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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. I posted a similar thread a while back, it might help with the input I received then. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29616
  2. I don't have the 1S, but is the white the same as the 1J?
  3. This is very helpful, as I'm too scared to even touch the 1J on the shelf now. Just a quick question, the superglue used, is it the gel or the putty version?
  4. The 1D is actually pretty ugly in colour... I'll say go for one of the other CF.
  5. This scares me when I'm considering another White Valk... Really wished the 1S and 1J were gray...
  6. To me it's still white... potential dangerous yellowing white...
  7. Good Point... It would be a dream to have it in gray! (I hope Graham has taken note of this?)
  8. I thought the Hikki 1J was also problem free?
  9. I really don't get it... A virgin road might be before the Max & Miriya's 1Js... ??? I'll rather have a Low Visibility gray 1A or 1J before a Virgin road...
  10. Awesome to read that. I was just worried about the arm issues the VF-1S had.
  11. Dunno if anyone else has noticed, but the images of the first YF-19 (Bird Prey) are actually photoshops of the second repaint. The backgrounds in fighter mode are clearly the same. So we can suspect that these are officially the non-official schemes... ???
  12. Does the Vf-1A of Hikaru have any issues? HLJ has it on special and I'm tempted...
  13. Everytime I look at that Bird Prey YF-19, all that comes to mind is the X-wing from Starwars...
  14. I'm really surprised in seeing all these CF coming out before the Miriya and Max 1J... I really want to purchase a 1J CF, but I know when I'll click submit order, on the following day Miriya and Max will be listed for orders...
  15. Really liking the Ozma, but holding out for some reviews to see if they've fix the flaws on the 25F.
  16. My views as to why the armour parts are non-removable could well be that they want to sell the original, and it's cost effective in production as they have single pieces instead of more.
  17. Figures are getting smaller and more expensive... If you think these are over priced, go and check out Alter's FMP Mech, 120 to 140 Dollars, no diecast, ABS, a collection of interchangeable hands and swords, and just 14cm tall!!!
  18. Thanx for the info onderon and honkhet. Never nothing wrong with more pictures.
  19. Dunno if this has been posted already. If it has, sorry, guess it's one of the images my slow net connection won't load up. Anyway www.amiami.com has a pic of the armoured 25S in prototype stage. http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/120990
  20. Well after researching through the info, links provided (Thanx honkhet) and other related threads, I think I will pulling back from both of them. Decided to invest in a VF-25S 1/72 and hold out for a 1/60v2 Millia VF-1J to when it comes out. Thanx for the input guys, saved me money and headaches. Nearly fell into impulsive buying, but thankfully decided to check here first.
  21. Hi guys, Got 2 questions regarding these 1/72, as I don't have one... yet. 1. How are the joints holding up and the durability during transformation? 2. What is the name of the coating spray that prevents the decals and paint from chipping? Thanx
  22. You had to mention the Vf-0D... The coolest one never made... yet...
  23. Cool thanx for the input guys. I'm leaning more for the black yf-19, as I'm not a fan of VF-0s cause of it's white plastic. I live in fear from the yellowing curse upon my 1/48 1J.
  24. Update: Sorry for the error, but somehow the subject line cut short my question. Anyway, which one has less or no production issues, the Yamato VF-0A Shin Kudo w/QF-2200D or the Yamato VF-19 25th Anniversary black edition. Planning to purchase one of them, can't decide so I'm flipping it to which one will give me less headaches. If a mod can update the subject line, please. Thanx
  25. Sorry if I've missed it... But when about is the release date for the first lot?
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