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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Although bringing back Vader is pure marketing gold for a franchise built on that character. And as long as the movie has endless stupid explosions and ships landing, it will beat Avatar in money, even with a lame story. Transformers is evidence of that.
  2. Agree. Sounds like the obvious formula to the sequel in a ever small universe. You know, 200 million star systems in the Galaxy, but it's the same four planets and the cast of 10... erh, and their clones.
  3. I don't. LOL Guy has serious emotional issues.
  4. This pink Eva has that whole alien theme to it, just love it!!!
  5. It also comes down to how the director translates it along with the editing team and the music. Remember the documentary about the original cut of SW, and was saved by the editing and score.
  6. When the Eva-2 goes beserk and loses half it's face...
  7. Appleseed HT start at $400! I agree there with the scalping business. It's denying someone else for a cheap buck.
  8. Is like the Saber of the Matrix in that suit. And awesome mechaninac found you one at very low price! It's really a pity about Saber's orb armour dress, as Fate Zero is one of those spectacular Animes.
  9. Yeah I know, look at the bright side, a year down the line you'll be able to sell it for double the price. The true benefit of hot licensed HT figures, is that they're more valuble than gold. No jokes. Better investment. I think they're on par with Valks.
  10. Yup
  11. Guess that Shark in Deep Blue Sea must be your favorite actor ever.
  12. Saber in suit is probably one of Figma's best. And I prefer it more than her wierd long dress armour outfit.
  13. Apparently, like multiple layers? Haven't come across anyone tempting to take it apart that far, though some are moding the neck shorter to compliment the small cowelled head, but worsening the profile where the neck is too thick. That said, I so expect HT bringing out a Trilogy Edition. Will include Begins and the TDK version, and all the extras from the three films. It will also be their excuse for redemption by fixing all the issues with this release.
  14. So the fact that Vader was built up as this ultimate Jedi killer prior to the prequels, but in Episode III he just kills kids while the almighty Jedi clan falls to a bunch of clones that can't aim, doesn't bother you guys?
  15. Please, Stealth and camo Vf-1J!!!
  16. I kept on telling myself Episode I was fantastic, loved it... but I was only lying to myself like the true fanboy I was at the time. Then by Episode II with the whole boring city chase, the rolling on a green hill, awakened a hatred for the Prequels, one I had not felt since ROTJ.
  17. Lol, I'm actually selling one of those Yoko's tomorrow. I like her, but would have prefered her in a smaller scale. The best Yoko remains the Bounty Hunter Version by Alter IMO.
  18. Yip, it's sad. Apparently the padding within the suit locks the hip area. It's like people paid $280 for an articulated doll, that isn't very articulated. Might as well buy Kotobukiya's 1/6 PVC statue of TDK.
  19. I've never seen any SH Figuarts monsters in person, nor much interest till this and the Eva Angels to follow them on the net. It's just silly to make it that small if there aren't any plans for Valks in it's scale and quality.
  20. New Picture. Looks horribly small.
  21. How much did that Medix set you back?
  22. Either people cancelling their orders, or HLJ getting a daily bump from Yamato? Well, here's hoping it succeeds in sales, if it hasn't already, so future reissues will be more affordable...
  23. But by the internet vibe it feels very popular and in demand? Makes me wonder of it's production numbers compared to a standard VF-1 v2?
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