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Everything posted by blugts

  1. Just reading a bit through this thread solidifies the idea that you can't please everyone. I for one think the binaltechs are cool....even better than G1's, and this comes from someone who has most series 1 TF's.
  3. Isn't the low viz an invention? hehehe. Well, at least i'm planning on getting it. The Hikaru 1S looks a little too "explosive" but this is the Valk that i've been waiting for all my life! Ooops, the low-viz is an invention . Forgot about that one since I'm not too fond of it <_<
  4. Wow! It's seems that some people are rather upset that the Hikaru 1S is out. I for one already have it on pre-order and am happy it is being made. I suffer from completist syndrome so I don't care if it's a 1S in a different color. For goodness sake people, please don't bash Yamato for making a Valk that is in the freaking anime. We all know that all the jets in the Macross saga are inspired by one design. At least they are not inventing Valks like some other company True, they could make a interchangable head thing or something, but like H has hinted, the real world is based on money cause we all gotta make a living. If you dont' want to shell out the $, then go custom and say "I'll pass" like other people have said. No need to bad mouth Yamato.
  5. Kanata I'm really sorry about your situation. I'm wishing all the best for you, man.
  6. Since this is an oddball thread i'd just thought i'd say i want to see a limited 1/48 Jetfire!!!!!!!!
  7. Wow looks nice. just how much diecast is in it? As much as a Gen 1 TF?
  8. blugts

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    So your saying the shoulder is on the shoulder? makes sense to me!
  9. blugts

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Well said! I 4 1 will buy it cause I don't have it and when it comes 1/48 I'll buy it too!
  10. Hey SuperSkylineGTR! Is that your GT-R? If it is I am sooooo jealous I own a Celica GT-S (it's ok) right now and am currently saving to buy the GT-R when it's released worldwide 2005?2006? Still I think the R34 is way better looking though and the s**tzzz!
  11. Just whipped out my Bandai's from the closet. They are a lot of fun to transform!
  12. Dang! If people used to pay that much for Bandai's I'd hate to see Yammies would go for in the distant, distant future! Ha! by then they'll probably transform themselves!
  13. Man, I hope they don't revise the VE-1 and VT-1 in 1/60 scale. I hope they remake them in 1/48 scale. Do you guys and gals think Yamato is tesing waters with the FP VF-1J in terms of sales and what to bring out next? If they sell alright, I thinking M&M VF-1J's with FP's only (not by themselves) and hopefully VE-1 and VT-1. Just thoughts
  14. I understand how you feel, but, later on you'll be able to afford the 2nd release without a problem. You'll graduate from high school and you'll be able to work more and have more money. Or you go get a higher education, wait a few more years on the valks, and buy a crap load when you're a professional something. Then you come back to Macrossworld and brag about your collection!
  15. A loose Jetfire from the flea market about 4 years ago. Since then I've added 12 valks to my collection from various companies, mostly Bandai and Yamato.
  16. Thanks Graham!
  17. Okay been reading bout thread for a bit and I still don't know when it is going to be released. What is the release date? from what i've been reading, this is a Japan only game so far right? Thanks!
  18. Any 1/48 Vf-1a canon fodder from Yamato soon? I like those brown Valks.
  19. I was wondering if these were still going to be made. I was going to get those acrylic ones but I'll wait for these instead!
  20. I had to go with the Hikaru Super cause it was my 1st Yammie, made my jaw drop, and made me a Yammie collector!
  21. 1/72=0 1/60=5 1/48=1
  22. Did Yamato sort of blow it when they made the 1S? What were its problems? Is that why only that valk is going to be reproduced?
  23. I'm eventually going to get both but if I had to chose one I'd go for the Hikaru 1S. There are too many 1S Roy's out there by different companies.
  24. blugts

    Yamato 1/60 VT-1

    I have the Super O and will have an Elint soon. All I can say is that it looks great cause I don't open any of my valks up unless I have doubles. I've heard things about people having problems with sliding down the chest plate on the Elint and Super O.
  25. I never saw Robotech when I was a kid like most have. I actually first saw it on Toonami. Since then I've been a huge fan and since I love robots I started buying the toys. SMACK! Oops my wallet just smacked me across the face
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