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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. I'm so miff they don't come FPs... Which means then the FB set will become individual sets cause of the extra bits and colour coding, meaning I'll be paying more for the shipping at the end of the day for ordering the FB seperately for each valk... F***-U corporate world!!! Anyway, which is better BBTS or HLJ? For me at the end doesn't make much difference in shipping as living in South Africa means shipping will be the same. However with HLJ I get my stuff in 3 to 4 days, and the insurance is tops... Whats your guys view on this?
  2. With it, I really would like some sort of a basic/simple stand for flight mode... well for that price anyway...
  3. I feel the same. And now I'm even down to the idea of getting these two, and not the new 1/60 until the 1J is out... I'm falling more in love with this VF-25... PS, Hot avatar... Who is she?
  4. Then again, Bandai does tend to release it's products at a faster pace... though I don't care. Michel next, then I pretty much don't care what follows... Alright, Qaud with Klan would be perfect afterwards.
  5. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    Good point about the Armoured 1J. In my view, I think they'll for a new sculpt, where unfortunately the parts won't be removable. As for a Vf-1 Cannon Fodder, I expect it to be a limited edition, just as were the Max and Miriya! I'm still soar about not being able to get a Miriya...
  6. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    Possible future Revo Macross Well considering how the VF-1 & Regult bare a striking resemblence in style to the Kaiyodo/CM Gashpons of a few years back, and seeing that they've made the VF and Regult, I can guess we can expect the Destroid and 1J with Armour as they also appeared in that line. Then again, just about everything of Patlabor, and all the Eva's have been fullfilled in the Revo line-up, so I guess we should see plenty more Macross Revos. I know that the next Revo is the new Mech from Full Metal Panic 3... Which is ok, lots of extra pieces, but the new design doesn't do it for me. I came across a rumour on another forum, that Macross Zero might also be slated soon for Revo tech...
  7. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    If you're planning to use oil based paints like Enamel, remember to apply two gently coats of Matt white, which will allow the grey paint to be absorb. PVC is rubber, which is oil based, so the paint won't be absorbed and won't dry properly without a premier coat. Though I would suggest acrylic paint instead of Enamel, but still apply a base Matt coat first. I also suggest to first test on a small area, like on the inside of the legs fast packs, and see how the PVC reacts to the paint after a good 24 hour drying period. Now there are some other cons. Like Emamel does have a minimal stretch resitence if the piece is bent. Whilst in certain cases arcylic might form cracks, and might chip. Best thing, go to a hobby shop and ask for the best quality acylic that is chip and crack resistence. Later
  8. Anyone know how much those legs can bend forward in batroid? Those short thighs have always been suspect to the Valk's walking capabilities...
  9. Please lets not give any ideas like these, some of us would like Michel's after Alto's and Lee's.
  10. Looking at these, looking at the new 1/60... Damn, it's tough being a Macross fan these days...
  11. This looks just too mouth dropping... Excellent, now bring on the 1J!
  12. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    I did something truely awesome with my Revos yesterday. I swaped the heads of the 1J with the 1A! And they both look much better! Gotto Lova those Revoltechs.
  13. K, now I'm confused... There are the kits which are 1/72? (Do they transform?) Then there are the DX in 1/60? Which have die-cast. Now is there another lot of toys in 1/72?
  14. That 1A is too sweet! But I'm still too scared of that white plastic turning yellow... I keep my hopes in a grey, blue or red 1J...
  15. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

  16. The new 1/60 doe's it for me. More crisp and sharper in detail, and better proportions. Though anyone else find the chest slightly too wide.
  17. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    Mr March, ditto on your last three replies. I will also add that if the Gn-U only need a base to have great poses, then why even without a base they still feel short against the Revo's without a base? LOL Anyway, as I said I have nothing against the GN-U. Though I wish people's opinions towards the Revoltechs would not be so Anti without any visible constructive reasoning, because of their close affiliation or biased view with the Yamato company... For me articulation in a toy and mulitple dynamic poses are of the outmost importance, hence my preference for the Revoltechs. Cause if I just wanted a stiff pose, and a pretty finish at a higher price, then I would be buying and building kits... Revoltechs are toys, are they achieve that better than anyone else at this scale and price range. Would I buy a GN-U? If they were cheaper and included a base, I probably would. But then again it's Yamato, who did a great job in making me buy expensive 1/48 that turn yellow, and have a fragility of a crystal egg. LOL ... But I will still buy their new 1/60 as they're the best in that scale, and as above my passion in toys, I love Macross.
  18. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    LOL... I totally disagree. While I feel both makes have their pros and cons, I feel the revoltech version has much more of a stronger pose, regardless standing or fligging it's gunpod in the air. The GN-U feel too stiff in any pose, like a late 90's figure, or a 80's Gundam kit. IMO I like the technology in the GN-U, but the sculpt's capabilities are weak and rigid compared to the Revoltech.
  19. Sheryl everyday. A woman that's beautiful, clever, doesn't whine like a child, doesn't measure her man's wallet, and knows what she wants is rare!
  20. I really want to like them. I'm pleased with the non usage of PVC. But... Something about them that makes them appear a bit too static and stiff in poses. Yeah, they appear to be better in the paint jobs compared to the Vf-1 Revos, but the Regult Revo is better over both in the paint IMO. I'll probably go for one of this 'mini Yamys' if the Zero and Frontier lines are made? And yes, I concur, no more VF-1's. So this is wave 1? Any word on whats wave 2? I really wish japanese Toy Companies would annouce the whole year's release line-up like the Western companies.
  21. Is Bandai thus far the only one with the rights in making the Frontier Valks?
  22. Only the 1J Valks me. With the GRAN hope that the VF-1j Hikaru will be in grey plastic! Not white. Grey! Please Yamato, my 1/48 1J looks pathetic is it's evolving yellowing of cheat white plastic!
  23. Omegablue

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    I've decided. I'll hold out longer for the 0D.
  24. Question... What is the reasoning in dropping the 1J as Hikaru's Valk in DYRL? I mean it is pretty iconic for the whole Macross saga?
  25. Hmmm, if Bandai is making 1/100, then there's hope we're getting Fix-Figuration type of figures. K, but now I'm a bit confused with those images. The grey prototype transforming is the DX? And then I've seen some coloured ones of Alto, is that the kit or the 1/100?
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