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Everything posted by blugts

  1. Aaaahhh, guess I've been away that long! Thanks...will begin to save!
  2. Very cool!
  3. Everyone wants to see a VF this or VF that but I want an SDF-1! Maybe I'm the only SDF-1 lover out there, but I bet Yamato would make a bad ass SDF-1 with opening command tower, cool launching pads, and stuff. Maybe it would be too expensive but i'd drop $500 bucks for one that's at least 2ft tall! Some enemy ships would be cool too.
  4. See's Chan's collection, looks at his collection and begins to cry Awesome collection! Maybe I'll catch up with what you have now in 10 years!
  5. GBP Armour! Then super O and elint. Hope Yamato sees this poll. if not i'll make the armor and take all your money just kidding!
  6. I hope the next 1/48 has a different head and paint job Seriously, an elint or super o would be cool.
  7. I love the 1/60's cause of the die-cast and sculpt ( I prefer them over 1/48's) but those 1/48 fast packs look hella sweet. I might buy a 1/48 just casue of that.
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