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Everything posted by Bowen

  1. That's not necessarily a bad thing... Especially if said pilot would be played by Liam Neeson I mean, if you can get away with flying a tank, you can get away with that Oh god, nerdgasm-levels are rising...
  2. And now to find an upload for those who can't watch the US CN... Glad to read all these positive reviews and opinions, I've had high hopes for this myself
  3. Welp, here's hoping I'll be able to find it online somewhere within a week of airing
  4. *insert inappropriate comment here* btw, it's Cobie
  5. I wonder if there'll be any breaking of bats/backs in the new movie
  6. I knew it sounded familiar
  7. That first footage actually reminded me of Avatar for some reason, not sure why or if it's the same animation studio though
  8. I know, which is why I think it's silly that for some reason it only bothers me (a little bit) with the new designs, while it never did for the old ones Should've clarified a bit perhaps And that looks quite interesting, might have to set aside some money...
  9. I'll still need a bit of time to get used to the new character designs (yes, the 80's bodybuilders thing was over the top, but that's nostalgia goggles for you), but all in all I'm impressed as well I think what 'bothers' me most about the designs is the lack of a snout, it's more like they have a regular nose Silly, I know
  10. Gotta love Tiger Meet
  11. So, what do you guys think the odds are of the US acknowledging the existence of this chopper and/or revealing it within the year now that those pictures have been around the globe?
  12. Is the Brimstone operational yet? IIRC the Typhoon should be compatible with that, just like the Tornado (GR.4, not F3 obviously) That should provide plenty of anti-tank capability
  13. Oh please, do start, the F-20 is one of those aircraft I know far too little about
  14. Great intro to a great movie
  15. Odds are he was slitting VC throats in the Vietnamese jungle at the time
  16. So apparently that modified SR-71 has enough vertical thrust to carry a submarine? [/jk] Looks good so far though, looking forward to it
  17. And Hugo Weaving with his Red Skull prosthetics looks suitably menacing Looking forward to this, especially since I loved The Rocketeer
  18. Just saw the teaser (the one with the moon landing), could that be at the end? Sorry if I'm slowpoking on this, didn't check the entire thread
  19. It still reminds me of a 'stealthified' (yes, that's a word, shut up) MiG 1.44, just like when I first saw it
  20. Maybe something like the Divertless Inlet testbed?
  21. Why didn't they think of this before?
  22. Anyone else read this yet?: http://defensetech.org/2010/11/09/f-117s-back-in-the-air/
  23. Jup, Operation Credible Sport Here's some Fat Albert:
  24. Yeah, it was fun seeing him in Castle's poker game every once in a while A really nice touch, all those writers in a game together
  25. Will that IRST system be integrated like on the ol' Tomcat or is it located in a pod (IIRC that's what S-Korea's Slam Eagles have)?
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