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Everything posted by JustinStrife

  1. Dont you mean 180? 360 is a full circle.
  2. I viewed the conversation more, as Alto saying Ranka was the reason he joined SMS, but he never said he 'loved' her. We're discussing it on macrossuki irc chat and not picking that he 'chose' Ranka at all.
  3. Have you had a chance to watch the Yak-Deculture episode 1 version yet? It's a combination of the deculture and broadcast versions, + a couple of added lines for certain scenes(also showed Sheryl resisting evacuating the concert and added a comment about Alto while she was in the limo evacuating). It definitely softened Sheryl's demeanor considerably.
  4. Why would Alto choose Ranka at this point? We're 22 episodes deep into the story already, and the only romantic/sexual tension Alto's hinted at with Ranka, was in episode 12/13. Alto has shown far more chemistry and connection with Sheryl, since episode 1(depending on which version or the Yak Deculture version), episode 3, episode 5, episode 6, episode 8, episode 10, episode 11, episode 19/20, 22, and if he's cooking for her, episode 23. There is no buildup for a Ranka x Alto ending. None, nada, zilch. Alto won't even see Ranka again until at least the 2nd half of episode 24.
  5. I'd say there was a greater chance he would have either been alone, or with someone else. There was no tension between them, and she was considerably younger than he was.
  6. Without a flashforward of 5-10 years, there's no way you're going to get an Alto x Ranka ending in 3 episodes. The stage has been built one way a little too long, and Ranka has not gotten enough connection with Alto to make this happen, this late in the game.
  7. I know Macross Zero was only 5 episodes, but that love triangle was over before it began. If you didn't know who Shin was going to get, you weren't looking at the character interactions. Even though the ending was kind of WTF, Shin certainly didn't go for Mao...
  8. Trust me. The F-14's movements aren't THAT fast as a dog-fighter in the air. It's a very heavy fighter, and doesn't turn as fast as F15's, F16's, F18's, etc. It's primary purpose was as a Fleet Defender based around the Phoenix missile. It does pretty well as a dog-fighter, but it gets completely beat out by the other Jets I mentioned in terms of maneuverability. I've flown with an ex F14 jock. He use to tell me stories about dog fighting with Air Force F15's and the F14 just can't handle with them. The movement when it changed left to right direction wasn't very smooth. It was more abrupt than realistic. I grew up at Pt. Mugu and my Father was a Navy pilot so my whole life I've been around this stuff. I've got time in civilian jets as well.
  9. :blink: you think Ranka will win because of the 'obvious' Sheryl choice? :blink:
  10. They did get the messages on their cellphones. Alto just turned his off when Sheryl woke up, then checked after their little scenes together. Klan also checked next to Michel's grave, and well I don't remember about Luca, but doubt he would care at this point. 70% of the SMS personal responded to the messages sent out, the other 30% stayed on frontier.
  11. I had some problems with the lack of smoothness in the F-14's maneuvers in the opening dogfight, but overall, the VF fights were very well done.
  12. He'll choose Sheryl, but there's a good chance she won't survive the end of the series.
  13. Who said Alto had that flashback? It could just be the animators giving the viewers that flashback for emotional drama.
  14. Not surprised to see Klan Klan outpacing Ranka.
  15. I think Ozma basically meant, he knew why Alto wasn't joining them, because he was a hot-head... And I agree with you on your assessment of Alto's frustration. Unlike everyone else, he feels there's nothing he can do for the person he loves.
  16. Don't worry Shaka. Episode 22 adds more fuel to the fire here.
  17. I've been told I'm extremely predictable. I prefer to be called consistent. Really, if you were trying to insult me with that statement, you failed miserably.
  18. Sheryl first, followed by Klan Klan, then Cathy, then Grace. Ranka is at the very bottom.
  19. We're having an argument right now on one of the IRC channels. So did
  20. Drugs are really bad for your brain friend... May I recommend you join a rehab group?
  21. Exactly how did she do the Fleet a big favor? Based on her POV, can you make an argument for that? We're all speculating she'll return with a horde of Vajra to save Frontier from Galaxy, but certainly she doesn't know any of this, and her leaving had nothing to do with Frontier, and everything to do with her and Ai-kun.
  22. That has more to do with strength and willpower, than piloting i'm sorry. The beginning of the Thread says you can compare them in whatever valkyrie you want, as long as they're the same, and how would they rank. So I did. In a NON-YF-21 fighter. We never see Guld in anything else but the YF-21, so we have no idea what he can do in a VF-1, a VF-11, VF-19, VF-4, etc etc.
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