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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. hmmm lets see: anatomically correct toys with squeezable parts dressed up like hybrid living mecha creations...I don't know...which part of it doesn't scare me!!! (and its certainly not anything I would let me wife see...she'd rip me to shreds! I can only imagine the first Jung custom "wow...he used lifelike hair" "amazing detail...it even feels warm" "look were Kawamori signed it"
  2. "Dammit, I want it! I can't wait! That's sooo awesome!!" Or "*sigh* Once again Yamato fails. It sucks hardcore. I don't have one, but I'm going to talk about it like I do." Thats priceless!!! Nice post Vostok...I laughed, I cried....
  3. The original BSG was childish...plain and simple. Rewatch it. I loved it...but it's a story about genocide and the actors are all merrily on there was through the universe with nearly no emotion. I loved it...I'm not getting at it, but lets not put it on a pedestle. The new one tried to have a point. It tries to have emotion beyound anger and tries to make the chharacters real. Baltar, for instance...old series...evil... (for what reason you ask...who knows...just evil) New series...they try to give the character depth.
  4. Yeah...I have sworn off the old series....it was perfect for me as a 9 year old...I'm afraid now I'm to jaded and cynical to enjoy it...
  5. Myersjessee


    10 - LOL! Good luck all...hope someone from MW gets one!
  6. not to mention the little ones stink.
  7. The game was alright...but kinda hard. agreed!
  8. man...this project scares me... You guys rock...hysterical!
  9. Thanks for the writeup Graham!
  10. I can't wait for January 14th! I hadn't seen the mini-series was out on DVD...Ill be buying that today!
  11. That's just mean. I've seen her in person and she's a cutie. after how many drinks? j/k hey i'm not saying shes mean or a bad person, i'm just saying i personally don't find her very attractive. there 3 types of women in the world.... 1, the one i wanna f....these are 9's, 10's 2, the one that can suck my.....these are 7's and 8's 3, the one i wouldn't touch if she paid me...this fits into the busted catagory. 6's and below. *some exceptions can be made* i.e. 2 women who are 6's equal 12 hence better than a 10. i.e. 2 women who are 5's equal 10 hence just as good as a 10. For someone posting on an anime web forum, you certainly have high standards. SNAP!
  12. WOW! The mother load!!!! Impressive.
  13. Huzzah!
  14. Talk about flooding the market...man...
  15. Hope this isn't a repost... LINK Wow....wouldn't that be cool to have!
  16. very cool! Thanks for the link!
  17. Wow...and on Dec 23rd....Merry Christmas Mr Scrog....oops...I mean Chad! Can't we all just get along? (P.S. I have been around for nearly 4 years now (I think) and I always do 800X600...sorry...I guess I should have read the rules....but it took me 4 years to realize I could read the models page as opposed to asking on the forums!...so I'm learning! )
  18. Oh the problem is not as much owning one. It is having the time to build it and make it look exceptionally good... Isn't that always the trick though!
  19. I'm underwhelmed. I guess, like many of us...Yamato's declining quality is enticing me to cease my Yamato toy addiction. It was a good run, but for the money they want to charge I feel I can do better...sad. I think what really hit it home for me is seeing some of the Master Replicas stuff. While a very expensive product, the quality is pristine. I don't mind paying $150 for a toy...but I'd like to feel like I got that value...and they are losing me. I think another big part is the lack of info. I wonder if they realize how much this site used to get me energized to buy there stuff. So many times I decided to skip something, only to hear news from Graham and change my mind. The reviews alone generated $1000s in sales from me alone.
  20. now thats love! What did customs say? Please tell me you got a Macross fan and not a discriminiating old fuddy-duddy.
  21. I'm suggesting a 2 inch diameter steel peg driven through the arm and valkyrie with a jackhammer...then immerse the whole contraption in concrete and let set. Display large block, knowing full well the valkyrie is safe! Actually, good news is, we will have options. The kit should have at least one option, and I'm sure you all will come up with others that work for you....I think we are all on the same page here...thanks for the ideas...keep 'em coming!
  22. ncie work HWR MKII! Quite a few models you have there!!!
  23. ahh..the good ol' days of intrigue and suspense!
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