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Everything posted by Bowen

  1. That's nice, but Northrop Grumman has nothing to do with the A-12. It was a McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamics project. That's why I asked 'Don't you mean Boeing and General Dynamics?' (seeing as Boeing acquired McDonnell Douglas in 1997)
  2. Don't you mean Boeing and General Dynamics?
  3. Didn't Ahnold actually punch through some dude when he wanted clothes in T1? EDIT: Just checked on Youtube, it appears he did
  4. Great job, Gubaba and Renato. Please keep up the good work if you have the time
  5. Thanks a lot, Gubaba (and Renato) Looking forward to the rest of the commentary
  6. Wow, that looks ridiculously awesome
  7. It'll be a long time before I have enough time, but I figured I'd ask already. Is it worth watching? Haven't followed this thread, this is my first post I think. Any particular strong or weak points about this series?
  8. Another Nanase fan reporting Would be even better if Klan would tag along, after fixing her miclonization problem BTW, what's this whole deal about 'Mr. Lingerie'?
  9. Could you explain that please?
  10. Wow, just wow...
  11. "China expected to dominate fishing business after introduction of revulotionary new technology, special report at 8!"
  12. Agreed. My initial thought was that from the side it kinda looked like the bastard-child of an F-16 and a Sukhoi, but without any of the good looks of its parents...
  13. Plus farting One!
  14. At least they've got (most of?) the original actors onboard...
  15. Agreed. Ozma was my favorite character, too bad he got so little screentime/character development/background exposition...
  16. And a little plot summary from Wikipedia: Off the coast of Alaska, oceanographer Emma McNeil (Deborah Gibson) is aboard a submarine studying whales when, without warning, a sonic device dropped from a military helicopter awakens a Megalodon (a gigantic shark) and a Giant Octopus from their 10-million-year slumber. In no time at all, both creatures wreak havoc all over the ocean, terrorizing oil platforms and mutilating whales on their way. The Megalodon destroys the Golden Gate Bridge and even devours a 747 airliner from several thousands of feet in the sky. When several attempts at stopping both creatures from inflicting further damage fail, McNeil, Professor Lamar Sanders (Sean Lawlor) and Japanese scientist Dr. Seiji Shimada (Vic Chao) decide that the only way to stop the mayhem is to have the Megalodon and the Giant Octopus fight each other to the death. Allan Baxter (Lorenzo Lamas), a veteran commando, is assigned to lure both creatures out of civilization and stage their "Thrilla in Manila." EDIT: F'ing hell that's a SPOILER! Some of us actually wanted to watch this crud you know!
  17. Ofcourse Independence Day wasn't the first to do that AFAIK the original V was (one of) the first, possibly inspired by "Childhood's End" (just something I read online ofcourse ) The trailer looked okay, but trailers usually do, so I'm not passing judgement yet.
  18. Macross I've never seen: -SDFM -DYRL? -FB2012 -M2 -M7 (incl. OVA's etc. I still intend to watch all of them", except for M2, eventually, when I can find them/have the time &money/etc. *hides* :ph43r:
  19. Is anything known yet about if it's going to be a retelling of the series or a new story set after the end of the series?
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