's all that and a bag of chips I might need to splurg for the authentic blue ray versions. Again, thanks for the 411.
  7. Sounds good...Ill screen it. Mac+ was always my favorite.
  8. My casting days (at least in any quantity) are done for a while. I'm truly sorry, I'd love to help...but I honestly don't have the time anymore. (I havent touched my two bench cast area literally since I packed these molds up which had to be 2005) I posted this cause I was stunned the molds still worked. I also wouldn't want to go behind Gundamheads back. I made a deal with him to cast these for him to sell, and I wouldn't want to be seeming to be cutting him out. All that said...if someone wants to cast them and wants my molds please contact Gundamhead. If you can work a deal with him I'd be happy to provide my molds, and all the information you will need on how to work them. At least 1 is designed for Vacuum casting, and you'd need a nice size pressure tank for the others, but we can talk about that. I dont know how many kits they will produce (again, I'm shocked they didn't fall apart after this long...but the rubber seems good...if you keep them well powdered you might get 10 to 20 kits out of them. Let me know if your interested and Ill be happy to try and help broker a deal with Gundamhead. Cheers all.
  9. One more noob question. (and again, thank you as well as sorry to bother you) So...I'm going to order the DVD's. I want to make sure I buy originals as opposed to bootlegs. I'm seeing lots of auctions...looking at three of them (below) I'm wondering why the different boxart. Are there different versions? Which should I buy (or does it matter?) Thanks for the advice' 1-25 with "end" and CD. (whats end? ) http://cgi.ebay.com/DVD-Macross-Frontier-V...=item2c5295871c another 1-25 end different art http://cgi.ebay.com/Macross-Frontier-Chapt...=item2304a683dc 3rd 1-25 end http://cgi.ebay.com/MACROSS-FRONTIER-1-25-...=item19b933bbab Thanks in advance folks!
  10. This cracked me up: Cleaning up my model area and organizing I realized I never made myself a launch arm. With the probably 50 or more kits I made, I forgot myself. I found an "extra pieces" box and had most things, but was missing the main arm pieces. So, scrounging around I found the molds (2+ years old) and some resin (2+ years old) I said, "There is no chance this is going to work" but crossing my fingers hooked up the vacuum pump and compressors...stirred up the resin real nice and took a crack at it. I was stunned...first try...nice clean castings. It's a late christmas miracle! Yea! Now I have a kit too!
  11. Interesting. Sounds like I need to get better at planning and cleaning. I'm spoiled with the siphon badge paint swap and found gravity to be cumbersome, but everyone I hear from seems to think I have it reversed. Sounds like I need more practice and a better process. Thank you all for the thoughts.
  12. Good information...thank you both. I just spent a couple hours reading about Iwata's. I noticed there was a side feed HP-SB that allows for a gravity cup and a siphon cup...I'm a little partial to siphon as I like being able to paint a few colors quickly (paint...blow thinner through..switch cups, paint)...but you make good points that a high percent of the time gravity will be better. Is side a reasonable middle ground for me to have a little of both, or is it just gonna suck?
  13. Your rush job > My slow job! Nice work!
  14. Myersjessee

    DYRL SDF-1

    Looks nice!
  15. Cats Eye?!?! oO
  16. This is great! Thank you! Guess I'm off to buy the dvds!
  17. Thanks John! In your answer you actually raised another question I've been wondering about. You mention the C is easier to clean then suction feed. Currently with my Badger it's a bottom feed suction system. I have about 2-dozen glass paint jars that I premix and two caps with the suction insert...so when I'm painting I simply attach one of the tube-caps to a paint glass....paint...then spray some thinner through and move onto the next color. The gravity feed systems seem to me like I'd be constantly cleaning the attached cup and constantly dumping paint. I'm sure I'm missing something though...how do you handle that?
  18. So...I have a simple single action badger airbrush...and I love it. I'm sure I could be doing a lot more..but it serves it's purpose. However, as I get into smaller and smaller scale items I'd like to have a more precise tool, and I was wondering what everyone else uses or would recomend. I was looking at some of the Iwata's..which I know are nice, but I want to balance quality of the tool with price of parts. I dont want to end up with a pricey paperweight that I can't maintain due to outrageous parts costs. So...whatcha got...whatcha use?!? Cheers!
  19. So...I went into a spider hole for a couple years and now I'm trying to catch up. I'm reading about Macross Frontier and I'd love to hear all your reviews. Is it good? Great? Appropriate for a 13 year old? (my son?) Should I get it...and if so what version? Thanks a billion and sorry to bother you all! Cheers
  20. Sorry. Hope its not to bad.
  21. My F+M is on the way right now with clear parts and gear....
  22. It's interesting reading this. John "got bored one day" and kicked off a beautiful model. I got bored the other day and just surfed porn. No wonder he's so much more productive then I am!
  23. Is anyone else going through periods of not being able to connect? I've noticed between my home machine, work machine, and IPhone (all different networks) reguarly at least one can get in, but all seem to go through extended periods of timing out in the forums. Just wondering if I have a bad link, DNS, or something else. Is it just me?
  24. Yeah. I have a Studio Scale Xwing and a 1/24 Raptor that are both begging to be built and lit....here's hoping they dont cause me to many more grey hairs!
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