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Everything posted by hulagu

  1. LOL, good one.
  2. Spot on, it seems. Even the bloody Skull Squadron insignia replacement is a lookalike of the Galactic Reich Crest from Legend of Galactic Heroes.
  3. I think Shadow Chronicles production values are more cohesive than this seems. This one is just all over the place.
  4. I just love the ersatz RDF/UN Spacy kite flag, Captain Ikari Gendo, the not-Vajra and how they are launching out from a pimped-out Nupetiet Vergnitz painted a fluorescent neon pink.
  5. Isn't that a delta wing? Looks more like a Chengdu J9 or J10 to me. Got to have a healthy dose of national pride in these things.
  6. I'm afraid even HG has better taste than that.
  7. I'm afraid even HG has better taste than that.
  8. There is a massive jarring disconnect from the mediocre CG and the shitty character designs and animation.
  9. Yeah, hearing the puny enemy sing about how he's totally going to pwn you doesn't really make one stop and reconsider one's lifestyle, it makes one want to kick the smug so-and-so's ass as an object lesson even more.
  10. I agree, Max is one of the big mischaracterizations in Robotech. What were the other two? I only ever remember "Stagefright" and "We Will Win". The first was utterly terrible, the latter was a glorified fight song (I think Ranka's militaristic Aimo may be lampshading this) thematically inappropriate for its purpose in that scene. No wonder Robotech can't run with the "music and not weapons won the war" theme.
  11. Yeah, I find it wrong that english speaking fans categorize the term like that. The same with manga,manhwa and manhua. What do you think they call comics in their own language?
  12. Man, I hate that guy. Most everything he's involved in usually turns to poo.
  13. And the Spielberg's Ghost In the Shell. That's the wave of anime films they intend to ride, I guess.
  14. Hmm, are the Network missions a campaign by themselves? Haven't done any of those either. How different are they from the normal missions?
  15. Hell, yes. The AFOS is probably the most frustrating mission in the entire game. First, in Zero campaign mode, because if you play in chronological order, like I did, the AFOS is a sudden jump in difficulty with its multiple ways to one shot your unupgraded VF-0. Later in Chronicle mode, because of the low margin of error allowed to SS the thing. How do you record video directly off the PSP like on youtube anyway? To shave time off killing Nora. Nora will attempt to ram you the first thing she does. Avoid and then keep on her tail and activate the melee super immediately after she comes out of the invincibility to instantkill her (with maxed out melee, of course). If you use the missile super, it will take longer as she will try to shake them off and you will have to chase her down. It's good for dealing heavy damage to D.D. as well, although it won't instantkill him (he has that one-time healing support skill equipped), since they're stuck in fighter mode initially due to the booster and can't block. I targeted the main torso target (the one acquired by up+R) from the front when possible, in gerwalk. Now to survive through Ultimate Mode...
  16. That's easy. Maia is _clearly_ an abandoned Invid Genesis pit from a forgotten earlier first contact, and the Maians are like, descendants of ancient Stage-5 invid/simulagents/royalty/whateverthefraktheycalltheynow, explaining their weird blood. The Bird Human even does the Phoenix of Light thing at the end. Sera and Shin reach Optera in the AFOS, bringing the Regis knowledge of Earth and humanity. Sera and Corg are based off the original Sera and Sean Cutter's genetic templates, just like Ariel is based off the original Marlene Rush (yes, they look nothing alike, but then neither does Ariel). :heh:
  17. Finally SSed everything. One tip for the damn Chronicle AFOS mission is to manually purge the Booster pack just before the Nora+DD fight. Not really a loss, as you will lose it anyway in the next stage. The melee super is _much_ more effective against them, and you will need all the combo/time bonuses you can get.
  18. I stand corrected. The Chronicle AFOS does something even cheaper, It uses Song of Doom, folds out and defolds directly on top of you, LOL.
  19. I feel keeping the pack to the end of the mission is vital to SS some Chronicle missions. One is the one where Roy Focker defends the Asuka II in the Armored VF-0. You pretty much need to one-shot Nora head-on with the Armored Pack super as she flies past to stop her getting away without wasting too much time, then immediately turn your attention to D.D. with the second shot to stop him from doing too much damage before being defeated. Another one is Shadow of Michael, where the Pack Super and the single lockon missiles are very useful in chasing him down and taking him out quickly. He's too fast to effectively train tbe naked VF-25 beam Super on for maximum effect, and very good at dodging the other slower missiles. Ed: OK, for the Chronicle AFOS, it seems to meet "Objective 3: Defeat the AFOS quickly", you need to stick real close around the AFO's body in GERWALK, keeping up a constant stream of fire and missiles to keep its shields down, and use your melee specials when available directly in front of the torso for maximimum damage. Taking down Nora, D.D. and the AFOS fast is enough for an S, but I still need to rack up more HP, Time, and Combo bonuses for the SS.
  20. You need to defeat all of the whales through Song as Basara before the poachers get to them for that mission to score. The main challenge of the Chronicle missions is you don't have access to your partner and support skills and supers at all. I still can't beat the AFOS fast enough using the packless VF-0 to score that objective bonus. Have you tried the aptly named "super-dimension hard" Ultimate Mode yet (Triangle at mission selection)? There, even the unknown soldier aces can easily kill you given half the chance. I think the goal there is not so much to score as to survive.
  21. Actually, I was rather hoping the LAM (and to a lesser extent the Shadow Chronicles) would serve as a chance to finally spin the franchise off into its own thing. Then this kind of thing happens, and one gets the impression HG wants to keep to the old ways, continue riding off brand confusion with Macross and keep the franchise grounded in "I-can't-believe-it's-not-Southernmacrosspeada" forever.
  22. I liked Robotech Frontier - The Young Lancer Chronicles better. Or Robotech Zero - Prelude to the Legend of Zor.
  23. "You see? You see? Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid! STUPID! "
  24. It's the Song Power gauge. I think it determines the your effectiveness of your Song attacks, and depletes when you use non-song attacks. Most of the time there's usually not much point to use anything else, though.
  25. Their power is based off the different stats assigned on the mech? Also, if you get knocked over during Song 1 and it interrupts your song, you can't use it again until Song 1's timer is up. You can, however switch over to Song 2 immediately. This is important in fights against Sound Force units when they interrupt your song with theirs to stop continuously taking damage. (They need to add Emilia's song battle with Basara in the next game). It seems to be a burst attack centred on you take immediately fully tags everyone in range with speakerpods. Missiles and melee are underpowered compared to song attacks. Sound Force song attacks kills don't count as lethal, so you can use it for that Zero-G Love mission, and songs are useless against Nuclear Missiles.
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