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Everything posted by hulagu

  1. The addition of multiple zone stages to the engine in Assault Survive sounds interesting. How exactly do you transit between zones, and how do you track the situation of zones you are away from?
  2. What do you get when you mix Robotech and Evangelion with a gratitious dose of Cthulhu mythos? Cthulhutech
  3. The "reportedly" part sounds like editorializing to me. I don't think HG is openly acknowledging that fact, and wonder if the writers involved are aware of that issue.
  4. It's not really a MMO, more a co-op focused action RPG. Four players can party up on a hunt. It's adHoc only, but you can set up internet games over the net through third party tunneling/matchmaking programs like adHoc Party or XLink Kai.
  5. It's not really a MMO, more a co-op focused action RPG. Four players can party up on a hunt. It's adHoc only, but you can set up internet games over the net through third party tunneling/matchmaking programs like adHoc Party or XLink Kai.
  6. I've wonder how the AFOS was meant to wipe out a belligerent humanity with space-faring tech level weaponry, since a couple of reaction nukes seem to be enough to give it some trouble. Since it was patterned after a Vajra Queen, perhaps the real "song of doom" has a similar ability to summon/bind the Vajra and sic them on the planet?
  7. Well, to be fair, Sentinels begins 8 years from 2012 and takes place over 22 years, so I don't think he could be feasibly still be a flyboy by the end. Even Max in Macross 7 has moved on to a command position, and Milia has retired by then.
  8. She was one long before Rick, I think. Don't remember where in Sentinels they start referring to Rick as admiral.
  9. Is the red ship a redesign of the Vajra dreadnaught? It looks more menacing, but appears more man-made and out of place with the other alien Vajra designs. I like the old one better. The mantid Vajra looks nice though. Is it a replacement look for one of the Vajra units, or a new unit?
  10. Is there something wrong with the VF-19 family models?
  11. Vitamins, huh? What a weird place for Battletech unseens to show up.
  12. Also, I hope Artdink uses their huge library of Macross art resources to make another original sidestory game (Macross VF-X4?).
  13. There's also the fact that being discovered as a Newtype in a Gundam universe means getting stuffed into a walking nuclear warmachine at a young age to participate in the war of the week, not a particularly favorable condition to pass on that trait on to the next generation. I liked the Gundam X's deconstruction of the Newtype phenomena as a completely arbitary label on a new set of mutations for political and military purposes, and not (necessarily or even probably) the next step in human evolution as advertised by the various factions.
  14. It's because Itano himself disliked that particular point among others in Frontier.The ability of the original creators to talk critically about new works in a franchise, and the faculty for fans to form a different opinion instead of being required to following slavishly the corporate line must come as a real shock to these people.
  15. What 2007 update of the Legioss?
  16. You may have to look up the skills details and shop inventory, but the main gameplay itself should be fine. The tutorial missions are pretty thorough and intuitive. Also, the several unique mission objectives should be quite obvious, especially if you have watched the shows they are based on.
  17. The events of ZZ is still canon in Unicorn at least. One of the Unicorn character's background is directly tied to events in ZZ.
  18. Where is it revealed in Macross 7 that the Protodeviln were responsible for the Supervision Army? I only remember the fall of the Protoculture being caused by the Protodeviln being unleashed by the Evil bioweapons program during their civil war.
  19. When they were told they couldn't get authorization for a ?commercial fanfilm?, did they just assume they would be allowed to make and distribute a non-commercial one? If so, they should have seen this coming.
  20. Obviously, no SDF-1 "Macross" = No Macross. Ergo, Robotech 1st Gen. has no business branding itself "The Macross Saga".
  21. If you try to sell your show based solely on its "epic storytelling" and _still_ turn out a lame duck of a story, compared to other franchises that sideline into merchandising music and toys, what does that say about your work? That may or may not be the future of animated storytelling, but you certainly couldn't tell by Robotech thus far.
  22. Not without a Region 2 PSP. Only the limited edition comes with the video UMD anyway. (The white slipcase with the Macross idols).
  23. The game itself isn't. (As I understand it, no PSP games are). The bonus video UMD that comes with the limited edition is however locked to region 2. The main gameplay display gauges are mostly in English in the first place, except for pilot names on the HUD. The mission/unit selection/skills/mission objective/shop screens are completely in Japanese however.
  24. It can be all of the above, while also being the transmuted form of a ancient forgotten civilization (which explains the sentience). There, problem solved, LOL. For extra fun, make the ancient forgotten civilization the inhabitants of the original pre-reboot universe.
  25. The devastation of Earth humanity needs to be less complete than portrayed in DYRL or the series. Even with mass assimilation of Zentradi and ?human cloning?, the ability to pull off regular immigration fleets without completely depopulating the planet seems fairly improbable. The fugly VF-4 battroid needs to be reworked so it doesn't look like a design afterthought, possibly as the YF-4. Also, it needs to show up in the series proper since it is operational by Flashback 2012. (There's a valkyrie model of it sitting around Hikaru's room in the series IIRC, but that doesn't really count).
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