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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Hey guys, I'm not going to do the full proper paint application, as I plan to probably transform the thing more than usual. So I will be leaving it in it's original plastic colour. However also with the decals. Do any of you know of what type of ideal varnish to apply so the decals would be chip resistent, and the white plastic won't go yellow over time? Please and thanx
  2. This new line is fantastic!!! I'm more excited about this than the 1/60! And yip, it looks so much more accurate in this smaller scale...
  3. Well, I've seen Gundam kits in these types of pictures in complete black plastic, or a variation of greys. And then end being produced in their original colours... Maybe the prototype molder thought it was another gundam, and gave it red feet. LOL
  4. Polycap-less? Meaning as in no polycaps? Won't that be a step back in technology? Then what would be used for the joints and etc?
  5. Thanx for the info... Though I wish it was also when the 1/100 VF-0 appeared in the magazines years ago...
  6. Damn, I hope they didn't hike the price like that just for those side covers? Damn again, October release...
  7. This is great news. Been waiting for this post for a while... My only concern is the white plastic, and my fear that it will yellow like my 1/48 1J... Other than that, this will be my first 1/60... Now bring on the 1J Stealth and Low vis.
  8. And you're also forgiven...
  9. On the same wave length bud. And why not, a Ranka Varja Monster girl? LOL
  10. Strike Witches (Mecha Musume) by Humikane... Older design by Humikane, and what I'm hoping to see in Frontier style.
  11. I would love to see some Macross gals Musume style... Though from what I've gathered, is that the original Musume designs had robotic legs, but have evolved into semi power suits, or high boots like in Strike Witches by Gonzo. Like that show, but also a perv feast for all the panty shots every 12 seconds...
  12. Lately I've gotten into the whole Strike Witches AKA original concept by Humikane, AKA Mecha Musume design. Basically pretty young girls wearing suits made up of famous WW2 planes and tanks... I wonder if this is what is implied by 'Macross F. Musume Collection' ?
  13. Oi, this is now getting monotonous… My apologies dear "moderator" sir… and if you look over there, there’s a huge ‘Whatever’ sign lifting towards your direction.
  14. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    The Milia's one was a magazine exclusive for only Japan. Go over this thread and you'll find more exact info.
  15. True. Yamato aims at the older collector that searches for accuracy in any mode. Whilst Bandai's history is about aming for a wider market that wants long term playability, which includes the toy factor for young kids.
  16. Looking at you how you've been the one (and only one) picking on about my profession, it comes across that you’re the one being bugged about it. I just shared my views on a matter that I too also use to think like some fans, until I experienced a piece of the industry, which gave me a better understanding of the ones (Yamato, Bandai & etc) continuously trying to satisfy us fans. Sure their final product is never perfect, and sure it's great to give constructive feedback (And they want it) so they won't mess the next one up... but don't be a dick about it and believe they only exist to serve your universe.
  17. Hence why I stated "It's taken one company to release a almost perfect VF-1 (The new yammy 1/60) since 1982... And now we expect a almost perfect VF-25 in 4 months?" Also, maybe you should go to engineering school, and then make your own toys to your own expected standards in what most of us call reality. Or how about you apply for a job at Bandai and show them how to do it? Maybe you're the missing link in between a good toy and great toy?
  18. Hmmm, this whole side covers thing was brought up about 2 to 3 months ago. Of which at that time the steel molds were already cut, the packaging already printed, the instructions printed, and the prototype already way approved. If Yamato had a stoopid general director, he would think of the following to make us happy. "No wait, lets toss the steel molds and spend another 100K (Molds and fittings are damn expensive), lets create additional molds for the side covers, lets reprint everything in record time to meet street date, and make a sweet loss and not make anymore Valks until we recover the money. Brilliant! I love it. I don't want to step onto any of my fans, and I'm sure while they'll wait years for another valk, they'll be happy with their side covers." Unfortunately as much I would love toy companies to meet my every demand, money and time won't let it. The real world. It's taken one company to release a almost perfect VF-1 (The new yammy 1/60) since 1982... And now we expect a almost perfect VF-25 in 4 months? LOL
  19. There’s complaining, then there’s constructive criticism. Then there’s possible in a toy, and not possible for the above reasons I previously mentioned. And what has been fixed on Yamato during first production? Usually and most of the time has been done after the first retail issue and reviews by people who actually hold the finished product. So let’s be fair to Bandai and vouch on this figure once we’re holding it, or someone like Graham has it…
  20. WOW, I think we should ALL get together and form our own toy company, cause no matter what, we just ain't happy with what others do. Anyway, being a lecturer in concept design and 3D, I have to come to Bandai's defence. People it ain't easy taking something that functions in a virtual world of 3D, and converting it into it's full functionality at 1/60th of it's scale and in plastic! We've had plenty of disasters from sculpts into 3D scans and the other way round. The scale factor comes into play, and then secondly the cost issues for public affordability, example - using plastic and not crafted titanium for hinges and flaps. And what’s up with all this comparison between companies like Yamato here, and Yamato there, when 99% of you still find faults with Yamato products? Yes, we are at a damn age where figures in general are so sweet these days, but for fart sakes, these are not pretty Anime Statues, these are transformable toys that require engineering skills to design, and designed with the deadlines of product to public demand, and cost to the public’s necessity to reliability. Lets all be happy it’s not a Macross world of friggin 1999… And if you don't like it... Then don't buy it... Best message to any manufacturer...
  21. Hmmm... Looking at how they improved the shoulder joints, I'm now leaning more towards this than a 1/60... I can't both, or I would...
  22. I agree... As I much I have my differences when it comes down to the Revoltechs with Graham... He is the only one when it comes down to the rest!
  23. Omegablue

    Macross Revoltech

    Thanks, that's exactly what I thought before the swap. Those Max's are now almost hiking double the price down here... Glad I have mine. I would love if they made Low-Vis or Stealth Vf's. More swaping pieces.
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