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Everything posted by hulagu

  1. There is a Robot Damashii Ideon?
  2. hulagu

    Macross 30

    Well, to be fair, the bonus Video UMD that came with the special edition of Ultimate Frontier _was_ locked, much to my chagrin, although the game itself wasn't. But I suppose that is playing by other format rules. Haven't encountered any issues on the recent BluRay/Hybrid Disc releases on a R3 PS3 though.
  3. How is that a weird power? Isn't that just describing a fold drive, I.e. "super dimension" in SDF?
  4. Hmm, shouldn't the next(current?) issue of NA be Vol 16? The previous issue was Vol 15 with the Mylene and Sheryl cover and the latest MTF chapter to date, right?
  5. hulagu

    Macross 30

    Didn't Myung retrieve Sharon's neurochip at the end of the Movie version? The (old) Macross is a class of ships now, as shown in Frontier. As for Nora and D.D., they could retcon that the AFOS encounter didn't go down exactly like that one movie said it did in this continuity. That said, I don't really care if the game fits into canon that much, though I would have preferred a totally new premise as opposed to a Crisis on Infinite Macrosses as the original story for the new game.
  6. Is this a re-re-release of the classic kit or a new kit entirely?
  7. Macross FB 7 is a Frontier/Seven crossover movie partly recycling old footage screening soon(now?) Macross 30 project is an announced game product for next year, no genre, studio announced as yet.
  8. The beauty of region restricted content!
  9. L1 + R1 normalizes the camera to directly behind you, I think.
  10. It's a VF-1S DLC voucher for that (terrible IMO) Android game.
  11. Yeah, I'm slightly disappointed they didn't model the Meltrandi gunship, or the Altira ruins either, though that last one might be asking too much.
  12. There's Nousjadeul Ger, Quamzin's version of NG, Queadluun Rau, Millia's version, Missile Regult, Max's QR, in that order, I think.
  13. His GBP-1S failed to purge after the battle as planned, stranding him in battroid mode unable to make the long haul back to the Macross. Just goes to show the Valkyrie's curse is real, talk smack about women while in one and bad things are liable to happen to you.
  14. But is it on the Japanese PSN store? Last I checked, it wasn't there yet. BTW has anyone redeemed the game yet with their voucher? Or does it go live on PSN only later? Haven't received my LE set as yet.
  15. No. Not even close.
  16. Are you trying to redeem it on a Japanese PS Store account? Redemption codes are probably locked to regional stores.
  17. That's _region_, lol. All in all, what a disappointment this was. Was expecting slightly more than a glorified flash shooting gallery. One that crashes every other game to boot.
  18. Never played Resident Evil, but from my understanding all the JP Biohazard versions are also censored for those parts.
  19. I don't remember onscreen decapitation and graphic dismemberment though despite other scenes of graphic violence, which apparently is the big no no for CERO.
  20. Question, how likely it that existing series already on BD will also get boxset rereleases in the future? e.g. Frontier, Zero?
  21. I hope the Gorg Boddole Zer setpiece is more awesome than the PSP version. I'm hoping for something like the PS2 version with the entire Zentradi Armada folding in in the background, and a major clusterfrakk of a breakthrough mission like the Macross Plus earth defense grid level.
  22. So, there are no different editions for this release, just Complete boxes 1+2?
  23. When is the release date of DYRL on Bluray again? For some reason I was under the impression it was late this month.
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