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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Nice work! Love to see all the Tanmen stuff...someday I need to pull mine out and knock some out!
  2. I believe they are the same. Both look like the Musasiya VF-2SS kit. Thats really then only 1/72 VF-2SS fighter kit thats available. The others are normally recasts of the original. I would guess one is either a rescast, or Musa used 2 different resins. My original and my recast are both tan I believe.
  3. Very Nice! Great ideas!
  4. I think this is my favorite posting. Never know what I'm going to see!
  5. Sorry, not trying to trade the Tanmen, just wanted to add the Yamato.
  6. Yeah, I believe the Tanmen 1/72 I have has landing gear....but this looks like a nice quick addition to my other 1/60 Valks. I always liked this little bird. (Now I need to again consider a 1/60 Angel Birds though...as I think it would be neat to have them both going vertical! )
  7. I can be patient....(right now I'm repeating that to myself over and over while bobbing my head like rainman...if I say it enough it's true, right?!)
  8. Crap! Okay..so I have the 1/72 Tanmen Racer...but I always loved the racer...so now I need a 1/60. I see it on HLJ on backorder...I put my name in...anyone know if I am SOL (Sh*t Outta Luck) or if HLJ should get more in? I definitly want the one with Hikaru. (Need a 1/60 Minmei also! )
  9. Checking daily hoping for updates.
  10. Good luck!
  11. Maybe a status update from me will help you decide. I decided to buy an Iwata HP-SB+. The thing that attracted me to it was the option to use it as a gravity feed, side feed, or suction feed. I just couldn't get out of my head I might want suction. Well, my pretty new airbrush sits unusued. I kind of decided before I risked breaking it I wanted to get some more practice. So, I cleaned my Iwata HP-C and my Badger 200 and forced myself to use them. Based on the feedback here I tried really hard to get used to gravity..and it's really grown on me. I'm getting quicker at measuring and cleaning. I bought some eyedroppers, and honestly, the ability to use literally a drop of pain for some detailing is wonderful. Also, through all my reading I decided that part of my issues were based on not having the right supplies. Foremost amongst those..good cleaners...so I bought some real cleaning solution, and an ultrasonic cleaner. Both of those helped a lot. I also bought an airbrush holder. $20 add on for a 2 brush model, but I know the reason I broke my HP-C in the first place is I balanced and dropped it. Being able to set the brush down in a proper stand while adjusting my target helps me a lot. Finally, your question...double or single action. My opinion is either will be fine. My Badger is single action. I think of it as a quality can of spray paint. It handles volume nicely, lets me control where I am putting things, and is a cheap purchase. (base setup kit with a compressed air can is like $50) The dual action is not more complex, but does give you a lot more control. Since you can have air flowing without paint in dual action you can get a nice even spray of air going...lightly add in paint, and then go back to air to help dry a spot. As I got better with gravity from above I'm finding I use the Badger less and less. The Iwata HP-C lets me throw almost as much paint as the badger for say a primer coat, but then dial back to a pencil line for detailing. Final recommendation...if you can afford it..get dual action...assuming your like me (I took a 12 year hiatus from building) you will be glad you have it...it's going to really help you add to your work. If you can't afford it...go for a starter single action with internal mix (like the badger 200) it's a great place to start. Cheers
  12. On an aside...as I get closer to the 1/2 way mark on this GP01FB I am realizing that anyone aspiring to be an engineer, or just interested in how things work should have to build one of these. It's amazing how many intricate little pieces go into making this thing fully poseable and functional. If you have been tempted to by a PG Gundam, while they are pricey they sure are an interesting build.
  13. Thanks guys. I actually just stumbled across Samueldecal, but their email is bouncing. I tried the other means of contact. Here's hoping they are still around.
  14. Sorry to bother, but I just realized the "decals" with my Perfect Grade FB are actually stickers. I'm not a fan of stickers (but maybe I'm being to harsh....anyone use them have feedback?) I usually like decals as I can really set them down with solvents and make them look painted on. I worry stickers will peel over time and be to thick. I am assuming there must be aftermarket decals for the PG models, but I can't find any for the GP01FB. Anyone happen to have a lead for me? Thanks
  15. Gorgeous! I'm in. How do we order? eBay?
  16. Thanks Petar...sorry to hear about the buck failure.
  17. Thats a really nice looking little kit. Any idea what it sold for? (I may have to start watching Yahoo Japan again! )
  18. I hear there is a bigger version of the IPad due soon.... The MaxiIPad...
  19. Would be just my luck that my delivery date would be the day after the end of days!
  20. So it occurs to me that 2012 looms only 2 years away? Could the namesake year of Flashback finally bring us a VF-4 toy?
  21. I think it's a fantastic idea! If you go after it please consider keeping us in the loop on your progress.
  22. Lol!!!
  23. So, I was able to talk to Gundamhead and WM Cheng today and get a little more information. Gundamhead and WM have both built the kit and both experienced some saggaing. Gundam's display is vertical (base flat, arm pointing up 90 degrees) and his issue is a small bend in the actual clamp mechanism. This was not reinforced when I cast it...and I dont believe it is now. WM Chengs issue is more serious. He said he would post pictures, but his is off by an inch or more. His issue is compounded is the arm is extending out from the wall holding all the weight of the Valk. I'd love to see the pictures for more ideas, but I wanted to post this so anyone who gets a kit, or already has one is aware. Valkyries thicker rod idea may help...but based on what WM said it still may be a problem over the long term. WM's is a few years old now, and he said it has happened slowly over time. I think the combination of the length of the arm and the weight of the valk will just be something to be careful of. My first thoughts for those building a kit are: 1 - Consider display position. The Arm up at 90 degrees will probably be less problematic. Adding some brass pins during build would probably make sense as well 2 - Keep your Valk as light as possible 3 - Clear bracing. I was thinking, if I build mine like WM I may add a clear acrylic rod at a 45 degree between the valk and the base. It stinks to have to do, but it may go a long way. Other bracing ideas could be a small piece of fishing line going from the valk at a 45 degree above the base. I'm sure you all have many better ideas then I...what do you think? Finally, as for fixing existing issues...any ideas for WM? My best bet would be to heat the resin and try to bend it back, but I honestly dont know that the paint would survive it. Anyone have a better thought here for WM?
  24. I wasn't aware that Gundam sold the masters, but that sounds likely. The molds I have are the ones I made when I was making the kit. The kit was made from the original WF kit (with larger rods then that one used) I got the kit from WF and was soorly disapointed in the detail. Gundamhead suggested he could take it and turn it into something special...which he did. I cast it for him, he packed and sold them. Now...if he's sold the rights to the kits then we really couldn't go by his approval to have me pass on the molds to someone...so I guess the right person to start with is him. He's lurking around somewhere so maybe he will chime in. I'm curious...regarding the sagging...anyone have pictures? I'm looking at the brass rods I used and I'd be suprised if they couldn't hold a Valk. (again, they are larger then the WF ones). I'd love to see where they are bending and chew on how to fix it. (also, make sure they are in fact my castings. I think Gundamhead passed on casting responsibilities to someone else after I stopped...but that could be misinformation. )
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