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Everything posted by dreadpyrat

  1. Wow guys, more great info! Im really digging on some of these newer valk designs, the more I dig around. I went thruthe entire gallery as suggested and saw some valks I really like and alos thought up a couple of questions. This one, I think is a must have, the Yamato 1/60 VF-0A/ I really dig how clean the lines are and how it is bristling with armament. Now, what is this? And this?! Sorry, I swiped those pics from the gallery, hope that was ok...
  2. Thanks again all! Ok, looks like the VF-1S is my objective. I'm not clear on the difference between Super and Strike but I definitely want one with the big booster jets on the back....one version seems to have one booster and one double barreled cannon. Amazon didn't turn up any Bandai VF-1S listings...any sellers you'd recommend?
  3. Hi, wow, thanks everyone! IO totally expected a "piss off n00b" response becasue that is how most forums are these days but you guys have been so helpful! I truly appreciate it. Well, to answer some of your questions.... I tend towards the "classic" macross designs. I really like the ones with all the huge boosters on the back (like the super ostrich) and the one with a skull and crossbones(Fokker?), and lastly, which ever models have a head design similar to that of JetFire. That's the toy I had when I was a kid and my unwitting introduction to Macross. Is there one that captures all of that?
  4. dreadpyrat

    The BEST valk?

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum. Read the noobie section, went thru all three pages of Toy postings, even used the search function. I'm reasonably satisfied that my question hasn't been asked before...at least not that I can see! Ok, I want a transformable Valkyrie toy. But which one? Its gotta be on the market, not be over say $150-$200, work well (good quality - I understand some toys have problems with their joints, assembly, etc.) and just be plain ol' cool. What do you guys recommend?
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