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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    I'm so hoping for a later release of a Milia. Saying that cause by Kaiyodo tradition they tend to re-release exclusives on a more mass market. As per the Trigun lines, Bomes, and etc... Hoping for some Vf-0's and Qauds next.
  2. Omegablue

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    Well. I was gonna order the Shin with Ghost, but now I'm having second thoughts... Is there any word, or the slightiest of suggestion that maybe by 2078 Yamato will make a VF-0D? No but seriously, is there hope for 0D this year?
  3. Cool thanx... Yeah I understand... Damn a 1A... ??? Not that I dislike it or anything, but I'm too much of a 1J Fanboy...
  4. Spec Eva 01 at the hips... Too scared to buy anymore from there...
  5. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    I've been collecting Kaiyodo products for years, and the VF1's Revo qaulity finish is not to the standard of their other products! They are great toys, great sculpts, better looking than those Yamato's, but the paint finishing is sloppy. However with that said, the Regult's are impressive, but mine have loose joints on the hips. Anyone else with this prob? With that said, I still plan to buy more Revo's and strengthen my Regult army until the Qauds arrive.
  6. Can anyone slap a link to where I can download art, wallpaper, and official images of Frontier please? Thanx...
  7. Big concern here for me, is it's first release will always have faults of tiny plastic pins break. AKA the Evangelion SOC were famous for this...
  8. Graham, I have a couple of questions. Firstly can we expect 1A and 1J next and within this year? Secondly, will a future 1J be in a light grey plastic? I'm still rather upset my 1/48 1J yellowed... and is never in contact with any form of sun light... Thanks and latero...
  9. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    Well it's taken these Revoltechs and news of the new 1/60 to bring me back this part of the world. Anyway, I can agree that the qaulity of the VF1 Revo's is not great, but the Regult are top notch. However anyone else having issues with slightly too loose hip joints on the Regults? Also while browsing other forums, the Miriya VF1J might be offered later on through retail? Any confirmation on this? Thanks.
  10. I remember about over a year ago Graham said there could have been the possibility of the VF-2S from Macross II by Yamato... Any one knowing if this will be... ??? Been ages since I've seen that Valk mentioned here...
  11. Hey Graham, how about your grand wise imput over here... PS- Kaos, cheers no problemo... And enjoy those 1/48...
  12. I missed out on the first one, but personally I wouldn't think twice about a 1J version... But I'm also curious to see if other fans also feel the same...
  13. Usually HLJ is the first place where I see items up for preorder, and then after a month or two it's on sale... If it is May, then how come haven't HLJ listed it yet... ???
  14. Hello, basically today I've gotten my KM figures Series 002, although 3 were already broken inside the plastic blister pocket... The Millia at the wedge hip joint... The Destroid at the right elbow... And the Super poseble 1S at the left hip... Ended up building new joints with steel rods, and now work perfectly... Although my other two mates whom also got the same set, did'nt have any problems... Am I just the one... Oh, and doe's anyone know the line up for the Series 003 and it's release date... ???
  15. 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J 1/60 Roy VF-1S I did initially have doubles of each 1/60, but became presents...
  16. Post here, post there... geez people can be difficult...
  17. Dude, I'm not a newbie, just haven't been around of late... Just asked 4 some sites for pictures...
  18. No prop, haven't had the net in a while so I don't know much of it, and got exited seeing the pictures of it on the magazine update section. So I was hoping if at least someone might of had a period of which we can expect it on the on-line stores...
  19. Basically searching for pictures of all the valk's and characters of M0... and wallpaper of cause... Can anyone help please...
  20. I'm asking this, because noticing the planes in Mcross 0, they look more advance than the VF-01 series... So do you think that maybe in the future, after Macross 0, there might be plans to redo the orginal series, and even update the Valk's... or just remake the original saga with the current technology of animation... ???
  21. Ditto as the topic title...
  22. Very nice... And where's her friend the VF-01S... :D:D
  23. I probably have and know everything about my favorite Eva -02... I'm shocked!!! Dammit, can just the toy hitting shelves soon!!! Marvel actually pulled this off... ??? WTF...
  24. Firefox, thanx for the Wallpaper... Cheng, thanx for the link... as always your work is a pleasure to download... :D:D
  25. Thank you very much on the tip...
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