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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. WONDERFUL Pictures!!! Thank you so much for sharing.
  2. smooth-on 305 is very viscous and more forgiving without a pressure tank, but youll need a good seal. Polyteks resin has a nice 40 minute cure and while more viscous (and thus more forgiving) also does well without pressure.
  3. Gorgeous custom. I was sure it was the IMAI model it was so sharp. Very nice.
  4. I will. I'm the slowest modeler in the world...and I started 3 models at the same time. Max Booster Resin Viper X2 (building one for me and one for my son...its a father son time project we are doing together) and my VF11 custom. Ill take pictures as I go and once I get through a few steps Ill start a thread.
  5. The Repttu fighter is pretty duck billed...I don't think the SHE kit is.
  6. nice box art!
  7. I just primed my booster.
  8. keep it up!
  9. Thanks for the update. Can't wait to see the scans. Ill post them if you want to send them my way. (I have some other updates I need to do anyways..more magazine scans sent my way and overdue updates to models)
  10. Myersjessee


    yep...everyone is in it for a buck. Good luck Graham. We are behind you.
  11. To give them credit though, they got the hand change right, and the intakes changed correctly...I wish the changed the vent...but otherwise it's a nice job. (more then I expected honestly)
  12. Excellent! Take pics of that OD for the models section for me! (please! )
  13. Very Cool! Hope your friend is right. So...lets think....no destroids or enemy mecha..no VF1... Possible kits VF11B (fighter and or Battroid) VF11C (fighter and or Battroid) VF11 with FP's (fighter and or Battroid) 19 Fire and Blazer Valkyrie VF17 VF19 FP's YF19FP VF11MaxL VF4 VF2J VF2SS Metal Siren What else...
  14. I have a character flaw...I find it oddly comforting to know I have something preordered and don't have to worry about it. HLJ has me suckered there. I don't really mind waiting the extra few weeks to get it either....I just like knowing it will come and I don't have to think about it anymore. You ever get your LowVis?
  15. So, as a dye, is it really scratch off-able at all? Neat idea...
  16. dunno, but i can't see why they wouldn't be sold in the US. they look sweet! You can get them through HLJ.
  17. Myersjessee


    We can only hope their attraction and subsequent value increases catch Yamato's attention.
  18. Very nice work!
  19. Nice 19 Mod kit.
  20. Myersjessee


  21. Myersjessee


    And here it is...up on Yahoo Japan already! LINK
  22. Myersjessee


    Can you share the sites your going through?
  23. Ill still be hunting down all the stuff I'm missing.
  24. Wow...sounds like a madhouse!
  25. tick tick tick....
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