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Everything posted by hulagu

  1. LOL, maybe it's a method for crowdsourcing writing and editorial tasks? Eventually you get a set of theories that work best with each other with the least plot holes and acceptable to the majority of the audience. Then you can run with the lot and claim that was your original vision and how it was meant to be from the start.
  2. The best case scenario, as I see it, is having Shadow Rising end in a giant universe shattering retcon that resets the timeline for the First Generation LAM to reinvent the franchise and showcase the "genius of Macek's original vision of the series" without the burden of the outdated Original Series canon, designs, footage, plotholes and legal baggage getting in the way. I mean, all the cool kids are doing it, right? You might even have a shot at success.
  3. It was apparently worse in the first proto-Robotech comic adaptation. So not all the pointless changes and missed plot points are about glueing three unrelated series together. They're shocked not by its power of the tiny warheads, but at the "primitive" (I assume this is a misintepretation of "long-lost") nuclear weapons and how lame the Earthling noobs are at space warfare.
  4. Yeah... they were a caste of space miners or something before the Masters segregated the genders and drafted them into their military program.
  5. LMAO at the password locked "Biggest Carnival" bonus Extra mission. I had no idea the engine could do that. The four bonus mission passwords are SPATA TUSRJ MSBWP LTEFE by the way. Dunno if that's the trigger, but I unlocked the rest of the Moonisland Platoon (Player Character) pilots after completing the first three bonus missions.
  6. Yeah, well, Basara Nekki is _so_ the love child of Hikaru and Minmay.
  7. Mina Roshan. The purple haired one with the eyes drawn differently from everyone else. Her pupils are so big you can hardly see the whites of her eyes. It's a character background plot device, though, in Robotech.
  8. I wonder if they inserted that one Macross Quarter operator just to take the piss at how Robotech made such a big deal out of his badly drawn eyes. (He was accidentally bitten by exposed to the Protoculture Matrix when exploring the ASS-1 wreck with the initial expedition, which gave him the weird eyes and super-genius powers). Dr. Lang, Dr. Lang, does whatever a Doctor can...
  9. Haven't played Heavy Gear, but I was under the impression Gears are supposed to be much smaller and agile than Battlemechs.
  10. Yeah. I alternated Fighter and Gerwalk in Brera's VF-27 until the super meter reached three bars, then used its speed boost super to dash the rest of the way in Battroid.
  11. I kind of like the crude chunky block of metal look compared to later designs like the Japanese Battletech designs. It jives more with the fact the things are clumsy walking tanks built with antiquated or lost technology instead of the nimble humanoid mecha of anime.
  12. But hey, in place of that, we have retrospective annotations before each chapter just like Dune and Asimov, which gives us credibility as an epic space opera.
  13. Thanks, that did it. Aside from the Chronicle Missions, just that boring Macross Plus Flight Test mission to SS now. Any tips on what fast unit to use?
  14. Not from the game itself, unfortunately. It might be possible using adHoc Party (if you have a internet connected PS3) or a wireless network adapter and the program XLink Kai to simulate an adhoc network, though. Has anyone tried this, and how is the lag?
  15. One major difference from Robotech is that while the arrival of the ASS-1 halted a world war in progress in Robotech, in Macross its arrival started brushfire conflicts worldwide as various groups resisted the UN's efforts to form a unified world government to deal with the possible extraterrestrial threat. The "second sun" Shin talks about in his childhood memories is the ASS-1 crashing. The fact that the AFOS relic would have remained undetected without the scavenged Overtechnology radar is even a plot point in the first episode.
  16. Special 2 is "Destroy all enemy reinforcements", but I haven't been able to meet that objective either.
  17. Yeah, exactly what was it with that with the Jetfire toy again?
  18. They already have, in the form of the Super Robot Wars. Actually, come to think of it they are a little alike, frankensteining various unrelated shows and characters into one continuity, and very loosely butchering adapting the storylines of the original.
  19. The four allied units spread across the map must survive, and enemy units must not reach the two miclone chambers. It's an urban level with lots of cover, so use a unit with good mobility and powerful guns. I used a Glaug, with someone with good marksmanship in a Monster Mk II as partner. Three ace units will appear one at a time, ideally you should rush to engage and destroy them before they get off a shot, otherwise they will most likely kill a guest unit. (Usually that VF-1A always getting underfoot.). Also, try to kill the grunt units in combo chains and take zero damage for additional bonus points, because just meeting the objectives is not enough to get the SS.
  20. The third one would be the one Quamzin captured?
  21. One or two excellent designs having a long service lifespan might be reasonable, but EVERY single destroid (and Valkyrie, and Macross) in SDF Macross having a retro looking design successor (not a upgraded refit) nearly a century later is kind of pushing it. Also, I wouldn't say that the original Cheyenne was obsolete relative to the SDF Macross destroids, just not built for space marine action that was the original purpose of the SDFM destroids, and thus not in the original SDF Macross complement. From what we see of the Cheyenne II, its role is mostly relegated to Island defence.
  22. Defeat the Zentradi mecha, but do not attack the Z-Soldiers when they bail out. Go for the grunt units first yourself before taking on the aces, lest Max+Milia or your partner botch the takedown and kill the pilots as well. Ordering your partner to defend only may also help. Do not use any missiles, especially not the multi lockon one. Use a fully maxed out laser weapon which should be able to quickly one shot grunt units.Remember to switch lock away from the Z-Soldier ejecting after each kill. The Regult works well to SS this mission. When the Nupetiet Vergnitz appears, immediately move right to the prow of the ship. You should be able to lock on to a missile cannon/beam cannon. Once you acquire the lock. beam spam with your laser weapon until you take out all of its cannons. (The lockon chain will automatically switch to the next cannon, and will not acquire the ship itself until all the cannons are gone, so don't manually switch lock once a cannon is acquired). You don't need to manouver into position to take out cannons on the opposite side of the ship as lasers cut right through capital ships. Attack the ship once all the cannons are gone. During your attacks, an ace Regult and ace Nousjadeul-Ger will appear. Deal with them like you did the first wave, then continue finishing off the ship. Speed is important for this mission. In the second half, use your guns to quickly take out enemies, but stay mobile by strafing left and right while doing so because the ace Nousjadeul-Gers and the several formations of laser using Regults are pretty deadly if you get hit. You may want to bring a healing support unit if you tend to get damaged before mission's end. I used a Glaug to SS this. Pulling off combos, clearing the mission fast and without taking damage is key.
  23. Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of, on account of the radome on its head. I missed its appearance in the series (valkyrie only, I guess?) and have only ever seen it as an SD plastic model, so I was wondering if it was canon.
  24. Is that the weird mushroom headed ELINT VF-1?
  25. I got mine to play Ace Frontier (and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) too. Unfortunately I never managed to find a copy of Ace Frontier in my regular game stores, so I was pleasantly surprised to see Ultimate Frontier on the shelf this year. What are the chances they will release another Macross Frontier game next year, you think?
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