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Everything posted by Darial

  1. Episode 5 - Kiss on cheek at the end. Episode 10 - Surprise mouth-to-mouth kiss. Episode 22 - Probably an off screen kiss at the very least. Episode 24 - Big mouth-to-mouth kiss.
  2. LOL if she still loses the guy after 4 kisses.... I really don't know what to say.
  3. Actually, the 64k early release full version was leaked today. And after listening to it on repeat for the last 2 hours, I still can't get tired of it.
  4. More data dump. Once again, I apologize for being a bit overworked to translate everything. If I have time I'll do some more as time permits. But feel free to take a stab at it in the meantime. More Kawamori interview stuff and female seiyuu (for both Ranka and Sheryl) interview summary thanks to the lads at 2ch. Highlight is the interviews of Megumi and Aya on Ranka and Sheryl. If you read about what they said about their character's desires at the end..... speculations, speculations, speculations.
  5. Yeah. That magazine article is definitely sowing the seeds of doubts. If you read all the articles and interviews, they did an excellent job of not spoiling the triangle ending and maintaining the image that anything is possible. It's gonna be 3 long weeks.
  6. Fun project for folks. A kind soul on 2ch posted a summary of the MacrossF articles and interviews from the various October anime magazines. I'm too busy to translate them today, so I figure I'd post them here and let someone else take a stab at it for fun. Enjoy! Have fun!
  7. Kresphy probably linked to the original magazine scans posted in 2ch, which are down now. So unless someone saved a copy like Mike did, we're SOL until then. The scan Mike reposted was the best one. The other 3 were more of a meh nature. 1. Brera and Ranka on one side, Alto and VF-171EX on the other. 2. Sheryl (in that trading card bikini outfit) in a singing pose on left, Alto in center, Ranka in that space suit fetal position on the lower right corner (ala episode 14). 3. Picture of Minmay and Ranka together. Ranka in this bikini-like outfit with garters that really isn't suitable for her. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  8. Nothing yet. And 2ch is up in arms about the spoilers Kresphy just posted because it didn't originate there and they have no clue where it came from. Quite a few Japanese posters there are calling it fake (a.k.a. foreign troll-fu), and there are no NT or Animedia scan yet. So I'd hold my horses and wait for a magazine scan or something definitive before getting too excited.
  9. This was MF vol. 1's rank when it came out: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...king-july-24-30 Nothing usually stays on more than a week anyway, since that's where the initial demand is (unless it's a Miyasaki film or some such). It will be interesting when volume 2 comes out later on 9/26/08 to see if MacrossF can sustain the momentum.
  10. Yeah, Ozma is super GAR as always. The man really is like Roy on stereoids. And I agree that the next two episodes are gonna be really hard to bear. At least it will end (hopefully gloriously) in three weeks.
  11. That's because all the romance shippers are shipping away on the AS forum.
  12. Episode 23 synopsis from the new TV Life programming guide that just came out today (Thanks to the guys at the Chinese Macross Eden forum for posting it). Thumbnailed screenshot attached. Looking forward to NT release next week for the remaining synopsis for September. Thanks!
  13. Seems to be so. Supposely the design of Macross Frontier City is based in large part on San Francisco and the Bay Area. In fact, if you look at the Triangular ED in episode 19, there was one picture where Sheryl and Ranka were holding hands with a gate behind them. That gate is actually based on the Sather Gate at U.C. Berkeley.
  14. They just had a Macross Frontier advertising campaign at the train station next to the International Exhibition Center in Tokyo. That's all.
  15. Lion definite suits the last part of the series better than Triangular. It's really good, but whether it is epic will have to be determined when the full version comes out. Looking forward to it soon.
  16. My new AMV for Sheryl & Alto based on Episode 18. Song is "Natsu no Hana" by JuJu. Extensive footage from Eps 18 was used, so it is a spoiler if you haven't seen it yet. Hope you guys enjoy the AMV! http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=29X4KGzntos&watch_response
  17. D) The episode listing on the official MacrossF site is done in rows of 7 episodes each. So if you have 28 episodes, you'll get 4 full rows (and 25 would leave you 3 empty spots on the 4th row).
  18. Err you sure it's not the other way around? Grace has tentacles, man, tentacles.
  19. Ruthless moderators who don't like spoilers.
  20. That's a very good point. I learned Japanese back in college so I'm not at native level by a long shot. I interpreted it as
  21. Nah, I doubt it. Alto has always been an emo guy, and ever since that fight with Temujin in Episode 12, he's been muttering that line about the universe is too small for two species to co-exist. He's been going down the line of becoming a ruthless xenophobe in the past few episodes. So I think more general pain and suffering alone will set him off. And don't forget anime companies need living, breathing anime idols to sell OSTs and Singles. Dead idols aren't good marketing tools.
  22. Many thanks to kresphy for the raw synopsis and paper2k1 for the September 2008 Newtype (NT) scans. Here's my quick and dirty translation of 19-22.
  23. Here's an AMV I made using the full version of NC. Enjoy! http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=pnZJtZBATCI
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