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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. No super secret...I did...through some AWESOME fluke get #1!!!! (just of Scotts though....and only listed as #1 on the Alpha and the book box...the outside white box has number 467 I think. I'm guessing that means some executive or bigwig has a nice sealed white box that says #1 that has number 467 inside!!!
  2. One thing in Joyrides defense...if they did use the old model kit as a base...its major wrong! Still there are also major innaccuracies between the 1:1 studio set pieces and the filming models....for instance...notice their is a raised section on the nose of the 1:1 model (above) that tapers in like two arrows expaning out...now notice the actual filming model doesn't have that at all. There are lots of little problems like that which forced kit makers to decide if the 1:1 or 1:24 model was cannon. This cockpit mockup is the one with the raised dual triangle nose piece: This is a filming model...without it (and notice how red the stripes look! )
  3. Myersjessee

    Chromed JM?

    Yep...I have a set of these...the runs were really limited...probably because they are manure!
  4. This guy has major talent!
  5. Ahh..some Fine Molds BSG...that would be sweet for sure!
  6. beauteous maximus!
  7. Welcome Chas. LTSO - I agree 100% In general, scratchbuilt and custom recast = good (this would include add on kits, extra details, etc) Straight casting = bad. All that said, model builders often cast something they need when building a model for their own use. I think Chas is offering to supply an extra part or two for someone who has lost a piece, or doesn't know how to cast. Thats a nice offer. Lets not upset Hasegawa recasting their work for sale (not that it would be economically feasible) but I don't imagine they would have a problem with someone enhancing their kits with detail pieces or someone helping a customer stay happy by helping replace a lost piece.
  8. The Vf4 is a sweet bird for sure....next would be the 5000 for me...or Mac II stuff.
  9. .72 inches tall....(which is based on 72" tall...and 1/100th of that) I think thats right...
  10. gorgeous! More pics please!
  11. Nice to see one of these done! Excellent!
  12. Thats a real rare one!
  13. ACK! Lets see.... Glaug Pod resin from Rob -20% done Valkyrie Booster and VF1 - 25% done Variable VF11 conversion - 25% done several stages of Viper parts I'm out of room, and not working very quickly!
  14. I wonder if we will see more from him. I hope!
  15. WOW! Quite an accomplishment!
  16. Very sweet!
  17. Very nice work. Especially impressive considering how tiny those buggers are!
  18. I love the pilots coming later....very cool idea...I smell a scene in the making!
  19. Cool! With the Monster coming out I'd love to see a heavy artilery build-up, as well as a chance to get some ideas for a tank for my diorama. Mods, please consider leaving thread for buildup. Thanks!
  20. The 1/48 is gorgeous...but if you have 5 I'd go with the MPC's...they are nice for what they are.
  21. Gorgeous! Simply Gorgeous!
  22. On another note...anyone notice that HLJ doesn't have a BSG catagory anymore and the Konami figures are listed as discontinued? I sure hope my order made it out the door!
  23. it took me about 2 weeks...I'd guess close to 40 hours..but thats a guess...I didn't keep track and worked a lot of "Ill just put in an hour" shifts that turned into 4 or 5 hours (at 3 or 4 in the morning! ) Iwas also spending a lot of time messing with it though...it will go faster next time.
  24. I think it would be a bear....lot of rebuilding parts so they could collapse...I'm just building my cruiser mode and being happy with that.
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