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Everything posted by Omega-1

  1. I just had to chime in on this thread once I heard someone mention Wipeout. Wipeout XL will always be IMO the best futuristic racer ever. I know I might sound crazy but I stand by my words. I have Wipeout 3, Fusion, F-Zero GBA, and GX and I still have the most fun playing XL. Granted, F-Zero GX has all the graphics, tracks, options and is the most recent game(good in it's own right) but for me it just doesn't cut it when I'm looking for the sense of speed and control that I experience while playing Wipeout XL. Maybe its because this was the first game that introduced me to the PS1 or the fact that is was the 1st game that I bought for that system, I dunno. I just love the dark atmosphere and the whole design of the world that XL brings. The handling of the craft was so spot on and no other game has yet to reproduce it (even the other Wipeout sequels). You feel every bump and turn on the track and the faster you get it feels just like your actually flying/floating inches off the ground (not like these other games where it just looks that way). And the craft drift and turn like they have a real sense of weight behind them. Hey, anyone who can do a perfect lap with the Piranha come and talk to me and tell me that XL is not the shizznit. *Ducks incomming barrage*
  2. 1/72 = 5 pcs. 1/60 = 7 pcs. (3 normal, 4 FP) 1/48 = 2 pcs. 2 sets of 1/48 Fast Packs and 1 VE-1 on the way.
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