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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Man...I love that Komilla pic. I'd definitly buy one!
  2. Komilla...I'd love to really see a super detailed 1/6th Milla in full flight suit
  3. 50 hours! WoW! Amazing!
  4. Gorgeous! Please share more pictures! Got any other mods you can share?
  5. You definitly need to do a custom 1/48 Fire Valk next...think of all the detail you could add to the geeetaarr!
  6. I sure hope they keep going. So far I'm loving it!!!
  7. nice fire valk!
  8. I like Ms. Blalock, but the problem is, someone thought the "chick in the cat suit" (ala 7 of 9 of the last series) deal is what draws viewers, WRONG ANSWER! Chicks in catsuits and great special effects should only be frosting on the cake. The writers are the ones that make or break the stories. It's too bad that this [Enterprise] one might die a painful death. That's not a very pleasing way to go. Huzzah...I couldn't agree more!
  9. Boy, you're in for a treat... we get so see a lot of Boomer... lots and lots... SAWWWEEEETTTT!!!!
  10. Glad to hear its going well...I missed this weeks episode and just caught it last night...Excellent! I wonder how much they will tip their hat to the original series episode with Starbuck and a cylon caught on a planet. Effects wise...I love it...loved firefly too...nice to know the connection. I have the miniseries DVD...and based on the first few episodes Ill be buying the regular season DVD;s...Im loving it!
  11. I wonder if one of the reasons they look away is it helps them. Movies like Top Gun greatly cranked up the sign-ups for the Navy. I didn't sign up for the armed forces...but I came really really close...and you can get all the model planes and tanks I built were a big part of that desire. If 1 out of 1000 model builders that wouldn't have signs up for the military thats probabably a bigger win then getting the $40,000 in revenue for 1000 modelers and not getting that candidate.
  12. Wow...well...hopefully, either prices will go up, or cooler heads will prevail. Maximizing $ is one thing,but $40 a kit seems a bit steep. I know I could handle and extra $10 a kit (or so) I'd prefer not to...but I can understand everyone wants their pound of flesh.
  13. Looks great! Can't believe you balanced it on those tiny little engine thrust redirectors!!!!
  14. COming along nicely!!!!
  15. In the mini-series, you can even see a Cylon Centurion's sword hanging in Adama's quarters. In the mini-series, you can see an original Cylon in the museum, they built in the Galactica. Blink, and you'll miss it. As well as the original Base Star. Really...guess I blinked for the base star...cool!
  16. Okay...I just got a glass display case...Im going to have to do this too! Nice work!
  17. They show up with them on Ebay from time to time...I have not heard great things about them.
  18. His decals are very very very good IMO. He uses a several step process to prep them...they are not to thin as to rip, but set down nicely with setting solutions to show off all interior detail. I have always been very very happy with his work.
  19. For what it's worth Anaszi (Devin) did a killer decal set for the 1/48's he produced everything in 1/48 scale and made it combination of what was in the 1/72 19 and 21 decals plus added in extra decals and made an advanced Valkyrie 19 sheet.
  20. Yep.....it seems like we may be on the edge of the end. Pretty soon it will be back to customizing Jetfires I get on Ebay..
  21. On the other hand, it is good to point out they are a lot farther along with the VF0 then they were with the 19. We saw the VF0 after all. I am still kinda hoping they are purposely delaying the release of it to match up with the release of another Mac0 DVD. (maybe a new ending, US version, or movie version) Thats my hope at least. In general it does feel like Yamato is gearing down it's Macross stuff. At least Toynami is still doeing Mospeada...
  22. To really make a Blowsperrior or Rooks cyclone you need more then just different weapons. The whole nose of the bike (chest) is different. There are also other small differences. I started making a mod kit...which like so many other things, is sitting half done. It would be really cool to have that option someday.
  23. I am hoping that its just a pause for a while....that maybe they will release a new ending for M0, or a movie version with a new ending...they did it with M+...and Evangelion...maybe the Mooks..the 0S toys and all other stuff come then.. (please)
  24. Its interesting to note that for the first time in a long time it seems like there will be a month or more without any new Yamato toys. We hear they are doing a GBP...but the Konig is out...so whats next? Unless they reissue some 1/48's the GBP and the VF0S are all thats left on the radar. I"m starting to think they are going to back quietly out of the Macross realm. Maybe pick it back up in a few years but back out of it for a while. I have no inside information, thats just my gut feel.
  25. Wow...its really coming together fast! Nice work!
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