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Everything posted by Myersjessee

  1. I know Mike built one. I've seen it, and it's amazing. As for me, I have a kit and I'm guilty of not building it yet. It's a gorgeous kit. Truly. It's in the pile mainly because it's so nice I don't want to mess it up. Have others in front to "practice" on first. I can take some pics at some point and share.
  2. Mike, sounds like you need to find a 5-sided coin! stay sane bud. If you ever need a hand on a casting day give me a hollar.
  3. Tomcat looks amazing!
  4. Love it Mike!
  5. Very jealous of the tools!
  6. Well, it's taken me far too long, but it's done.
  7. So cool Mike! Thanks for the heads up.
  8. No worries Cap. Thanks for checking in. Cheers and happy new year.
  9. HA! Great work Mike...as always. Hope your winter is going well. Mild so far, right?
  10. That launch arm was mastered by Gundamhead and the Vehicle by Captain. I'm sorry to see their work get stolen.
  11. so awesome!
  12. Wonderful! Love it!
  13. Very nice!
  14. Exo...it is the same kit. John does amazing work. 505th, I agree 100%...would love to see a Mobius Raptor. There are 2 figures with the kit. A Boomer pilot and a Helo for the rear seat.
  15. Still slowly working through my Mosacato 1/24 Raptor. Canopy and cockpit are just sitting there for reference. Weathering is almost done. Trying to match the CG model, not the 1:1.
  16. Wow!!! Awesome! Thanks V~
  17. Like!
  18. Gorgeous Mike!
  19. Nice! So professional looking!
  20. Very Cool! Now I have an injection kit to go with my HBR and ClubM! WOOT!
  21. You rock Mike! Please sign me up for one of these. Ill bring some blood and a kidney to lunch.
  22. Man...wish I could make it to WF this year. Have fun Mike!
  23. Unreal!
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