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Everything posted by glowie

  1. Well... Klan going up to 2nd spot is to be expected... however IF Grace takes the 3rd... that'll certainly be interesting. *evil grin* *looks to the left and right* 'Go! Gracie Go!' *runs and hides before she gets killed by Ranka fans...*
  2. Ahh... thanks ... it makes much better sense now. True... at that point... the little boys are just going to Yeah!
  3. Keyhole is back and MF is on! but it's low quality... webcam pointing at tv screen.. LOL...
  4. anyone knows if KeyHole has it? Thanks! My lousy can only work with KeyHole... (else it's like watching powerpoint)
  5. Just wondering... anyone know WHERE or HOW or IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE to grab a hi-res version of this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxsK8Zgz2pw&fmt=18 Thanks!
  6. ok... i want to cry now... i stop the view hoping to try another link but failed... came back to KeyHole to find user limit reached....
  7. I'm watching 1 min stills on the link above... LOL... crappy ISP. Found it on Keyhole now. Thanks guys... all I need know is to learn Japanese.
  8. oppss... guess I missed one... sorry guys... I found it!
  9. .... I've went through all available channels on KeyHole but I cant see it. (i saw a few animes is on... but no MF... help someone?)
  10. erm... is the show over? Sorry ppl... it's my first time trying to catch a program in KeyHole... I'm so lost. (my miserable internet line leaves my with little option) can someone describe the current program on the right channel (assuming it's not showing yet...) [ignore this is MF has already ended... I'll go sulk in the corner now...] Thanks.
  11. The reason why I had to share that pic is the Natsuki linkage.
  12. Found this on yamibo and I just had to share....
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