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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. So the darn vehichle is twice as long as the booster (*almost) by the looks at least...damn!
  2. Wow John!!! It really looks great!!!! I can't wait to get mine!!!!
  3. I'd be very interested!!! 1/72 scale model conversion kits = cool!
  4. Very nice
  5. Sounds like a ton of work! I can't wait for the better pictures. Thanks!
  6. Which kit is this made from? (or kits? )
  7. Myersjessee


    Nothing to see here....mistook an old Mecha for a new version... Please excuse the wasted post.
  8. Sorry...I think I would try and just build it without a head for now. Maybe Yamato will eventually release a new kit with more then one head (like the new strike with the 1S, 1A head options) if so then you could scavange a head. Maybe also post in wanted...maybe someone else will break a kit or sell a completed model cheap you could scavange the part from. Obviousley this doesn't help you now..but it's all I can think of.
  9. I think the Thunder Hummer might sell the best....VF9 next...then GBP...so I would suggest the Hummer now...then maybe VF9 or GBP....after that....VF5000 would be another cool yet to be done kit. Keep it up guys! As for the launch arm...we'd love it..but since it's already a WF kit I dont know if its the best option for Monkey Nugget.
  10. ALL THREEE!!!!!
  11. XSToys!!!!!! MAN OH MAN!!! You have the dream toy collection! Many props!!!
  12. Very nice work! I can't believe you used RustOleam! Excellent!
  13. LOVE IT!
  14. MAJOR COOL!!!!
  15. I got my son: (8 now but got them for him at 5 and 6) 3 exo-squad ROBOTECH Invid and Destroids...these babys lasted through the test...worthwhile 3 skull leader boots....these broke...but with enough super glue and screws I keep them going 1 original Roy Taka....couldn't help giving him one nice heavy one...this is his favorite...tail keeps being broken off...(he "flew" it out a window once) but I still keep it working and he still plays with them. I bought him some of the gashaphons for this weekend...They should be great!
  16. SWEET! Thanks for sharing!
  17. So..>Grayson...would 1/24 be okay with you? How about 1/35, 1/55 or 1/60? Maybe 1/100 or 1/144?
  18. AWESOME JOE!!!
  19. LOL....if the mods could please leave it up a week or so more...I just want it to stay visible until the last kits are off to the PO (work has been crazy..got a promotion (good) and now dont have any time (bad) so Im sending off the kits one or two at a time....Im almost done.
  20. very very nicely done Vitja!
  21. You might PM Valkyrie about the Reppu 11C Battroid. As for the Phalanx I can't find any english on the kit. The launch arm is M.F.T. which is short for My Favorite Things.
  22. LOL...don't thank us buddy...really...you see we are all very sick...the fact we can all rationalize $100 or more for a small plastic model is reasonable is a sign of how sick we are! Ahh well...Im just a big kid at heart. "Fish are friends, not food...."
  23. Yeah...honestly...I was not suprised by the prices...the question was...would I spend $120 for an add for for a $25 kit. The answer is an absolute yes. You see...there is no $25 quality add on GBP kit...and I dont know if I expect Hase to do one...so it's actually $120 for a kit no one else will have...not an unusual price for a garage kit....'especially when you consider the time and costs to do 50 kits....this isn't Club M...all of this is done by hand and none of the supplies are cheap.
  24. Based on that I would endorse (in this order) GBP Regult VF9
  25. your still not getting my bud light.
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