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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. Definitly one of my favorites! Okay...some updates...finally got around to taking pictures....it was a hellish weekend...sorry. So...here goes...first..some line art...shows the signal arm This is how I want to display mine...hanging on the wall (takes up less shelf space this way! ) another shot with the signal arm and...
  2. Quite a project Chad! Nice!
  3. Actually, that was my sculpt, (Gundamhead is my brother ) and it was my first serious attempt. That's about 4 or 5 years ago now, I used run of the mill air dry clay(shrinks and is fragile), so the results weren't too good. I've since realized the greatness of modelling putty like 'magic sculp' which doesn't shrink at all and stands up to serious carving or dremeling. Plus my mold making abilities just plain suck... I've been toying with re-sculpting the Pod Fighter and making more parts for easier molding. But I have to say I doubt I'm up for building a whole cockpit for it. Maybe landing gear. Are there even any refrence pictures of the cockpit? Oops...sorry about that...I thought there were cockpit references...Ill look
  4. AIII Your going to love me resin!
  5. Gundamhead is handling all the sales, so Ill leave him to answer the without base question. As for resin, it will be the same quality resin and quality silicone used in the Spiderbug and paintable mold releases will be used to minimize effort. THe arms will have embedded metal rods in them for strength. Cheers Jesse
  6. I may order some of the earch magnets...the smallest ones will fit (I think) and they can hold a couple lbs of weight....
  7. Mike seems to be able to juggle about 32 projects at once! Last time I talked to him he was working on 3 different new creations, continuing to do his exisiting normal work, and redoing his kitchen. The man doesn't sleep I tell you!
  8. We are looking at $65. Thats not bad considering the original was around $100 at WF (and much more outside of it) What drove up the price is Joe went crazy with parts. The original was so spartan it didn't include any panel lines or even the bare pistons clearly shown even in their sales mockup. (they just expected you to scratch build everything) Joes has tiny pistons for each finger, and every other detail...but its over 50 pieces and the base is MASSIVE! Youll see when I take some pics. Frankly, it's a deal at $65...and only around for a while...
  9. Yep...I'm in the same sickness boat.
  10. Hey All...just wanted to say...I have this baby...and the pictures don't do it justice. It reminds me of the Spiderbug...looked okay on film...looked unreal up close. Like the bug Joe has packed this baby with detail. Hes got a slew of pictures from various sources that he used to create it. The signal arm is accurate, and the whole thing is impressive. My favorite part about it is the idea of mounting it on the wall. If your like me, you have limited shelf space...now I can have this baby up high away from the kids with my Super or Strike just about to get the green launch light. This weekend Ill take some more pics of the masters to show them off. Joe, if you get a chance you should post up the pictures you have from the lineart (or a couple of them) It's really a nice match! Does anyone have some good screen caps from the movie? I know Joe watched in a million times! If no one does Ill get those this weekend too. Cheers! Oh...and one other point...the thing I love most about this is the little details he added. Things like the pistons and accuators which are clearly visible in the art, and were not there in the kit. I can't recognize any of my original kit...this is a pure new sculpt. Wonderful work Joe!
  11. Gundamhead did a 1/72 sometime back.
  12. THAT LOOKS AMAZING COBY!!!!! Very nice! I need one!!!
  13. NO, the VFOS with the first generation GBP would be nicest! Thanks Seiichi!
  14. Welcome to the wonderful world of resin Chad!!!
  15. Thats it! TADA!
  16. Got my Konami figs!!! WOOT!!! Thanks for the news from Joyride Graham!
  17. So people are gonna start dumping their Club-M VF-11's too??? No way...the Club M 11 can be built with all the GUTS exposed...very cool kit with lots of fun add-ons! Cool...new Hase stuff!
  18. Don't forget me!!!
  19. No one has submitted any of the build up sheets or built models yet. Actually, I do have some completed kits...I just haven't posted them yet. My bad...sorry. WMCheng and Grayson also offered their build ups, I am just waiting on Shawn to retrieve them for me from the old forums.
  20. thats a nice looking kit!
  21. What a monster!!!
  22. Yep...have no fear with Devin...straightest of the straight shooters!
  23. Just looked at this again....and ....it's still brillant!
  24. SWEET! GO NEW MODELS SECTION!!!!! Saving the day!!!! Man...I need to get some time and do the next update...thanks to everyone for all the new content...Ive got some finished kit pics to post as well as another goup of Hase models to post. I should have some time Sunday. Cheers!
  25. I would tend to agree....but I know how important it can be for the ship to be "like you remember it"
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