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Everything posted by hulagu

  1. Have a slightly tangential question on this as well. How likely is it for BV to rerelease the 2008 MZ boxset in light of the recent push to get everything out on BD? Is the thing out of print at the moment?
  2. Bodolle Zer of the series was a xenophobic dinosaur terrified of cooties and new ideas and set out to exterminate what he doesn't understand.Bodolle Zer of DYRL was a calculating bastard who saw the value of culture, but only as a potential weapon to use against the hated Meltrandi. When that weapon was at risk of falling into enemy hands he just wrote it off and ordered its destruction. Max vs Millia was in the airlock of the Meltran Gunship which promptly folded out, not the SDF-1. So technically Max was the one taken prisoner. And yes, they both survive and show up for the final battle piloting Queadlunn Raus, with Max in the blue Max custom. There is an unofficial English cover of DYRL in one fandub version, which is actually pretty good.
  3. Doubt posable head lasers is feasible. Probably swappable "ear" parts for battroid posing like the Hi-Metal 100.
  4. Manfred Brando was that git in the red Vf17 equipped with the song jamming system, wasn't he?Did that bit come from the MF novelization?
  5. Having trouble coming in silver for the Level 10 Archipelago Vanquish race to get the YF-21 FAST Pack. I've got the route down pat, and my best timing still comes up 45 seconds short of 4 minutes in an overtuned Level 1 YF-29. Anyone have any tips on getting the pack?
  6. The initial release is a DYRL Hikaru VF-1S without strike pack, yes?
  7. YF-29 Ozma Custom's weapon 3 buff ability is crazy broken, even without any tuning.
  8. They left out the punchline, which was Basara getting the hell out of Dodge in the very next frame in his valk after making the connection.
  9. Tornado pack is the reward for the ridiculously easy retrieval quest for the missing tea set unlocked starting Chapter 7-4. The item is lying on top of the glacier next to Uruthr. The races unlock automatically in Chapter 7-3.
  10. Isn't Mina Did I misunderstand her explanation earlier? Only up to Chapter 6 at the moment.
  11. ヌージャデル・ガー = Nousjadeul Ger
  12. It's also recommended as periodically new quests still turn up at the Archipelago Guilds during the Desert arc. Also one of the Desert Delivery quests require a trip back to Vrlitwhai City. '
  13. Are the unmarked numbered stone tablets found lying around (on top of ruin pillars, etc.) required for some later quests, or are they just secret collectibles?
  14. Are the unmarked numbered stone tablets found lying around required for some later quests, or are they just collectible secrets?
  15. The only DLC are apparently the bonus itasha version VF-1S, YF-29, VF-25 from the limited edition.The generic VF-1S and the Skull Leader version are already in the game, you just need to unlock them.
  16. If I remember correctly the items are all in four chests in the first part of the area.
  17. I got no complaints about the tutorials. They did a pretty good job detailing the controls, and I got the control scheme down right away, even with my limited understanding of written Japanese. Although, Aisha, explaining Anti missile action and SP attacks before throwing us into boss fights and hairball encounters with bandit ships would have been helpful. Fortunately SPA works the same as the PSP games.
  18. Here's mine. 96d5842dm8656
  19. You might have problems downloading any new DLC from PSN if you play from a non-JP PSN account though, if the DLC applies to savegames instead of game data. Dunno about Macross 30 though, mine hasn't arrived yet.
  20. Hmm, is the Daedalus supposed to be SLV-111 or SLV-III? Is that a typo or a retcon?
  21. One word, KeepVid.
  22. The twofer deal for the binders isn't available until April, is it?
  23. New to this Chronicle collecting thing, just checking some details. The free binder only comes with the 1st issue, yes? For every tenth issue, we will need to provide our own binder or purchase 7 additional Macross binders to hold the lot? Did they ever release other designs for the binders the last run?
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