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Everything posted by hulagu

  1. They should take the bullshit meter all the way to eleven and make it into a ludicriously overblown "very loosely based on a true story" mockumentary about the making of Robotech like Gundam Sousei. That would at least be entertaining.
  2. The latest chapter is Chapter 8 serialized in Macross Ace (halfway through the battle of Mars). End of the collected volume 2 is Chapter 5. What, the Skull Team cap and navy flight jacket? Remember he just arrived on the ship with literally just the clothes on his back, he probably scrounged those off Roy. Maybe they want to ship Xena with Exsedol or something...
  3. Is the release date May in the Macross Ace ad accurate? I can't find this available for pre-order online or in local stores.
  4. I liked this one Sheryl! Ranka! You are ALL my wings! and LOL at the reaction shot on the next page.
  5. No, it's the (password locked, i think) fight all the major characters in their signature VFs on the island map. You get more bonus points for soloing instead of keeping you partner alive in many of the Extra missions this time round, right?
  6. You'll need something with high speed to fly around clearing a path for the VF-0 and take out enemy unit mobs before it gets too close to any of the mobs. In particular, take out the three or four ace units that appear as soon as they spawn. Let them get anywhere near the VF-0 and it's dead meat for sure. Anyone managed to SS Dances with Valkyries and the one Lord Emperor Ingues fortress Extra mission? I seem to be stuck at S for both of them.
  7. For some reason, the Thuverl Salan is the only ship with damage maps in the game. Maybe because there's no good reference for the other ships having the crap beat out of them. Yeah, you'd think more capital ships would be one of the easier things for them to add, given their lack of animation.
  8. I half-seriously mentioned that the Large Vajra bears a striking resemblance to some of the Invid Inorganic Scrim, if that's what you mean, but I'm no RT fan. Didn't she only get transmogrified into a humanoid halfway through the series? What would she even be doing in a prequel?
  9. Are the TV version Super Packs for the VF-1S available seperately from the VF-1S with Super Parts and Hikaru? The strike and super parts set is DYRL version, right?
  10. From the "last message found on a Protoculture disc thing" about going to check out a black hole (can anyone confirm this actually happened and is not a fan rumor?), my completely baseless speculation is the implication at the time was they somehow went back in time to found either the Protoculture or the Marduk. The Marduk having (ancient?) legends of the barely 90 year old and unique looking SDF-1 as the "Ark of Alus" (corruption of Earth?) might also imply this. Robotech seems to believe that was what happened anyway, and tried to cop that premise for the original fate of SDF-3 (or is it the other way around?) Or maybe they discovered the existence of fold faults the hard way (the SDFM fold concept doesn't seem to take these into account), and are stuck out there permanently in folded space.
  11. I guess it means nuclear weapons being chucked around by the good guys (which happens a lot in Macross), not as part of the backstory or by villains. Anyway the PSP games first called the Vajra "Bajura" and now "Vajura", and the whale poachers "Pirates" so I'm not sure it's that accurate a source.
  12. Unless you have a japanese region PSP, it's not really worth it. The bonus region-locked video UMD and the Mikimoto artwork slipcase are the only extras.
  13. So, the sexier movie replacement for the series VF-171EX?
  14. Anyone managed to SS the Dances with Valkyries extra stage yet? I've tried everything I can think of (cleared solo, melee only, no damage taken), but still only managed to S the level.
  15. Well, maybe they can brand it as the Macross the First version.
  16. Love what they did with the Macross Plus breaking through the Earth defense grid missions (already my favorite from ultimate frontier). The bigger levels and capital ships, and ridiculous number of units on screen and reinforcements really help to convey epic space battle better than the original levels.
  17. Man, the AFOS is a complete pushover this time around compared to even the normal MUF version. SSed the mission the first time round with a barely upgraded VF-0A Ghost Booster. Understandably, they don't want people to ragequit getting curbstomped by the first end boss when playing in chronological order, but it hardly lives up to its fearsome image. OTOH, the upgraded Glavil you fight at his first appearance in the M7 campaign is more challenging.
  18. Is the standalone TV-Roy the only one that comes with the TV version Roy figure?
  19. When is this supposed to be out?
  20. I think Ultimate mode is nearly unplayable without maxed-out stats and cherry picking character skills that have been removed in Triangle. Hope it is Chronicle mode instead. (slightly better AI, no partner, no support skills, play as the mission as the characters and mecha in scenario).
  21. Hey, doesn't the title font this time look awfully familiar? (I forget, did they actually use that font way back in the day before ... you know.)
  22. Improbable since the manga won't be done for at least a few years at the current pacing.
  23. Isn't canonically SMS the only people who field the Messiah? How are they going to introduce variants and new colour schemes?
  24. A VF-1A with three pylons per wing, slightly different feet, and a different gunpod (GU-11D).
  25. Is there a trick to transforming to and from valkyrie without the legs popping off the swing bar joint? Also, does anyone know the type of screws used on this toy? Mine seems to be missing one on the cover piece between the back and the head causing it to come off during transformation sometimes.
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